Incredible scaling panacea class feature aside, this character's built to be very good at the Slumber hex, even though it doesn't receive it until 3rd level, ending up with a base DC 18 effect when it does get it from a racial trait, religion trait, and maxed INT. This should be used constantly whenever possible, ideally taking out the strongest creatures before the fight even begins due to this character's high Initiative(+11 at level 1) and Stealth. Initiative could be boosted even higher by switching out one of the social traits with an Initiative-boosting trait, but I wanted this character to be really good at most everything it tries to do, including Diplomacy. Spirit Talker gained at level 7 and Ritual Hex gained at level 13 trade time for modular versatility to the hexes this character is capable of. Aside from those, its maxed INT and Time domain should keep its spellcasting consistently relevant. This character is a debilitator.
This character'd be fun to play. Everything it does is extremely effective and of use to its party: its high Knowledge rolls, fantastic panacea, reasonable-DC debuffs, competitive class skills (including Diplomacy, Perception and Stealth), and its eventual buff and aid spells (including Haste, Overland Flight and Heal). Unfortunately, it's pretty squishy and there's not a ton it can do if it's made a target by a powerful magekiller. Try to keep that from happening with stealth, area spells, and tactical movement.
This build created in December of 2015.
Witch (Herb Witch),
Level 20
Race: +2 DEX, +2 INT,
-2 CON [+1 Hit Point/+1 Skill Point/+additional
spell of (highest level known-1) or lower]
Racial Traits
Keen Senses (+2 to Perception)
Elven Magic (+2 to caster level checks to overcome spell
resistance and Spellcraft to identify magic items)
Fey Thoughts (Perception and Stealth become class skills)
Dreamspeaker (+1 DC to cast divination spells and sleep
Darkvision 60’
Light Sensitivity
Character Traits/Drawbacks
Drawback: Warded Against Nature (DC 20 Handle Animal to get
animals to approach within 30’)
Race: Dilettante Artist [+1 Diplomacy and Perform (Oratory),
Diplomacy becomes class skill]
Religion: Honeyed Words (+1
Diplomacy, +1 DC to non-controlling, one-shot, peaceful charm and compulsion
Social: Student Of Philosophy [+INT instead of +CHA to Diplomacy
for persuasion) and Bluff for lying]

Class Skills: Craft
(Any), Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History),
Knowledge (Nature), Knowledge (Planes), Perception, Profession (Any), Spellcraft,
Stealth, and Use Magic Device.
Common, Elven, Abyssal, Aklo, Draconic, Infernal, Orc
1: Witch (Herb Witch) 1, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +0
Saves: +1/+3/+2
Feats: Simple Weapon Proficiency, Herb Lore, Witch Spells, Witch Patron:
Time, Witch’s Familiar, [1st Level Feat] Breadth Of Experience,
[Anti-Hero] Improved Initiative
Skills(7): Diplomacy, Knowledge
(Arcana), Knowledge (Planes), Perception, Profession (Herbalist), Spellcraft, Stealth
New Spells: 0th Level- All
Witch Cantrips
1st Level- Adhesive
Spittle, Blend, Ear-Piercing Scream, Ill Omen, Mage Armor, Ray Of Enfeeblement,
Undine’s Curse, Youthful Appearance
Base Spells Per Day: 3 Lvl. 0, 3 Lvl. 1
Familiar: Greensting Scorpion, Bodyguard Archetype
2: Witch (Herb Witch) 2, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +1
Saves: +1/+3/+3
Feats: Witch Hex(es), [Cauldron] Brew Potion
Skills(7): Diplomacy, Knowledge
(History), Knowledge (Nature), Perception, Profession (Herbalist), Spellcraft,
New Hex: Cauldron
[matter of opinion, but this should grant a +4 bonus to Profession (Herbalist)]
New Spells: 1st
Level- Blood Money, Hex Vulnerability, [Patron] Ventriloquism
Base Spells Per Day: 4 Lvl. 0, 4 Lvl. 1
3: Witch (Herb Witch) 3, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +1
Saves: +2/+4/+3
Feats: [3rd Level Feat] Extra Hex
Skills(7): Diplomacy,
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Perception, Profession (Herbalist),
Spellcraft, Stealth
New Hex: Slumber
New Spells: 2nd
Level- Blindness/Deafness, Glitterdust
Base Spells Per Day: 4 Lvl. 0, 4 Lvl. 1, 2 Lvl. 2
4: Witch (Herb Witch) 4, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +2
Ability Score Increase: INT +1 (21)
Saves: +2/+4/+4
Feats: (none)
Skills(7): Diplomacy,
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Perception, Profession (Herbalist),
Spellcraft, Stealth
New Hex: Cackle
New Spells: 2nd
Level- Touch Of Idiocy, Vomit Swarm, [Patron] Silence
Base Spells Per Day: 4 Lvl. 0, 5 Lvl. 1, 3 Lvl. 2
5: Witch (Herb Witch) 5, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +2
Saves: +2/+4/+4
Feats: [5th Level Feat] Accursed Hex
Skills(7): Diplomacy,
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Perception, Profession (Herbalist),
Spellcraft, Stealth
New Spells: 3rd
Level- Hex Glyph, Thorny Entanglement
Base Spells Per Day: 4 Lvl. 0, 5 Lvl. 1, 3 Lvl. 2, 2 Lvl. 3
6: Witch (Herb Witch) 6, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +3
Saves: +3/+5/+5
Feats: (none)
Skills(7): Diplomacy,
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Perception, Profession (Herbalist),
Spellcraft, Stealth
New Hex: Evil Eye
New Spells: 3rd
Level- Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic, [Patron] Haste
Base Spells Per Day: 4 Lvl. 0, 5 Lvl. 1, 4 Lvl. 2, 3 Lvl. 3
7: Witch (Herb Witch) 7, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +3
Saves: +3/+5/+5
Feats: [7th Level Feat] Spirit Talker
Skills(7): Diplomacy,
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Perception, Profession (Herbalist),
Spellcraft, Stealth
New Spells: 4th
Level- Black Tentacles, Enervation
Base Spells Per Day: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 4 Lvl. 2, 3 Lvl. 3, 2 Lvl.
8: Witch (Herb Witch) 8, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +4
Increased Ability Score: INT +1 (22)
Saves: +3/+5/+6
Feats: (none)
Skills(8): Diplomacy,
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Perception,
Profession (Herbalist), Spellcraft, Stealth
New Hex: Misfortune
New Spells: 4th
Level- Confusion, Debilitating Portent, [Patron] Threefold Aspect
Base Spells Per Day: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 5 Lvl. 2, 4 Lvl. 3, 3 Lvl.
9: Witch (Herb Witch) 9, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +4
Saves: +4/+6/+6
Feats: [9th Level Feat] Signature Skill: Profession
Skills(8): Diplomacy,
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (History), Perception,
Profession (Herbalist), Spellcraft, Stealth
New Spells: 5th
Level- Dominate Person, Feeblemind
Base Spells Per Day: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 6 Lvl. 2, 4 Lvl. 3, 3 Lvl.
4, 2 Lvl. 5
10: Witch (Herb Witch) 10, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +5
Saves: +4/+6/+7
Feats: Signature Skill Unlock (10th), (can now select
Major Hexes)
Skills(8): Diplomacy,
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Perception, Profession (Herbalist),
Spellcraft, Stealth, +1 other
New Hex: Agony
New Spells: 5th
Level- Magic Jar, Overland Flight, [Patron] Teleport
Base Spells Per Day: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 6 Lvl. 2, 4 Lvl. 3, 4 Lvl.
4, 3 Lvl. 5
11: Witch (Herb Witch) 11, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +5
Saves: +4/+6/+7
Feats: [11th Level Feat] Split Hex
Skills(8): Diplomacy,
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Perception, Profession (Herbalist),
Spellcraft, Stealth, +1 other
New Spells: 6th
Level- Raise Dead, True Seeing
Base Spells Per Day: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 6 Lvl. 2, 5 Lvl. 3, 4 Lvl.
4, 3 Lvl. 5, 2 Lvl. 6
12: Witch (Herb Witch) 12, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +6/+1
Increased Ability Score: INT +1 (23)
Saves: +5/+7/+8
Feats: (none)
Skills(8): Diplomacy,
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Perception, Profession (Herbalist),
Spellcraft, Stealth, +1 other
New Hex: Ice Tomb
New Spells: 6th
Level- Greater Dispel Magic, Swarm Skin, [Patron] Disintegrate
Base Spells Per Day: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 6 Lvl. 2, 5 Lvl. 3, 4 Lvl.
4, 4 Lvl. 5, 3 Lvl. 6
13: Witch (Herb Witch) 13, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +6/+1
Saves: +5/+7/+8
Feats: [13th Level Feat] Ritual Hex
Skills(8): Diplomacy,
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Perception, Profession (Herbalist),
Spellcraft, Stealth, +1 other
New Spells: 7th
Level- Heal, (as desired)
Base Spells Per Day: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 6 Lvl. 2, 5 Lvl. 3, 5 Lvl.
4, 4 Lvl. 5, 3 Lvl. 6, 1 Lvl. 7
14: Witch (Herb Witch) 14, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +7/+2
Saves: +5/+7/+9
Feats: (none)
Skills(8): Diplomacy,
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Perception, Profession (Herbalist),
Spellcraft, Stealth, +1 other
New Hex: Fortune
New Spells: 7th
Level- (as desired), [Patron] Expend
Base Spells Per Day: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 6 Lvl. 2, 5 Lvl. 3, 5 Lvl.
4, 4 Lvl. 5, 4 Lvl. 6, 2 Lvl. 7
15: Witch (Herb Witch) 15, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +7/+2
Saves: +6/+8/+9
Feats: Signature Skill Unlock (15th), [15th Level Feat] Spell
Skills(8): Diplomacy,
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Perception, Profession (Herbalist),
Spellcraft, Stealth, +1 other
New Spells: 8th
Level- Greater Share Skin, Prediction Of Failure
Base Spells Per Day: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 6 Lvl. 2, 5 Lvl. 3, 5 Lvl.
4, 5 Lvl. 5, 4 Lvl. 6, 2 Lvl. 7, 1 Lvl. 8
16: Witch (Herb Witch) 16, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +8/+3
Saves: +6/+8/+10
Ability Score Increase: INT +1 (24)
Feats: (none)
Skills(9): Diplomacy,
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Perception, Profession (Herbalist), Spellcraft,
Stealth, +2 others
New Hex: Waxen Image
New Spells: 8th
Level- Clone, (as desired), [Patron] Temporal Stasis
Base Spells Per Day: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 6 Lvl. 2, 6 Lvl. 3, 5 Lvl.
4, 5 Lvl. 5, 4 Lvl. 6, 4 Lvl. 7, 2 Lvl. 8
17: Witch (Herb Witch) 17, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +8/+3
Saves: +6/+8/+10
Feats: [17th Level Feat] Greater Spell Penetration
Skills(9): Diplomacy,
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Perception, Profession (Herbalist),
Spellcraft, Stealth, +2 others
New Spells: 9th
Level- Dominate Monster, Mass Suffocation
Base Spells Per Day: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 6 Lvl. 2, 6 Lvl. 3, 5 Lvl. 4, 5 Lvl. 5, 5 Lvl. 6, 4
Lvl. 7, 2 Lvl. 8, 1 Lvl. 9
18: Witch (Herb Witch) 18, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +9/+4
Saves: +7/+9/+11
Feats: (none), (can now select Grand Hexes)
Skills(9): Diplomacy,
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Perception, Profession (Herbalist),
Spellcraft, Stealth, +2 others
New Hex: Life Giver
New Spells: 9th
Level- (as desired), [Patron] Time Stop
Base Spells Per Day: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 6 Lvl. 2, 6 Lvl. 3, 5 Lvl. 4, 5 Lvl. 5, 5 Lvl. 6, 4
Lvl. 7, 3 Lvl. 8, 2 Lvl. 9
19: Witch (Herb Witch) 19, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +9/+4
Saves: +7/+9/+11
Feats: [19th Level Feat] Split Major Hex
Skills(9): Diplomacy,
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Perception, Profession (Herbalist),
Spellcraft, Stealth, +2 others
New Spells: 9th
Level- (as desired)
Base Spells Per Day: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 6 Lvl. 2, 6 Lvl. 3, 5 Lvl. 4, 5 Lvl. 5, 5 Lvl. 6, 5
Lvl. 7, 3 Lvl. 8, 3 Lvl. 9
20: Witch (Herb Witch) 20, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +10/+5
Ability Score Increase: WIS +1 (12)
Saves: +7/+9/+13
Feats: Signature Skill Unlock (20th)
Skills(9): Diplomacy,
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Perception, Profession (Herbalist),
Spellcraft, Stealth, +2 others
New Hex: Eternal Slumber
New Spells: 9th
Level- (as desired)
Base Spells Per Day: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 6 Lvl. 2, 6 Lvl. 3, 5 Lvl. 4, 5 Lvl. 5, 5 Lvl. 6, 5
Lvl. 7, 4 Lvl. 8, 4 Lvl. 9
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