Self-Interested Preface: Shield Champion is a brawler archetype that sacrifices weapon proficiencies, Brawler's Strike and maneuvers for the ability to bash and throw and ricochet shields. Yeah, okay, yes, it's Captain America, you are not noticing anything because it is obviously the point of the archetype, shush. As such, this character is a short-to-medium range fighter which keeps its efficacy in both melee and distance combat, largely ignoring the most obvious dwarf weakness (20' move speed).
I made this build back when I was more willing to document characters in great detail- at the bottom is an exhaustive list of what all its feats do by level and a (probably-incomplete) list of relevant ways to use the Martial Flexibility brawler ability. Rather than run through a full description of its capabilities, I'll give a brief synopsis and the rest can be read in and underneath the build.
Dwarven race gives a ton of saving throw bonuses, additional bull rush and flying creature bonuses, a racial bonus to Craft and darkvision. Shield Champion along with purchased feats lets this character whip shields around and do damage with two shields, which count as light weapons (for two-weapon fighting!) due to the Shield-Trained trait. Winding Path Renegade lets this character use some of the better monk abilities (like evasion!) and craft its own magical armor and weapons with free feats for ignoring the normal prerequisites at level 8. It's a party smith that doesn't have to waste its build on being the party smith!
I remember being pretty into the overall synergy of this build as well as its versatility when I made it. The brawler is already a very versatile class- making a character both a melee and ranged powerhouse that creates its own weapons and armor is neat. It's a bit of a tank, with 16 CON and d10 HD along with its 1/2 cost armor and heavy shields which only lose their AC bonus when thrown (though I don't think the shield bonuses stack if you don't throw them). After a little research to be certain about shield throw distance, AC, and damage calculation (I didn't do enough of that to feel comfortable just jumping in), I think this character'd be a great party fighter.
This build created in December of 2015.
This build created in December of 2015.
Brawler (Shield
Champion, Winding Path Renegade), Level 20
Race: Dwarf, +2
CON, +2 WIS,
-2 CHA [+1 Hit Point/+1 Skill Point/(a lame thing not even worth recording)]
Racial Traits
Craftsman (+2 to Craft and Profession checks regarding metal
or stone)
Dwarven Weapon Familiarity (Proficiency with battleaxe,
heavy pick, and warhammer; martial weapon proficiency now includes any weapon
with ‘dwarven’ in the name)
Hardy (+2 to saves against poison, spells and spell-like
Relentless (+2 to bull rush and overrun CMB when standing on
Sky Sentinel (+1 attack, +2 dodge AC and +2 Perception
against flying creatures; creatures attacking from higher ground get no
higher-ground bonus to attack)
Slow and Steady (20’ move speed, speed never modified by armor or encumbrance)
Slow and Steady (20’ move speed, speed never modified by armor or encumbrance)
Darkvision 60’
Character Traits/Drawbacks
Drawback: (Detriment, Circumstance)
Combat: Reactionary (+2 to Initiative)
Regional: Glory Of Old (+1 to saves against poison, spells and
spell-like abilities)
Religion: Shield-Trained (shields count as simple weapons; heavy
shields count as light weapons)

Known Languages:
Common, Dwarven
1: Brawler (Shield Champion, Winding Path Renegade) 1 (d10 HD), +1 Hit
BAB: +1
Base Saves: +5/+4/+2 (+3 against
poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
New Feats: Dwarven, Simple and Shield Weapon Proficiencies, Light Armor
Proficiency, Shield Proficiency, Brawler’s Cunning, Martial Flexibility, Brawler
Unarmed Strike, Improved Unarmed Strike, [1st Level Feat] Improved
Shield Bash
Skills(3): Craft (Armor),
Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
2: Brawler (Shield Champion, Winding Path Renegade) 2, +1
Hit Point
BAB: +2
Base Saves: +6/+4/+2 (+3 against
poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
New Feats: Brawler’s Flurry, School Focus: Mystery Of Untwisting
Iron (2nd)
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Base Brawler’s Flurry [Heavy Shield(s)]: +4/+4
^ Formula: 2 (BAB) + 3 (base STR) - 2 [Two-Weapon Fighting with light weapon(s)] +1 auto-masterwork x 2
^ Formula: 2 (BAB) + 3 (base STR) - 2 [Two-Weapon Fighting with light weapon(s)] +1 auto-masterwork x 2
3: Brawler (Shield Champion, Winding Path Renegade) 3, +1
Hit Point
BAB: +3
Base Saves: +6/+4/+3 (+3 against
poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
New Feats: Throw Shield (3rd), [3rd Level
Feat] Improved Initiative
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Base Brawler’s Flurry [Heavy Shield(s)]: +5/+5
^ Formula: 3 (BAB) + 3 (base STR) - 2 [Two-Weapon Fighting with light weapon(s)] +1 auto-masterwork x 2
^ Formula: 3 (BAB) + 3 (base STR) - 2 [Two-Weapon Fighting with light weapon(s)] +1 auto-masterwork x 2
4: Brawler (Shield Champion, Winding Path Renegade) 4, +1
Hit Point
BAB: +4
Ability Score Increase: DEX +1 (16)
Base Saves: +7/+6/+3 (+3 against
poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
New Feats: Knockout, Monk Moves (4th)
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Base Brawler’s Flurry [Heavy Shield(s)]: +6/+6
^ Formula: 4 (BAB) + 3 (base STR) - 2 [Two-Weapon Fighting with light weapon(s)] +1 auto-masterwork x 2
^ Formula: 4 (BAB) + 3 (base STR) - 2 [Two-Weapon Fighting with light weapon(s)] +1 auto-masterwork x 2
5: Brawler (Shield Champion, Winding Path Renegade) 5, +1
Hit Point
BAB: +5
Base Saves: +7/+6/+3 (+3 against
poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
New Feats: Close Weapon Mastery, Monk Moves (5th), Returning
Shield, [Brawler 5th] Shield Focus, [5th Level Feat]
Two-Weapon Fighting
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Base Brawler’s Flurry [Heavy Shield(s)]: +7/+7
^ Formula: 5 (BAB) + 3 (base STR) - 2 [Two-Weapon Fighting with light weapon(s)] +1 auto-masterwork x 2
^ Formula: 5 (BAB) + 3 (base STR) - 2 [Two-Weapon Fighting with light weapon(s)] +1 auto-masterwork x 2
6: Brawler (Shield Champion, Winding Path Renegade) 6, +1
Hit Point
BAB: +6/+1
Base Saves: +8/+7/+4 (+3 against
poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
New Feats: Martial Flexibility (6th)
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Base Brawler’s Flurry [Heavy Shield(s)]: +8/+8/+3
^ Formula: 6 (BAB) + 3 (base STR) - 2 [Two-Weapon Fighting with light weapon(s)] +1 auto-masterwork x 3, -5 to lesser iterations
^ Formula: 6 (BAB) + 3 (base STR) - 2 [Two-Weapon Fighting with light weapon(s)] +1 auto-masterwork x 3, -5 to lesser iterations
7: Brawler (Shield Champion, Winding Path Renegade) 7, +1
Hit Point
BAB: +7/+2
Base Saves: +8/+7/+4 (+3 against
poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
New Feats: Throw Shield (7th), [7th Level
Feat] Shield Slam
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Base Brawler’s Flurry [Heavy Shield(s)]: +9/+9/+4
^ Formula: 7 (BAB) + 3 (base STR) - 2 [Two-Weapon Fighting with light weapon(s)] +1 auto-masterwork x 3, -5 to lesser iterations
^ Formula: 7 (BAB) + 3 (base STR) - 2 [Two-Weapon Fighting with light weapon(s)] +1 auto-masterwork x 3, -5 to lesser iterations
8: Brawler (Shield Champion, Winding Path Renegade) 8, +1
Hit Point
BAB: +8/+3
Ability Score Increase: STR +1 (17)
Base Saves: +9/+8/+4 (+3 against
poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
New Feats: Mystery Of Untwisting Iron (8th)
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Base Brawler’s Flurry [Heavy Shield(s)]: +10/+10/+5/+5
^ Formula: 8 (BAB) + 3 (base STR) - 2 [Improved Two-Weapon Fighting with light weapon(s)] +1 auto-masterwork x 3, -5 to lesser iterations
(Full formula chart located below level breakdown- from at least level 8 forward all shields should be magical due to Untwisting Iron crafting anyway)
^ Formula: 8 (BAB) + 3 (base STR) - 2 [Improved Two-Weapon Fighting with light weapon(s)] +1 auto-masterwork x 3, -5 to lesser iterations
(Full formula chart located below level breakdown- from at least level 8 forward all shields should be magical due to Untwisting Iron crafting anyway)
9: Brawler (Shield Champion, Winding Path Renegade) 9, +1
Hit Point
BAB: +9/+4
Base Saves: +9/+8/+5 (+3 against
poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
New Feats: Greater Shield Focus, Monk Moves (9th), [9th
Level Feat] Missile Shield
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
10: Brawler (Shield Champion, Winding Path Renegade) 10, +1
Hit Point
BAB: +10/+5
Base Saves: +10/+9/+5 (+3 against
poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
New Feats: Knockout 2/day, Martial Flexibility (10th)
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
11: Brawler (Shield Champion, Winding Path Renegade) 11, +1
Hit Point
BAB: +11/+6/+1
Base Saves: +10/+9/+5 (+5 against
poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
New Feats: Shield Master, [11th Level Feat] Steel Soul
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
12: Brawler (Shield Champion, Winding Path Renegade) 12, +1
Hit Point
BAB: +12/+7/+2
Ability Score Increase: STR +1 (18)
Base Saves: +11/+10/+6 (+5 against
poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
New Feats: Martial Flexibility (12th), Returning Shield
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
13: Brawler (Shield Champion, Winding Path Renegade) 13, +1
Hit Point
BAB: +13/+8/+3
Base Saves: +11/+10/+6 (+5 against
poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
New Feats: [13th Level Feat] Weapon Focus (Heavy Steel
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
14: Brawler (Shield Champion, Winding Path Renegade) 14, +1
Hit Point
BAB: +14/+9/+4
Base Saves: +12/+11/+6 (+5 against
poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
New Feats: Mystery Of Untwisting Iron (14th)
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
15: Brawler (Shield Champion, Winding Path Renegade) 15, +1
Hit Point
BAB: +15/+10/+5
Base Saves: +12/+11/+7 (+5 against
poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
New Feats: Champion Defense (15th), [15th
Level Feat] Weapon Specialization (Heavy Steel Shield)
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
16: Brawler (Shield Champion, Winding Path Renegade) 16, +1
Hit Point
BAB: +16/+11/+6/+1
Ability Score Increase: STR +1 (19)
Base Saves: +13/+12/+7 (+5 against
poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
New Feats: Awesome Blow, Knockout 3/day
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
17: Brawler (Shield Champion, Winding Path Renegade) 17, +1
Hit Point
BAB: +17/+12/+7/+2
Base Saves: +13/+12/+7 (+5 against
poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
New Feats: Returning Shield (17th), [Brawler 17th]
Penetrating Strike (Heavy Steel Shield), [17th Level Feat] Greater
Penetrating Strike (Heavy Steel Shield)
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
18: Brawler (Shield Champion, Winding Path Renegade) 18, +1
Hit Point
BAB: +18/+13/+8/+3
Base Saves: +14/+13/+8 (+5 against
poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
New Feats: (none)
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
19: Brawler (Shield Champion, Winding Path Renegade) 19, +1
Hit Point
BAB: +19/+14/+9/+4
Base Saves: +14/+13/+8 (+5 against
poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
New Feats: Champion Defense (19th), [19th
Level Feat] Greater Weapon Focus (Heavy Steel Shield)
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Skills(3): Craft (Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
20: Brawler (Shield Champion, Winding Path Renegade) 20, +1
Hit Point
BAB: +20/+15/+10/+5
Ability Score Increase: STR +1 (20)
Base Saves: +15/+14/+8 (+5 against
poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
New Feats: Improved Awesome Blow, Martial Flexibility (20th),
[Brawler 20th] Greater Weapon Specialization (Heavy Steel Shield)
Skills(3): Craft
(Armor), Perception, +1 other [probably Craft (Weapon)]
Feats and Abilities by Level
1st Proficiencies: Dwarven/Simple/Shield
Weapon Proficiency, Light Armor, Shield Proficiency
Brawler’s Cunning: INT counts as at least 13 for the purpose of
qualifying for feats.
Brawler Unarmed Strike: Can unarmed strike with non-hand body parts; unarmed strike can be lethal or non-lethal; unarmed strike counts as manufactured and/or natural weapon; has damage progression.
Martial Flexibility: Move-action obtain attainable combat feat for one minute, 3+½ brawler level/day.
Brawler Unarmed Strike: Can unarmed strike with non-hand body parts; unarmed strike can be lethal or non-lethal; unarmed strike counts as manufactured and/or natural weapon; has damage progression.
Martial Flexibility: Move-action obtain attainable combat feat for one minute, 3+½ brawler level/day.
NOTE: Using
Martial Flexibility again before it expires replaces the combat feat obtained.
Improved Unarmed Strike: Do not provoke attacks of opportunity when attacking while unarmed.
Improved Shield Bash: Retain shield bonus to AC even after performing shield bash.
Improved Unarmed Strike: Do not provoke attacks of opportunity when attacking while unarmed.
Improved Shield Bash: Retain shield bonus to AC even after performing shield bash.
2nd Brawler’s
Flurry: Acts as Two-Weapon Fighting when attacking with any combination of
unarmed strikes, close weapons, monk weapons, or shields. Can use one weapon and still gain the extra
attack(s). Add full STR modifier to all
attacks. Can substitute disarm, sunder,
and trip maneuvers for attacks.
Mystery Of Untwisting Iron: Wielded/worn non-broken weapons and
armor are treated as
3rd Throw Shield: Can throw shield as a
throwing weapon as if with Far Shot, deals shield bash
Far Shot: Long range
attacks only decrease attack by -1 per range increment instead of -2.
Improved Initiative: +4 to initiative.
4th Knockout: 1/day DC Fort 10+½ level+STR attack to deal
damage and cause 1d6 rounds of unconsciousness.
Must deal damage to cause unconsciousness. Unconscious creatures get to re-roll saving
throw to become conscious once per round.
Additional use per day at 10th level and 16th
Monk Moves: Can use Martial Flexibility to gain specific monk abilities
instead of combat
4th Level- Evasion, Fast Movement, Slow Fall
4th Level- Evasion, Fast Movement, Slow Fall
Evasion: If reflex
save would allow half damage on success, take no damage on
success instead.
Fast Movement:
Gain enhancement bonus to speed as monk of equivalent level.
Slow Fall: Can use
wall within arm’s reach to slow fall as monk of equivalent level.
5th Close Weapon Mastery: Use brawler
strike (-4 levels) damage instead of listed close
weapon damage.
Monk Moves: Can use Martial Flexibility to gain specific monk abilities
instead of combat feats.
5th Level- High Jump
High Jump: Add
level to acrobatics for purpose of jumping, also count as having
running start.
Returning Shield: Can have thrown shield return by way of ricochet at the end of thrower’s turn. Can have ricochets count as iterative attacks on creatures struck, with distance penalties progressing until shield returns. Can throw shield as part of Brawler’s Flurry.
Returning Shield: Can have thrown shield return by way of ricochet at the end of thrower’s turn. Can have ricochets count as iterative attacks on creatures struck, with distance penalties progressing until shield returns. Can throw shield as part of Brawler’s Flurry.
Shield Focus: +1 to shield AC bonus.
Two-Weapon Fighting: Reduce penalties for fighting with two weapons by 2.
Two-Weapon Fighting: Reduce penalties for fighting with two weapons by 2.
6th Martial
Flexibility: Move-action obtain two attainable combat feats or swift-action
obtain one attainable combat feat. Each
individual feat counts against Martial Flexibility limit.
7th Throw Shield: Can use thrown shield attacks to perform bull rush, dirty trick, disarm,
reposition, or trip combat maneuvers as if performing
melee shield bash.
Slam: Creatures hit by shield bash subject to free improved bull rush
maneuver. Can move up to five feet with
shield-slammed creature if possible.
8th Mystery Of Untwisting Iron: ½ level
bonus to craft checks involving metal, gains Master
Craftsman and Craft Magic Arms and Armor
feats when crafting with metal.
Master Craftsman [Craft (Armor)]: +2 to
Craft (Metal), can use Craft (Metal)
skill(s) as caster level for Craft
Magic Arms and Armor crafting.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor: Can craft
and repair magical weapons and armor.
9th Greater Shield Focus: Further +1 to
shield AC bonus.
Monk Moves: Can use Martial Flexibility to gain specific monk abilities instead of combat
Monk Moves: Can use Martial Flexibility to gain specific monk abilities instead of combat
9th Level-
Improved Evasion (instead of Evasion)
Evasion: Take ½ damage on failed reflex saves, no damage on successful
Missile Shield: Can automatically deflect one ranged attack per round.
Missile Shield: Can automatically deflect one ranged attack per round.
10th Martial Flexibility: Move-action obtain three attainable
combat feats, swift-action obtain two attainable combat feats, or free-action
obtain one attainable combat feat.
11th Shield Master: No penalties for
fighting with a shield, apply shield enhancement bonus as if
it were a weapon enhancement bonus for the
purposes of shield attacks.
Weapon Focus (Heavy Steel Shield): +1 to attack rolls with chosen
12th Martial Flexibility: Swift-action obtain three attainable combat feats or immediate-action
12th Martial Flexibility: Swift-action obtain three attainable combat feats or immediate-action
obtain one attainable combat feat.
Returning Shield: Can use current brawler unarmed damage instead of
melee or thrown
shield damage.
13th Weapon Specialization (Heavy Steel Shield):
+2 to damage rolls with chosen weapon.
14th Mystery Of Untwisting Iron: Any weapon
wielded is treated as if adamantine (ignores
hardness <20).
15th Champion Defense: 1/day can attempt DC
damage-taken Fort save to halve damage of
killing blow.
use per day at 19th level.
Steel Soul: +2 to saves against poison, spells, and spell-like
16th Awesome Blow: Can standard-action perform combat maneuver to deal damage, push and
16th Awesome Blow: Can standard-action perform combat maneuver to deal damage, push and
knock prone.
17th Returning Shield: Can ricochet shield
off surface to reduce or negate cover and cause
flanking. Can use this ability to attack
creatures with total concealment with a 50% miss
Penetrating Strike (Heavy Steel Shield): Ignore 5 of any typed
damage reduction.
Greater Penetrating Strike (Heavy Steel Shield): Ignore 10 of any
typed damage reduction; ignore 5 of untyped damage reduction.
19th Greater Weapon Focus (Heavy Steel Shield):
Further +1 to attack rolls with chosen
20th Improved Awesome Blow: Can
attack-action perform combat maneuver to deal damage,
push and knock prone; natural 20 allows
combat maneuver re-roll and double damage from
push obstacle-impact.
Martial Flexibility: Swift-action obtain any number of attainable
combat feats.
Greater Weapon Specialization (Heavy Steel Shield): Further +2 to damage rolls with chosen weapon.
Potentially-Obtainable Martial Flexibility Combat Feats by Level and
1st (1 combat feat as move action)
Charge Of
The Righteous
Expertise (13 INT or Brawler’s Cunning)
Bull Rush, Drag, Grapple, Overrun, Sunder
Dirty Trick, Disarm, Feint, Reposition, Steal, Trip
Improved Grapple
Unarmed Strike->
Piranha Strike
Power Attack (13 STR)
Weapon Finesse
6th (2 combat feats as move action, 1 combat
feat as swift action)
Bull Rush, Drag, Grapple, Overrun, Sunder
Attack->Improved Version->
Greater: Dirty Trick, Disarm,
Feint, Reposition, Steal, Trip
Expertise-> Improved Version->
Greater Grapple
Unarmed Strike-> Improved Version->
Snap Shot
Shot-> & Weapon Focus->
Vital Strike
10th (3 combat feats as move action, 2 combat
feats as swift action, 1 combat feat as free action)
Ray Shield
(DEX 15, Missile Shield)
Cleave Through (Dwarf-only)
Attack-> Cleave
Vital Strike
Pin Down
12th (3 combat feats as swift action, 1 combat
feat as immediate action)
Penetrating Strike
Greater Penetrating Strike
Vital Strike
Strike->Improved Vital Strike->
20th (any number of combat feats as swift
Base Shield Properties
Heavy Steel Shield Cost 20 GP Shield Bonus +2 1d4 B (20x2)
Shield Spikes (add. property) Cost +10 GP Shield Damage +1 size 1d6 P (20x2)
Shield Spikes (add. property) Cost +10 GP Shield Damage +1 size 1d6 P (20x2)
Throwing (additional
property) Cost +50 GP 1d6
B (20x2) 20 ft.
Masterwork Reinforcing Boss Cost +80 GP Shield HP +15
Shield spikes turn a shield into a martial piercing weapon (Spiked Shield) and do damage as a creature one size larger than the creature wielding the shield.
Shield spikes must be enchanted as a weapon seperately from the shield.
Masterwork Reinforcing Boss Cost +80 GP Shield HP +15
Shield spikes turn a shield into a martial piercing weapon (Spiked Shield) and do damage as a creature one size larger than the creature wielding the shield.
Shield spikes must be enchanted as a weapon seperately from the shield.
Have you stopped making builds? I really enjoy these for the originality and I'm planning on trying some of them so I hope they keep coming. Have a good one!
thank you
I kind of did stop, for a few reasons, but this is a really nice comment so I might try to write up some of the builds I haven't posted in the next couple days. thanks again!
Omg that build is awesome!
ReplyDeleteI was trying to find a way to make the brawler work on one side and on the otherside, find a way to play it, that i enjoy it.
With your build, you did something, that I coudln´t. You combined them both.
Thanks a lot for this funny and awesome build :)
The only question I have is if it is possible to get 2 regional Traits since "Glory of Old" is not a Race Trait, but stated as Regional, just like On Guard.
hey, good catch
Deletefixed, thanks! I've built a few dwarves and I guess I just assumed it was a race trait?
it's not unreasonable to just be holdin a shield, fortunately, opposed to holdin a weapon, so you don't lose much not being able to draw in the surprise round as long as you clearly state ahead of time you always wear your shield. roleplaywise call it a comfort thing, or a dwarf thing if you're that kinda person.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThat +2 Initiative makes it even better now. However there was one thing when i was doing the stats that bothered me. You have 15 Dex on lvl 1 and somehow you come to 5 on the Ref saving throw. I only come to 2 from your dex and another 2 from the Brawler class itself. making it 4.
Since I´m playing this game for the third time, it might be, that I´m missing something, where you get that extra 1 on level 1.
However. Thanks for keeping that build and thread updated :)
Ps.: Is it better to "Dual-Shield" or have just one shield and a weapon, or 1 shield and nothing else, except the unarmed strikes dmg? :)
oh, hey, good catch- I think that's from initially putting 16 DEX on this character instead of 16 STR. I'm actually not sure why I did? probably better to have the Reflex and AC than the attack and damage. I'll fix it to reflect the way it is now, though.
DeleteI felt like dual-shielding was the direction this class' meant to go- the way the brawler works is it gets to flurry with weapons or unarmed strikes and the way this brawler works, after level 5 it can throw a shield as part of its flurry, which gives it the special capability to use melee and ranged attacks sort of interchangeably on a full attack. so, really, if you wanted you could even wield two shields (only getting the shield bonus for one, though) and full-attack kick a dude if you really wanted to do non-lethal damage or something. also, you deal unarmed strike damage with shield attacks after level twelve.
ideally you'd be treating one of your shields like a weapon, hitting with it over and over in melee or ranged combat and the other like a shield that is also a weapon if something else happens.
looking over the rules as written, the way shield wielding works with a brawler's flurry is a little weird- in the Shield Champion rules it says you can do several iterative attacks as you gain them, but also says you can throw a shield as part of a flurry, which gives you additional class-feature attacks, so I'd imagine you could use your ricocheting shield throw to bonk as many enemies as you could if you were doing a full close-or-monk-or-unarmed flurry, and since a heavy shield counts as a close (and because of Shield-Trained, light!) weapon you can do a full scaling melee flurry with it, too (or whatever combination, looks like).
Thanks for keeping that thread updated. The +4 on Reflex Saving throws is only for lvl 1 though. At lvl 2 the brawler adds already another point to it, making it +5 at lvl 2 :)
DeleteI´m gonna start a new campaign with this character soon and since it´s my 3rd time ever trying this game, do you have any good ideas on Rings, belts etc. that would be beneficial on this special sort of character?
Thanks for keeping this thread updated and for your quick responses all the time :)
Masterwork shields and shield spikes don't add to the attack bonus, am I wrong?
ReplyDeleteHello there from the future!
ReplyDeleteI must say, thank you for this build! I've been looking all over for a good way to put a Shield champ together, so I appreciate it!
I have recently started a blog, the info you provide on this site has helped me greatly. Thanks for all of your time & work toss the dwarf
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