Self-Interested Preface: This was an attempt to make a better version of my Antipaladin build, which looks like a success. The main weakness of the above-linked antipaladin build is a lack of mobility, which is rectified by a combination of the Liberation domain power and blessing granted by the Temple Champion archetype, the Hell Knight second level (level 7) Hell Knight Armor ability and the Hell Knight third level (level 8) Travel domain abilities, which improve to move-action teleportation at level 13. The other weakness is a lack of skills, which hasn't been fixed, but Intimidate is stronger on this character and Lay On Hands/Mercies are back to improve versatility. I also gave it the Undead Scourge archetype to replace its Smite Evil with a variant that hurts undead more than evil dragons and outsiders, since Hell Knight grants Smite Chaos after level 6 and, in my limited experience, undead are more prominent in the early game than demons and dragons. Also, the Undead Scourge Smite Evil does bonus damage on EVERY attack, rather than just the first successful one, which feels a lot more useful.
The Liberation domain power gained at level 4 is:
The Liberation domain power gained at level 4 is:
Liberation (Su): You have the ability to ignore impediments to your mobility. For a number of rounds per day equal to your [paladin] level, you can move normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement, as if you were affected by freedom of movement. This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.
Liberation (Su): At 1st level, for 1 round as a swift action, you can ignore impediments to your mobility and effects that cause paralysis (as freedom of movement). You can activate this blessing even if you're otherwise unable to take actions, but not if you're unconscious.
(It can be used 3+1/2 paladin level times per day.)
(It can be used 3+1/2 paladin level times per day.)
The Travel Domain Agile Feet ability gained at level 8 is:
Agile Feet (Su): As a free action, you can gain increased mobility for 1 round. For the next round, you ignore all difficult terrain and do not take any penalties for moving through it. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
(Unfortunately this character's base WIS modifier is -2, so without WIS-boosting items this ability can only be used once per day. Fortunately, that could be all you need.)
The Travel Domain Dimensional Hop ability gained at level 13 is:
Dimensional Hop (Sp): At 8th level, you can teleport up to 10 feet per [hell knight] level per day as a move action. This teleportation must be used in 5-foot increments and such movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You must have line of sight to your destination to use this ability. You can bring other willing creatures with you, but you must expend an equal amount of distance for each creature brought.
Between the two blessings, this character essentially has Freedom Of Movement on at all times, making it immune to a huge amount of impeding effects. Hell Knight Armor allows this character to ignore the movement speed penalty from its Hell Knight Full Plate (see below) from level 7 forward. The Travel domain granted power allows this character to move at an additional 10' per round, making its speed 40'. It'll be neat for the gruff, intimidating tank to be naturally moving faster than the party rogue.

Agile Feet (Su): As a free action, you can gain increased mobility for 1 round. For the next round, you ignore all difficult terrain and do not take any penalties for moving through it. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
(Unfortunately this character's base WIS modifier is -2, so without WIS-boosting items this ability can only be used once per day. Fortunately, that could be all you need.)
The Travel Domain Dimensional Hop ability gained at level 13 is:
Dimensional Hop (Sp): At 8th level, you can teleport up to 10 feet per [hell knight] level per day as a move action. This teleportation must be used in 5-foot increments and such movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You must have line of sight to your destination to use this ability. You can bring other willing creatures with you, but you must expend an equal amount of distance for each creature brought.
Between the two blessings, this character essentially has Freedom Of Movement on at all times, making it immune to a huge amount of impeding effects. Hell Knight Armor allows this character to ignore the movement speed penalty from its Hell Knight Full Plate (see below) from level 7 forward. The Travel domain granted power allows this character to move at an additional 10' per round, making its speed 40'. It'll be neat for the gruff, intimidating tank to be naturally moving faster than the party rogue.

This character NEEDS to get a Headband of Vast Intelligence with Use
Magic Device as the embedded skill, then get a wand of Blistering Invective to have a
standard-action Dazzling Display + fire damage without spending two feats until level 11, at which point it has Dreadful Carnage and can Dazzling Display as a free action with a kill or a knockout. I mentioned how great Hurtful is in combination with Cornugon Smash in my other build, but a detailed list of this character's Intimidate capabilities by level is below the build.
This character'd be pretty fun to play. You'd be this angry dick snakeman all the time who is a paladin but very militant about it, doing reasonable damage and terrifying EVERYONE. Its Intimidate is not as high as an inquisitor's could get, but it's good enough for some serious crowd control combined with a Blistering Invective wand, if not good enough to frighten a boss. With a d10 Hit Die +3 per level and full plate, this character should be a reasonable tank. Combined with amazing mobility and a reasonable STR score with a falchion, this character does reasonable damage, too. Add in a paladin's amazing saving throws and it more than makes up for its lack of skills.
I also recommend you look over the Hell Knight Commander prestige class to see some of the capabilities I did not notate, like energy resistances, extra saving throws, a shitty summoning ability and Smite Chaos- this is another character with a long list of capabilities it might be easy to forget.
Build created in April of 2016.
Paladin (Temple Champion,
Undead Scourge) 10, Hell Knight (Commander) 10
Race: Nagaji, +2
STR, +2 CHA, -2 INT (+1 Hit Point/+1 Skill Point)
Racial Traits
Armored Scales (+1 natural armor AC bonus)
Resistant (+2 against mind-affecting effects and poison)
Hypnotic Gaze (DC 11+CHA Hypnotism SLA, duration 1 round,
once per day)
Low-Light Vision
Character Traits/Drawbacks
Drawback: Power-Hungry (-2 to Will against charm and
compulsion effects when affecter promises power)
Regional: Dominator (+2 to Intimidate when demoralizing an
opponent in combat)
Religion: Defensive Strategist (do not count as flat-footed
in surprise round or before acting in combat)
Social: Memorable (social Intimidate effects last 50% longer
than normal, and mind-affecting effects which last longer than two rounds last
an extra round)

Known Languages:
Common, Draconic
1: Paladin (Temple
Champion, Undead Scourge)
1 (d10 HD), +1 Skill Point
BAB: +1
Base Saves: +4/+1/+0 (+2 against
mind-affecting effects and poison)
New Feats: Simple and Martial Weapon Proficiencies, Light, Medium
and Heavy Armor Proficiencies, Shield Proficiency, Aura Of Good, Detect Evil, Undead
Scourge Smite Evil 1/day, [1st Level Feat] Power Attack, [Anti-Hero]
Furious Focus
Skills(2): Intimidate,
Knowledge (Planes)
2: Paladin (Temple
Champion, Undead Scourge)
2, +1 Skill Point
BAB: +2
Base Saves: +8/+4/+4 (+2 against
mind-affecting effects and poison)
New Feats: Divine Grace, Lay On Hands
Skills(2): Intimidate,
Knowledge (Planes)
3: Paladin (Temple
Champion, Undead Scourge)
3, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +3
Base Saves: +8/+5/+4 (+2 against
mind-affecting effects and poison)
New Feats: Aura Of Courage, Divine Health, Mercy (3rd): (as
desired), [3rd Level Feat] Hurtful
Skills(1): Intimidate
4: Paladin (Temple
Champion, Undead Scourge)
4, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +4
Increased Ability Score: CHA +1
Base Saves: +10/+6/+6 (+2
against mind-affecting effects and poison)
New Feats: Channel Positive Energy, Smite Evil 2/day, Temple
Champion Domain: Liberation, [Domain Power] Liberation
Skills(1): Intimidate
5: Paladin (Temple
Champion, Undead Scourge)
5, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +5
Base Saves: +10/+6/+6 (+2
against mind-affecting effects and poison)
New Feats: Liberation Blessing, [5th Level Feat]
Signature Skill (Intimidate)
Skills(1): Intimidate
Additional Class
Skills At Level 6: Intimidate, Knowledge (Local), Perception
6: Hellknight 1 (d10 HD)
BAB: +6/+1
Base Saves: +11/+7/+6 (+2
against mind-affecting effects and poison)
New Feats: Aura Of Law, Detect Chaos, Smite Chaos 1/day, Hellknight
Order: Order Of The God Claw
Skills(1): Intimidate
7: Hellknight 2
BAB: +7/+2
Base Saves: +11/+7/+7 (+2
against mind-affecting effects and poison)
New Feats: Discern Lies, Hell Knight Armor (2nd), [7th Level Feat] Cornugon Smash
Skills(1): Intimidate
8: Hellknight 3
BAB: +8/+3
Increased Ability Score: CHA +1 (19)
Base Saves: +12/+7/+7 (+2
against mind-affecting effects, charm effects, and poison)
New Feats: Force Of Will (+2), [Discipline] Pentamic Faith (Travel
Domain), (Travel Domain) Base Speed Increase, (Travel Domain) Agile Feet
Skills(1): Intimidate
9: Hellknight 4
BAB: +9/+4
Base Saves: +12/+8/+7 (+2
against mind-affecting effects, charm effects, and poison)
New Feats: Smite Chaos 2/day, [9th Level Feat] Improved
Critical or Skill Focus (Intimidate)
Skills(1): Intimidate
Base Spells Per Day: 3 Lvl. 1, 2 Lvl. 2
10: Hellknight 5
BAB: +10/+5
Base Saves: +13/+8/+8 (+2
against mind-affecting effects, charm effects, and poison)
New Feats: (if obtained, Skill Focus: Intimidate bonus increases to
+6), Signature Skill Unlock (10th), Hell Knight Armor (5th)
Skills(1): Intimidate
11: Hellknight 6
BAB: +11+6/+1
Base Saves: +13/+8/+8 (+4 against charm effects; +2 against
mind-affecting effects, compulsion effects, and poison)
New Feats: Force Of Will (+2/+4), [Discipline] Tracker, [11th
Level Feat] Dreadful Carnage
Skills(1): Intimidate
12: Hellknight 7
BAB: +12+7/+2
Increased Ability Score: CHA +1 (20)
Base Saves: +15/+10/+9 (+4 against charm effects; +2 against
mind-affecting effects, compulsion effects, and poison)
New Feats: Lawbringer, Smite Chaos 3/day
Skills(1): Intimidate
13: Hellknight 8
BAB: +13+8/+3
Base Saves: +15/+10/+10 (+4 against charm effects; +2 against
mind-affecting effects, compulsion effects, and poison)
New Feats: Hell Knight Armor (8th), Smite Evil 5/day, (Travel
Domain) Dimensional Hop, [13th Level Feat] Skill Focus (Intimidate)
or Improved Critical
Skills(1): Intimidate
14: Hellknight 9
BAB: +14+9/+4
Base Saves: +16/+10/+10 (+6 against charm effects; +4 against
compulsion effects; +2 against mind-affecting effects, phantasm effects, and
New Feats: Force Of Will (+2/+4/+6), Infernal Armor, [Discipline]
Skills(1): Intimidate
15: Hellknight 10
BAB: +15+10/+5
Base Saves: +16/+11/+10 (+6 against charm effects; +4 against
compulsion effects; +2 against mind-affecting effects, phantasm effects, and
New Feats: Hell's Knight, Signature Skill Unlock (15th), Smite Chaos
4/day, [15th Level
Feat] Antagonize
Skills(1): Intimidate
16: Paladin (Temple
Champion, Undead Scourge)
6, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +16+11/+6/+1
Increased Ability Score: CHA +1 (21)
Base Saves: +17/+11/+11 (+6 against charm effects; +4 against
compulsion effects; +2 against mind-affecting effects, phantasm effects, and
New Feats: Mercy (6th): (as desired)
Skills(1): Intimidate
17: Paladin (Temple
Champion, Undead Scourge)
7, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +17+12/+7/+2
Base Saves: +17/+11/+11 (+6 against charm effects; +4 against
compulsion effects; +2 against mind-affecting effects, phantasm effects, and
New Feats: Smite Evil (3/day), [17th Level Feat] Stunning
Skills(1): Intimidate
18: Paladin (Temple
Champion, Undead Scourge)
8, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +18+13/+8/+3
Base Saves: +18/+12/+12 (+6 against charm effects; +4 against
compulsion effects; +2 against mind-affecting effects, phantasm effects, and
New Feats: Aura Of Life
Skills(1): Intimidate
19: Paladin (Temple
Champion, Undead Scourge)
9, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +19+14/+9/+4
Base Saves: +18/+12/+12 (+6 against charm effects; +4 against
compulsion effects; +2 against mind-affecting effects, phantasm effects, and
New Feats: Smite Evil 6/day, [19th Level Feat] Toughness
Skills(1): Intimidate
20: Paladin (Temple
Champion, Undead Scourge)
10, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +20+15/+10/+5
Increased Ability Score: CHA +1 (22)
Base Saves: +20/+13/+14 (+6 against charm effects; +4 against
compulsion effects; +2 against mind-affecting effects, phantasm effects, and
New Feats: Signature Skill Unlock (20th), Smite Evil
Skills(1): Intimidate
I am surprised no one has mentioned this, but both Undead Scourge and Temple Champion replace the level 11 ability Aura of Justice. Yes, you never reach level 11 in Paladin, but you can't take them both at the same time. The build still works about the same, but you have a spell list and a mount. You can choose to take the Warrior of the Holy Light archetype if you want to forgo spells and retain your mount.