Grenadier trades Brew Potion (holy shit who cares) and the
alchemist’s poison resistances for some pretty-neat bombcentric abilities,
including a free Precise Bombs discovery (it’s great for staying friendly with
your party but honestly not very worth spending a discovery on), bomb blast
shaping, and, at tenth level, Staggering Critical (with bombs only). The 2nd-level ability Alchemical
Weapon’s interesting in conjunction with a Full Pouch trick I’ll be explaining
below, but it’s not really worth an action so I wouldn’t recommend it until 15th
level, when it’s a free one. Toxicant,
described below, lets this character swift-action poison party members’ weapons
which is fucking amazing between fights but not always practical in the middle
of combat, which is where Alchemical Weapon comes in to add high-DC blinding
powder to an adjacent arrow or whatever without spending an action.
Toxicant swaps out mutagens for an incredible contact poison
that can be added to weapons (as in, your party’s weapons) or used as a touch
attack. Keep in mind there’s no duration
for how long the poison stays on a weapon, so you might as well spend a little
downtime between fights to keep all weapons poisoned at all times. There’s a chart denoting all its
capabilities, but the first big one’s that it sickens and dazes for two rounds
on a DC 18 Fort save at level SEVEN (six if you don't wanna be an Evangelist).
Daze, case you didn’t know, is the condition that means a character
can’t perform any actions. The poison
can be used an amount of times equal to level + INT per day, and remains indefinitely
as a contact poison any time the alchemist is hit with natural or unarmed
attacks. Something I look(ed) forward to
doing is bantering up to a duel, then insisting on decorum, shaking hands with
my attacker to knock ‘em out, then attaching a delayed fucking bomb to their
space (maybe several) and casually walking away. (Also, please note that aside from this specific use, Delayed Bomb's pretty stupid- it's a prerequisite for Implant Bomb, though, which has amazing potential I'll describe toward the end.) The chart’ll describe each iteration of the
poison in detail, but one of my favorite parts is it sickens on a failed saving
throw, which is a -2 to all saving throws, which means it’s even harder to
resist (each round, a creature gets a new saving throw against the poison). I don’t talk to a lot of people about this
stuff, but it’s my understanding that poison’s generally pretty underwhelming in
Pathfinder. The Toxicant’s poison doesn’t
give a fuck.
Evangelist is a neat prestige class- a character loses one
level of progression in their main class before picking it right the fuck back
up along with boons, extra AC, Reflex as a high save (worse than the alchemists’s
Fort and Reflex but whatever), and an alright capstone-esque transformation. I went with it instead of straight alchemist
progression because Norgorber’s Noxious Bomb boon, obtained at character level
11, lets this character add their contact poison to its fucking bombs. It’s a full-round action, which is lame, but
by level 11 that’s adding dazed, shaken, sickened, and five poison damage per
round to your bomb’s normal effects for three rounds. It’s a good option if you need an enemy out
of the fight but you’re not prepared to approach it for a melee touch
attack. At character level 14 Norgorber’s
Secret Self boon is a 1/day 1 minute/character level Greater Invisibility that
adds an additional +2 attack to thrown weapons, which is also pretty fuckin
It’s up to you if you think these’re
worth it- personally I could go either way except that Norgorber’s obedience is
whispering secrets into a hole you dug which is adorable. It’s also poisoning strangers with needles,
which is crazy! Win some, lose
some. I mean, it’s an evil
character. Shrug.
At level 1, this character takes Skill Focus (Linguistics),
a prerequisite for Orator, a feat that lets this character replace all its
social skills with Linguistics, a skill modified by INT. At level 1, its Bluff, Diplomacy, and
Intimidate are at a +8 modifier (since Linguistics is not a class skill for
this character until it becomes an Evangelist), making it a strong secondary if
not the primary face. I did this ‘cause
I really like talking in these games- if you don’t want your alchemist to be
sociable, this build gets an extra two feats and one skill point per
level. (Also, note that Linguistics
replaces those skills in social situations only- can’t use Linguistics to
intimidate in combat or feint.) There’s
an effective skill point chart below the build, but milestones are +17 base modifier
at level 6 when it becomes a class skill, +24 base modifier at level 10 when +3
from Skill Focus becomes +6, and +36 base modifier at level 20.
Aside from bombs and extracts and poison and party-facing,
this character’s an alchemist, which means it’s especially good at crafting
alchemical items. If you’ve never looked
at alchemical items, I’ll put a companion list on a separate page- alchemical
items are generally usable by anyone and offer a ton of effects, lots of which
is some pretty powerful shit. To list
a few benefits: there's a 60 ft. radius 4d6 ice bomb that turns into caltrops; a vial that creates a zone of suffocation for one minute when broken; a potion that stands as the only thing you can do while nauseated; and an alchemical paint that lets the user cast a prepared spell as a Still one. There’s a
ton of fucking capabilities here, but alchemist level 4’s where it gets serious,
with the absolutely-broken spell Full Pouch:
Full Pouch
School transmutation; Level alchemist 2
Casting Time 1 swift action
Components V, S, M (alchemical reagents or herbs worth 1 gp)
Components V, S, M (alchemical reagents or herbs worth 1 gp)
Range touch
Target 1 object touched
Duration instantaneous
Target 1 object touched
Duration instantaneous
You cast this spell as you draw
out a consumable alchemical item to use. The object must be an alchemical item,
but not a dose of disease, a poison, a magic potion, or another type of
consumable item. The item divides itself into two nearly identical copies and
the newly separated one is delivered into your hand. The new item functions as
the original in all ways except the copied item suffers a slight reduction in
quality. Saves against the new alchemical item’s affects use the original
item’s save DC or the save DC of this spell, whichever is higher.
Apparently this extract can be used to swift-action create permanent copies of alchemical items with a DC equal to [10 + 2 (spell level) + INT modifier] for the cost of a daily extract slot and one gold. This has a lot of potential to keep tanglefoot bags and other alchemical weapons relevant for much, much longer, especially in conjunction with INT-boosting items and effects. It also makes manufacturing of alchemical weapons and items incredibly cheap. There’re some seriously powerful items that can be duplicated through Full Pouch- I recommend getting (making) a ton of Boro Beads for this exact purpose, and spending all your downtime preparing everyone for everything. Here’s another link to my list of notable alchemical stuff. The idea here is that you help turn every member of your party nearly as versatile as you are- they can fulfill their normal roles or they can toss a DC 23 tanglefoot bag or they can throw exploding ice or they can shake off nausea, all for one fuckin gold and a daily spell slot each.
I also
have this character getting Craft Wondrous Item at level 9- Treantmonk said
once they feel like craft feats are sort of like trading feat slots for
gold. It’s not the case here- with the
Hedge Magician trait knocking 5% off creation costs, INT-based Use Magic Device
and the Cooperative Crafting abilities of the Valet-archetype Tumor Familiar,
this character’s way, way better at making magic items than the rest of the
party’d be. Craft Wondrous Item’s got
the most utility out of all the craft feats, including all non-armor clothing
and a ton of special non-equip items. I’ve
read through a lot of wondrous items, and I’m not prepared to completely bog down this
build with lists, but as a for-instance, there’s: a series of one-use tokens with abilities that range from auto-forcing a magic anchor onto a ship(do this during a ship chase to the other ship) to glitterdust to conjuring a fucking siege engine to a minute of flight; a golden apple that forces a Will save on the nearest hostile creature against paralyzation; a key that makes constructs avoid attacking you unless commanded to; the Dream Journal Of The Pallid Seer, which every character should read; and the incredible Poisoner’s Gloves, which’ll serve as my segue to action economy.
Hey, okay, segue disrupted- so, RAW Master Craftsman's description is:
Master Craftsman
Benefit: Choose one Craft or Profession skill in which you possess at least 5 ranks. You receive a +2 bonus on your chosen Craft or Profession skill. Ranks in your chosen skill count as your caster level for the purposes of qualifying for the Craft Magic Arms and Armor and Craft Wondrous Item feats. You can create magic items using these feats, substituting your ranks in the chosen skill for your total caster level. You must use the chosen skill for the check to create the item. The DC to create the item still increases for any necessary spell requirements (see the magic item creation rules in Magic Items). You cannot use this feat to create any spell-trigger or spell-activation item.
Normal: Only spellcasters can qualify for the Craft Magic Arms and Armor and Craft Wondrous Item feats.
When you look at the magic item creation rules, at the bottom it describes the Craft skills you need for each item- for Wondrous Items it says:
Skill Used In Creation: Spellcraft or an applicable Craft or Profession skill check.
That skill's only rolled at the end of item creation, but there it is. RAW's kinda weird in that Master Craftsman clearly states the character can use its ranks as a caster level to qualify, but also RAW this character could start putting points in other Craft skills, qualify for Craft Wondrous Item, create whatever wondrous item it has the skill points in, and make the single end-of-crafting roll with whichever Craft skill's applicable. It doesn't break the build, it's just messy-looking. Consider this when you're planning the build.
Anyway, uh, Poisoner's Gloves:
Hey, okay, segue disrupted- so, RAW Master Craftsman's description is:
Master Craftsman
Your superior crafting skills allow you to create simple magic items.
Prerequisites: 5 ranks in any Craft or Profession skill.Benefit: Choose one Craft or Profession skill in which you possess at least 5 ranks. You receive a +2 bonus on your chosen Craft or Profession skill. Ranks in your chosen skill count as your caster level for the purposes of qualifying for the Craft Magic Arms and Armor and Craft Wondrous Item feats. You can create magic items using these feats, substituting your ranks in the chosen skill for your total caster level. You must use the chosen skill for the check to create the item. The DC to create the item still increases for any necessary spell requirements (see the magic item creation rules in Magic Items). You cannot use this feat to create any spell-trigger or spell-activation item.
Normal: Only spellcasters can qualify for the Craft Magic Arms and Armor and Craft Wondrous Item feats.
When you look at the magic item creation rules, at the bottom it describes the Craft skills you need for each item- for Wondrous Items it says:
Skill Used In Creation: Spellcraft or an applicable Craft or Profession skill check.
That skill's only rolled at the end of item creation, but there it is. RAW's kinda weird in that Master Craftsman clearly states the character can use its ranks as a caster level to qualify, but also RAW this character could start putting points in other Craft skills, qualify for Craft Wondrous Item, create whatever wondrous item it has the skill points in, and make the single end-of-crafting roll with whichever Craft skill's applicable. It doesn't break the build, it's just messy-looking. Consider this when you're planning the build.
Anyway, uh, Poisoner's Gloves:
This character’s action economy
is fucking incredible. Poisoner’s Gloves
allow an alchemist to put their infusion-modified extracts inside a piece of clothing
to be delivered as a touch attack.
CL 5th; Price 5000 gp
CL 5th; Price 5000 gp
These black, rubbery gloves have
sharpened digits. Fine channels lead to the tip of each finger, which are often
stained with foul chemicals. The gloves are used primarily by assassins to
deliver poisons while in combat.
Each glove may be filled with a
single dose of poison, a potion, alchemist infusion, holy water,
or similar liquid as long as the liquid would not harm the gloves (for example,
alchemist’s fire and acid cannot be used). The wearer can deliver the dose to a
target as a melee touch attack or as part of an unarmed strike or natural
attack with the hands (such as a claw or slam attack). The wearer can use both
gloves in the same round using two-weapon fighting or multiple natural attacks
(such as 2 slams or 2 claws). Each glove can be used once per day. Filling a
glove is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
That’s for your tumorous
familiar poppin outta you to stab you with your own spells on its turn. Here’s where it gets fucking incredible, and
my favorite part of this build: at level 15 for this build or 14 for a
non-Evangelist, this character gets Greater Alchemical Simulacrum, a discovery
that allows it to create permanent 1/2-strength duplicates of any creature
through a 24-hour procedure for 100 GP per HD.
The duplicate is perfectly obedient.
This character duplicates its familiar, which, while not technically
counting as its familiar, still has all its familiar’s feats and abilities and
can absolutely wear the Poisoner’s Gloves.
That’s another creature popping out to stab you with your own spells on
its turn. How often can you do
this? Well, here’s a better question:
how many of your daily fucking spells are you willing to put in those
gloves? Additionally, with the teamwork
feat Shake It Off, each adjacent creature (occupying the same space counts as
adjacent for this purpose) adds +1/+1/+1 to saving throws, up to a maximum of
+5/+5/+5 (that caveat actually didn't exist when I made the build, to my knowledge, so I had some old formulas of how many familiars would encumber this character to see the maximum saving throw boost it could have and I think it was +13). Even cooler than that, your
familiar’s Tiny, which means it can occupy the same space as another
creature. With the Implant Bomb general
feat obtained at level 15, each of your familiar simulacrums can have a fucking
bomb inside of it- so all you gotta do is command your perfectly-obedient
familiars who each contain a bomb to go jump in a space with a dude (talking’s
a free fuckin action), then toss one of your own goddamn bombs over there- you
only gotta kill one of em and it’ll explode, which oughtta kill the rest of em,
which means whatever they stacked on is taking the full force of as many bombs
as you felt like putting in their space, in addition to if you felt like using Poisoner’s
Gloves to toss around touch-range spells that particular round. Played cleverly, this character’s a fucking
god. Fuck, man, played stupidly this
character’s a fucking god. In addition
to all of that is stuff I’ve mentioned before- at level 16 you got free-action adding-alchemical-items-to-weapons,
which is like you tossing around your shit on someone else’s turn, you got your
super poison you get to put on whatever, your super poison hits things that hit
you without an action, you can add your super poison to a bomb if you need to,
and with the simulacrum familiar exploit you got an entire army only limited by
how much gold you have, and here’s the kicker there: with Hedge Magician you
can actually make money by creating items for 45% of cost and selling them for
50%- it’s not a ton but if you’re in a campaign with downtime go ahead and
spend the time to do some fuckin math to find out how much free money you
deserve. Cooperative Crafting
says it doubles the GP value of what can be created in a day. RAW I
guess that means each simulated valet familiar doubles the GP value of what can be
created in a day?? ????? Potentially-infinitely-quick crafting????????
Final weird mechanic I'd like to mention is implants. Some of them are fucking amazing, so read through 'em if you want- my favorite's the Splintered Mind, which adds a +4 against mind-affecting effects and allows two saving throws against ongoing effects in exchange for -2 Initiative and 16000 GP (just kidding, it's 7200 GP since you're making it yourself).
This is my very favorite
character. Every build I post after this,
if any at all, will be at least a little embarrassing to me. This one’s a party face, it’s a ranged
attacker, it has AoE, it can buff, it has minions, with the Doppleganger Simulacrum discovery at level 11 (10 for non-Evangelist) it can self-resurrect,
it can incapacitate with a touch attack, and it makes Batman’s utility belt
look like an asshole.
As an aside to illustrate its
potential, what I would do if I were an endgame character is create a nation- I’d
hire the most talented workers from everywhere to come to my little country and
just hang out while I cloned them into obedient, half-talented servants- I feel
like a 50% version of any prodigy wouldn’t be enough to threaten it, you know? I’d have an entire functioning kingdom of perfectly-obedient
creatures, each working to make things better and each laced with a bomb and
maybe a couple little alchemical items to hide or whatever if they’re
attacked. Something else I think’d be
amazing is I’d duplicate myself, then have it cast Skinsend to make it into
animate flesh- then I’d wear it like a cape and toss it on the ground in fights
so it could hurl around its half-power bombs and be a little baby version of me
stalking around shaped like my skin without organs. Probly several. Why would anyone ever play this game any
other way?
This build created in November
of 2016, with Evangelist added in January of 2017.
Evangelist Level 10, Alchemist
(Grenadier, Toxicant) Level 10
[must be of Evil
alignment and worship Norgorber]
Race: Tiefling +2
DEX, +2 INT, -2 CHA (+1 Hit Point/+1 Skill Point/+½ Alchemist Bomb Damage)
Racial Traits
Fiendish Resistance (Cold, Electricity, and Fire resistance
Fiendish Sprinter (+10’ speed when charging, running, or
Maw or Claw (1d6 Bite)
Prehensile Tail (Can carry small items and retrieve stored
items as swift action with tail)
Darkvision 60’
Drawback: Pride (Cannot abide challenges, threats, or
accusations besmirching personal honor or affectations;
take -2 to Diplomacy and Sense Motive against a challenger, threatenist or accuser.)
take -2 to Diplomacy and Sense Motive against a challenger, threatenist or accuser.)
Magic: Hedge Magician (crafted magic items cost 5% less to
Regional: Paragon of Speed (+2 to Initiative)
Social: Clever Wordplay (use INT modifier instead of CHA for
Use Magic Device)
Class Skills: Appraise,
Craft (Any), Disable Device, Fly, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Nature),
Linguistics, Perception, Profession (Any), Sleight Of Hand, Spellcraft,
Survival, and Use Magic Device.
Known Languages:
Common, Abyssal, Infernal, +4 others
1: Alchemist (Grenadier, Toxicant), +½ Alchemist Bomb Damage
BAB: +0
Base Saves: +4/+5/+2
New Feats: Bomb Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Longbow
Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency, Alchemy, Bomb, Throw Anything, Toxic
Secretion, [1st Level Feat] Skill Focus (Linguistics), [Anti-Hero]
Skills(8): Appraise,
Craft (Alchemy), Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Nature), Linguistics,
Perception, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device
New Extracts: 1st Level- Adhesive Spittle, Cure Light
Wounds, Enlarge Person, Heightened Awareness, Monkey Fish, Targeted Bomb
Base Extracts Per Day: 2 Lvl. 1
Base Bomb Damage/Frequency: 1d6+INT,
2: Alchemist (Grenadier, Toxicant), +½ Alchemist Bomb Damage
BAB: +1
Base Saves: +5/+6/+2
New Feats: Alchemical Weapon 1 (move action), [Alchemist Discovery
2nd] Tumor Familiar, [Alchemist Discovery (Grenadier)] Precise Bomb
Skills(8): Craft (Alchemy),
Disable Device, Heal, Linguistics, Perception, Spellcraft, Survival, Use Magic
New Extracts: 1st Level- Comprehend Languages, Reduce
Base Extracts Per Day: 3 Lvl. 1
Base Bomb Damage/Frequency: 1d6+1+INT,
Familiar: Tumor Compsognathus
(Valet archetype)
Familiar Bonus: +4 initiative
Familiar Bonus: +4 initiative
3: Alchemist (Grenadier, Toxicant), +½ Alchemist Bomb Damage
BAB: +2
Base Saves: +5/+6/+3
New Feats: Swift Alchemy, Toxic Secretion: Sickened, [3rd
Level Feat] Extra Discovery: Infusion
Skills(8): Craft
(Alchemy), Linguistics, Perception, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device, +3 others
New Extracts: Endure Elements, True Strike
Base Extracts Per Day: 4 Lvl. 1
Base Bomb Damage/Frequency: 2d6+1+INT,
4: Alchemist (Grenadier, Toxicant), +½ Alchemist Bomb Damage
BAB: +3
Increased Ability Score: INT +1
Base Saves: +6/+7/+3
New Feats: [Alchemist Discovery 4th] Frost Bomb
Skills(9): Craft
(Alchemy), Linguistics, Perception, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device, +4 others
New Extracts: Alchemical Allocation, Full Pouch
Base Extracts Per Day: 5 Lvl. 1, 2 Lvl. 2
Base Bomb Damage/Frequency: 2d6+2+INT,
5: Alchemist (Grenadier, Toxicant), +½ Alchemist Bomb Damage
BAB: +3
Base Saves: +6/+7/+3
New Feats: [5th Level Feat] Divine Obedience
Skills(9): Craft
(Alchemy), Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (Religion),
Linguistics, Perception, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device, +1 other
New Extracts: Invisibility, Lesser Restoration
Base Extracts Per Day: 6 Lvl. 1, 3 Lvl. 2
Base Bomb Damage/Frequency: 3d6+2+INT,
Additional Class
Skills Obtained At Level 6: Diplomacy, Knowledge (Religion), Linguistics,
+1 other
6: Evangelist 1 (d8 Hit Die)
BAB: +4
Base Saves: +6/+8/+4
New Feats: Obedience, Skilled: Linguistics and (1 other, as desired)
Skills(11): Craft
(Alchemy), Linguistics, Perception, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device, +6 others
New Extracts: (none)
Base Extracts Per Day: 6 Lvl. 1, 3 Lvl. 2
Base Bomb Damage/Frequency: 3d6+2+INT,
7: Evangelist 2; Alchemist (Grenadier, Toxicant) 6
BAB: +5
Base Saves: +7/+8/+4
New Feats: Aligned Class: Alchemist, Alchemical Weapon 2 (swift
action), Directed Blast, Protective Grace (+1), Toxic Secretion: Dazed, [Alchemist
Discovery 6th] Sticky Poison, [7th Level Feat] Master Craftsman: Craft (Alchemy)
Skills(11): Craft
(Alchemy), Linguistics, Perception, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device, +6 others
New Extracts: Barkskin, Vomit Swarm
Base Extracts Per Day: 6 Lvl. 1, 4 Lvl. 2
Base Bomb Damage/Frequency: 3d6+2+INT,
8: Evangelist 3; Alchemist (Grenadier, Toxicant) 7
BAB: +6/+1
Increased Ability Score: INT +1 (21)
Base Saves: +7/+9/+4
New Feats: [Deific Boon] Secrets And Lies:
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance 1/day
Skills(11): Craft
(Alchemy), Fly, Linguistics, Perception, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device, +5
New Extracts: Channel Vigor, Fly
Base Extracts Per Day: 6 Lvl. 1, 4 Lvl. 2, 2 Lvl. 3
Base Bomb Damage/Frequency: 4d6+2+INT,
9: Evangelist 4; Alchemist (Grenadier, Toxicant) 8
BAB: +6/+1
Base Saves: +7/+9/+5
New Feats: Gift Of Tongues 1: (as desired by campaign), [Alchemist
Discovery 8th] Alchemical Simulacrum, [9th Level Feat] Craft Wondrous Item
Skills(11): Craft
(Alchemy), Linguistics, Perception, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device, +6 others
New Extracts: Amplify Elixir, Bouncing Bomb Admixture
Base Extracts Per Day: 6 Lvl. 1, 5 Lvl. 2, 3 Lvl. 3
Base Bomb Damage/Frequency: 4d6+2+INT,
10: Evangelist 5; Alchemist (Grenadier, Toxicant) 9
BAB: +7/+2
Base Saves: +8/+10/+5
New Feats: Multitude Of Talents, Toxic Secretion: Shaken, (Skill Focus: Linguistics bonus
increases to +6)
Skills(11): Craft
(Alchemy), Linguistics, Perception, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device, +6 others
New Extracts: Heroism, Protection From Energy
Base Extracts Per Day: 7 Lvl. 1, 5 Lvl. 2, 4 Lvl. 3
Base Bomb Damage/Frequency: 5d6+2+INT,
11: Evangelist 6; Alchemist (Grenadier, Toxicant) 10
BAB: +8/+3
Base Saves: +8/+10/+5
New Feats: [Deific Boon] Noxious Bomb, Staggering Blast, [Alchemist
Discovery 10th] Doppleganger Simulacrum, [11th Level
Feat] Extra Discovery: Fast Bombs
Skills(11): Craft
(Alchemy), Linguistics, Perception, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device, +6 others
New Extracts: Freedom Of Movement, Restoration
New Extracts: Echolocation, Greater Invisibility
Base Extracts Per Day: 7 Lvl. 1, 5 Lvl. 2, 4 Lvl. 3, 2 Lvl. 4
Base Bomb Damage/Frequency: 5d6+2+INT,
12: Evangelist 7; Alchemist (Grenadier, Toxicant) 11
BAB: +9/+4
Increased Ability Score: INT +1 (22)
Base Saves: +8/+11/+6
New Feats: Protective Grace (+2)
Skills(12): Craft
(Alchemy), Linguistics, Perception, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device, +7 others
Base Extracts Per Day: 7 Lvl. 1, 6 Lvl. 2, 5 Lvl. 3, 3 Lvl. 4
Base Bomb Damage/Frequency: 6d6+2+INT,
13: Evangelist 8; Alchemist (Grenadier, Toxicant) 12
BAB: +9/+4
Base Saves: +9/+11/+6 (+1/+1/+1 when
adjacent to or merged with familiar)
New Feats: Gift Of Tongues 2: (as desired by campaign), Toxic
Secretion: Dazzled, [Alchemist Discovery 12th] Delayed Bomb, [13th
Level Feat] Shake It Off
Skills(12): Craft
(Alchemy), Linguistics, Perception, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device, +7 others
New Extracts: Arcane Eye, Enchantment Foil
Base Extracts Per Day: 7 Lvl. 1, 7 Lvl. 2, 5 Lvl. 3, 4 Lvl. 4
Base Bomb Damage/Frequency: 6d6+2+INT,
14: Evangelist 9; Alchemist (Grenadier, Toxicant) 13
BAB: +10/+5
Base Saves: +9/+12/+6 (+1/+1/+1 when
adjacent to or merged with familiar)
New Feats: [Deific Boon] Secret Self 1/day
Skills(12): Craft
(Alchemy), Heal, Heal, Heal, Heal, Heal, Heal, Heal, Linguistics, Perception, Spellcraft,
Use Magic Device
New Extracts: Delayed Consumption, Overland Flight
Base Extracts Per Day: 7 Lvl. 1, 7 Lvl. 2, 5 Lvl. 3, 4 Lvl. 4, 2
Lvl. 5
Base Bomb Damage/Frequency: 7d6+2+INT,
15: Evangelist 10; Alchemist (Grenadier, Toxicant) 14
BAB: +11/+6/+1
Base Saves: +9/+12/+7 [up to +5/+5/+5
when adjacent to or merged with familiar(s)]
New Feats: Spiritual Form (INT; Wings), Toxic Digestion, [Alchemist
Discovery 14th] Greater Alchemical Simulacrum, [15th
Level Feat] Implant Bomb
Skills(12): Craft
(Alchemy), Heal, Heal, Heal, Heal, Heal, Heal, Heal, Linguistics, Perception, Spellcraft,
Use Magic Device
New Extracts: Magic Jar, Resurgent Transformation
Base Extracts Per Day: 7 Lvl. 1, 7 Lvl. 2, 5 Lvl. 3, 5 Lvl. 4, 3
Lvl. 5
Base Bomb Damage/Frequency: 7d6+2+INT,
16: Alchemist (Grenadier, Toxicant) 15, +½ Alchemist Bomb
BAB: +12/+7/+2
Increased Ability Score: INT +1 (23)
Base Saves: +10/+13/+7 [up to +5/+5/+5
when adjacent to or merged with familiar(s)]
New Feats: Alchemical Weapon 3 (free action), Toxic Secretion: Blinded
Skills(10): Craft
(Alchemy), Linguistics, Perception, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device, +5 others
New Extracts: Communal Stoneskin, Contact Other Plane
Base Extracts Per Day: 7 Lvl. 1, 7 Lvl. 2, 6 Lvl. 3, 5 Lvl. 4, 4
Lvl. 5
Base Bomb Damage/Frequency: 8d6+3+INT,
17: Alchemist (Grenadier, Toxicant) 16, +½ Alchemist Bomb
BAB: +12/+7/+2
Base Saves: +10/+13/+7 [up to +5/+5/+5
when adjacent to or merged with familiar(s)]
New Feats: [Alchemist Discovery 16th] Extend Potion, [17th
Level Feat] Extra Discovery: Eternal Potion
Skills(10): Craft
(Alchemy), Linguistics, Perception, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device, +5 others
New Extracts: Heal, Twin Form
Base Extracts Per Day: 7 Lvl. 1, 7 Lvl. 2, 6 Lvl. 3, 5 Lvl. 4, 4
Lvl. 5, 2 Lvl. 6
Base Bomb Damage/Frequency: 8d6+3+INT,
18: Alchemist (Grenadier, Toxicant) 17, +½ Alchemist Bomb
BAB: +13/+8/+3
Base Saves: +11/+14/+8 [up to +5/+5/+5
when adjacent to or merged with familiar(s)]
New Feats:
Skills(10): Craft
(Alchemy), Linguistics, Perception, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device, +5 others
New Extracts: Analyze Dweomer, True Seeing
Base Extracts Per Day: 7 Lvl. 1, 7 Lvl. 2, 6 Lvl. 3, 5 Lvl. 4, 5
Lvl. 5, 3 Lvl. 6
Base Bomb Damage/Frequency: 9d6+4+INT,
19: Alchemist (Grenadier, Toxicant) 18, +½ Alchemist Bomb
BAB: +14/+9/+4
Base Saves: +11/+14/+8 [up to +5/+5/+5
when adjacent to or merged with familiar(s)]
New Feats: Instant Alchemy, Toxic Secretion: Fatigued, [Alchemist
Discovery 18th] Explosive Bomb, [19th Level Feat] Extra
Discovery: Hellfire Bomb
Skills(10): Craft
(Alchemy), Linguistics, Perception, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device, +5 others
New Extracts: Statue, Wind Walk
Base Extracts Per Day: 7 Lvl. 1, 7 Lvl. 2, 6 Lvl. 3, 6 Lvl. 4, 5
Lvl. 5, 4 Lvl. 6
Base Bomb Damage/Frequency: 9d6+4+INT,
20: Alchemist (Grenadier, Toxicant) 19, +½ Alchemist Bomb
BAB: +15/+10/+5
Increased Ability Score: INT +1 (24)
Base Saves: [up to +5/+5/+5 when
adjacent to or merged with familiar(s)]
New Feats: (none)
Skills(11): Craft
(Alchemy), Linguistics, Perception, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device, +6 others
New Extracts: Mislead, Transformation
Base Extracts Per Day: 7 Lvl. 1, 7 Lvl. 2, 7 Lvl. 3, 6 Lvl. 4, 6
Lvl. 5, 5 Lvl. 6
Base Bomb Damage/Frequency: 10d6+5+INT,
I don't believe that Alchemists can take Craft Wondrous Item.
ReplyDeleteyou're right! fixed. Master Craftsman at level 7, Craft Wondrous at level 9. it couldn't take Heighten Spell either so the build just ends up with Infusion early and Craft Wondrous later.
DeleteAgain you've made an amazingly fun looking build,
ReplyDeleteOnly have two things that you might want to take a second look at,
Alchemist formulas don't count as spells so they don't qualify for Craft Wondrous item or Metamagic Feats/Rods (even though there is a FAQ from 2011 suggesting they can a different FAQ from 2013 says they don't though its a common house rule that they can take the feat(s)) , and the familiar suggested i'm unsure if they have the "hand" slot to be able to equip Poisoner’s Gloves.
On further inspection, Full Pouch extract might not do anything for the alchemist as it's "object touched" and not "creature touched" and drinking extracts is always a standard action .. but that's RAW .. RAI i would assume that you drink the extract while touching the object to gain it's benfit
Deleteyeah, that
Deleteit says "while drawing out a(n) alchemical item to use", but it doesn't specify it's part of any action so much as picking something up. I don't think the spell was intended for mass production, but it's perfect that way.
something I didn't mention 'cause my builds are my builds and not builds-for-use-in-conjunction-with-other-builds is that a wizard with high INT and Heighten Spell (since they can actually get Heighten Spell) can boost the DC of alchemical items way beyond an alchemist, but it'd feel dumb to say "hey rely on someone else's character"
hey thanks
ReplyDeleteyeah, uh
I didn't realize alchemists don't cast spells and aren't spellcasters
means this build can't craft wondrous items without master craftsman and can't use heighten spell to boost full pouch
I can't fix it (or the fact I spelled the title Norgober) for a couple days, but thanks! gonna swap out heighten spell for master craftsman with craft alchemy and it should be fixed
wow that is impressive
ReplyDeletealso great alchemical items i did never hear about.
this will help in so many ways you cant even imagine.
you really delivered on this one.
Frist, I love the look of this build. Second, I've got a gestalt game I am about to make for, what do you think would be good for the other side with this?
ReplyDeleteoh, wow, I've never heard of that; I don't know.
Deleteoff the top of my head, wizard, to get dual spell progression and be able to skip Master Craftsman and be able to do the Full Pouch trick as one character. probably an Exploiter Wizard, since they're especially versatile.
(aside from looking up the concept just now, though, I haven't given it any additional thought.)
That looks like a good addition, thank you for your input.
DeleteBonus, I can cast Animate Dead for the implanted bombs. This will indeed do nicely.
DeleteHow can you be Grenadier and Toxicant at the same lvl?
ReplyDeleteYou can apply multiple archetype to a class as long as the archetype do not modify the same thing:
DeleteToxicant takes away mutagen
Grenadier removes brew potion , and poison use / swift poison / poison resistance / poison immunity
So they are compatible ... I do find it a little sad to lose poison use / swift poison / poison immunity when you are yourself a walking poison. (the toxicant is immune to his own poison so no risk to poison yourself)
The loss of swift poisoning is not overly dramatic, the grenadier's swift alchemy does the same and poisons do count as alchemical as per Paizo's FAQ (
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