Angel Quill Arrowhead
Source Demon Hunter's Handbook; Price 10 gp; Weight —;
This barbed, cold iron arrowhead is alchemically treated to inflict additional harm while embedded in creatures that are vulnerable to cold iron. For every angel quill arrowhead that damages a target with DR/cold iron, the target’s damage reduction decreases by 1. Up to five angel quill arrowheads can affect a single target at any one time, reducing the target’s DR/cold iron by up to 5 (additional arrowheads have no effect aside from dealing damage as normal). An affected target can pull out a number of arrowheads equal to her Dexterity modifier (minimum 1) as a full-round action with a successful DC 15 Heal check. Alternatively, the application of any magical healing causes all angel quill arrowheads embedded in the creature to instantly fall out.
Angel quill arrowheads of silver and adamantine are also available for the same price, and affect creatures with DR/silver or DR/adamantine, respectively. Crafting any type of angel quill arrowhead requires a successful DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.
Angel Quill Arrowhead
Source Demon Hunter's Handbook; Price 10 gp; Weight —;
This barbed, cold iron arrowhead is alchemically treated to inflict additional harm while embedded in creatures that are vulnerable to cold iron. For every angel quill arrowhead that damages a target with DR/cold iron, the target’s damage reduction decreases by 1. Up to five angel quill arrowheads can affect a single target at any one time, reducing the target’s DR/cold iron by up to 5 (additional arrowheads have no effect aside from dealing damage as normal). An affected target can pull out a number of arrowheads equal to her Dexterity modifier (minimum 1) as a full-round action with a successful DC 15 Heal check. Alternatively, the application of any magical healing causes all angel quill arrowheads embedded in the creature to instantly fall out.
Angel quill arrowheads of silver and adamantine are also available for the same price, and affect creatures with DR/silver or DR/adamantine, respectively. Crafting any type of angel quill arrowhead requires a successful DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.
Artokus's Fire
This congealed incendiary functions like alchemist’s fire,
but its white-hot flames deal 2d6 points of fire damage on a direct hit and 1d6
points of splash damage to adjacent creatures.
Create: Craft (alchemy) 30
Create: Craft (alchemy) 30
Brewed Reek
Source PRG:ARG
Animal musk, spoiled meat, pungent plants, and any other
foul-smelling substances on hand go into a batch of brewed reek. When boiled,
this mixture becomes a thick alchemical slime that adheres to anything it
touches. You can hurl brewed reek as a splash
weapon with a range increment of 10 feet. A creature struck with a direct
hit must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude
save or be sickened
for 2d6 rounds. If the target fails its save, it must make a second Fortitude
save or be nauseated
for 1 round. Creatures in the splash area must make a Fortitude
save or be sickened
for 1 round. A creature that drinks brewed reek does not get a saving throw and
is sickened
for 2d6 rounds and nauseated
for 1 round.
Create: Craft
(alchemy) DC 25
Burst Jar
This simple clay pot has two sealed, airtight inner chambers
containing alchemical liquids. The jar is thrown as a splash weapon. It
shatters on impact, covering the target with a mixture of the two liquids. One
round later on your turn, the liquids react and explode with concussive force.
The target takes 1 point of sonic damage, is deafened for 1d4 rounds, and must
make a DC 12 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round. Creatures within 5 feet
of the explosion take 1 point of sonic damage. The target can use a full-round
action to scrape or wash off the liquid before it detonates, depositing the
material in its square or an adjacent square; the material detonates as normal,
though the original target only takes damage as if it were within 5 feet of the
explosion. Crafting this item is a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 25
Within this corked vial is a tiny sample of what is known as
“dead air.” Heavy, still, and of unknown origin, pockets of dead air becalm
airships and smother crews in remote parts of the Plane of Air. When you open a
dead air vial, invisible dead air fills a 20-foot-radius area centered on you.
The affected area becomes devoid of breathable air. Creatures that breathe air
must hold their breath or suffocate in an area of dead air, though sound, fire,
and other effects that rely on a stable atmosphere are unaffected. Undisturbed,
the dead air dissipates in 1 minute. A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the dead
air in 4 rounds; a strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the dead air in 1 round.
This item can be crafted with a successful DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 25
Firework, Fire Wheel
Source Ranged Tactics Toolbox pg. 20 (Amazon)
Price 200 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Category Alchemical Weapons
Price 200 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Category Alchemical Weapons
Once its fuse has been lit, this hoop-shaped firework emits
colorful sparks from a series of outward-angled wooden tubes. It can then be
rolled along the ground or thrown as a splash weapon with a range increment of
30 feet. One round after being lit, a fire wheel firework explodes in a
spectacular 5-foottall cylindrical blast with a 20-foot radius. All creatures
in the area take 3d6 points of fire damage and are blinded for 1 minute (Reflex
DC 16 halves damage, negates blindness).
Craft (Alchemy) DC 25
Firework, Flame Fountain
This hollow metal or wooden tube contains slow-burning
powder. When you light the fuse (a move action), it creates a 3-foot-long,
blazing fountain of red-hot fiery sparks. You wield this fountain of sparks as
if it were a heavy mace. Attacks with the fountain are melee touch attacks. The
fountain deals 1d8 points of fire damage (your Strength modifier does not apply
to the damage).
The fountain sheds light as a torch and can ignite combustible materials such as parchment, straw, dry sticks, and cloth. Once ignited, it lasts for 1 minute. If extinguished before this time, the remaining duration is wasted. Crafting this item is a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.
The fountain sheds light as a torch and can ignite combustible materials such as parchment, straw, dry sticks, and cloth. Once ignited, it lasts for 1 minute. If extinguished before this time, the remaining duration is wasted. Crafting this item is a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 25
Firework, Flashing Fiend
When lit, this small conical firework emits bright white
sparks that illuminate the area as a candle. It can be thrown to target an
intersection as a splash weapon. One round later, it begins to emit pulses of
extremely bright light for 1d6 rounds. Any creature that begins its turn within
15 feet of the firework must succeed at a DC 12 Reflex saving throw or be
blinded for 1d4 rounds.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 30
Fungal Stun Vial
Price 75 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
Harvested from a rare fungus, these small vials emit a
bright blue glow, and are commonly used in intertribal kobold
disputes. When broken, a fungal stun vial releases a flash of bright blue light
in a 10-foot radius and dim light in a 20-foot radius. All creatures within the
flash area must make a Will save (DC
20). Creatures that fail are stunned
for 1d2 rounds if they're in the area of bright light, or are confused
for 1 round if in the area of dim light.
Create: Craft
(alchemy) DC 30
Musk, Wild Animal
Source PC:AA
This emerald-colored adhesive is a concoction made from
animal glands, urine, and other powerful scents combined with a strong
alchemical binding agent that is difficult to wash off. A target splashed with
it smells like weak prey to predators. Creatures with the scent
ability can detect a marked creature at five times the normal range, note its
direction as a free action,
pinpoint it when it is within 25 feet, and track it by scent with a +5 bonus on
its Survival checks.
Immersion in water within 1 round of exposure washes it off; otherwise the
effect decreases by one range increment per day (four times normal range after
1 day, three times range after 2 days, and so on) until the creature is again
at normal scent levels.
Create: Craft
(alchemy) DC 20
Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 103 (Amazon), Advanced
Player's Guide pg. 1 (Amazon)
Price 10 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Category Alchemical Tools
Price 10 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Category Alchemical Tools
This reagent is often stored in the form of small, salty pellets
in a dry container, though it can also be mixed with a flask of water and
carried that way. Nushadir neutralizes acid; a vial of pellets or a flask of
nushadir-water is enough to render a cubic foot of acid safe to touch in 1
minute, though this is usually too slow to prevent damage from a thrown vial of
acid or the contents of a large monster’s gullet. Nushadir vapors are slightly
irritating to the eyes, nose, and mouth, causing nausea for 1d4 rounds after
close exposure (Fortitude DC 10 negates).
Craft (Alchemy) DC 20
Oil, Stink
Source PPC:AA
Price 15 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This glass container of foul-smelling oil shatters easily
upon impact. You can throw a vial of stink oil as a splash
weapon with a range increment of 10 feet. If a creature with the scent
ability is standing in the square of impact, it must succeed at a DC 14 Fortitude
save or be nauseated
for 1d4+1 rounds. Any creature with scent
in an adjacent square must succeed at a DC 12 Fortitude
save or be sickened
for 1 round. Creatures without the scent
ability are not affected by stink oil.
Poison Diffuser
This compound comes in a tiny eyedropper. When you combine a
dose of poison diffuser with a dose of contact or ingested poison, the poison
becomes a gas, slowly diffusing into the surrounding air. The poison is treated
as an inhaled poison for 3 rounds, after which the poison and the poison
diffuser are both expended and become inert. Any creature that passes within 5
feet of a diffused poison while it is active must save against the vaporous
If you are using spontaneous alchemy, adding urea to the alchemical recipe delays a poison diffuser’s activation time. For every 20 doses of urea (worth a total of 10 gp) incorporated into the alchemical creation process, the time from which the diffuser is added to the poison to the time the poison begins spreading into the air increases by 1 round.
If you are using spontaneous alchemy, adding urea to the alchemical recipe delays a poison diffuser’s activation time. For every 20 doses of urea (worth a total of 10 gp) incorporated into the alchemical creation process, the time from which the diffuser is added to the poison to the time the poison begins spreading into the air increases by 1 round.
Alchemical Recipe
Recipe (100 brimstone + 180 salt + 180 spirit of
wine)/fermentation; Craft 25
Time 1 day; Tools heat source; Type alchemical tool
Time 1 day; Tools heat source; Type alchemical tool
Perfect Ice
This vial contains a large snowflake that melts only at
temperatures of 140 degrees Fahrenheit or above. Perfect ice is an alchemically
engineered form of water that briefly converts any moisture it touches into a
similar state. When a flask of perfect ice is opened or broken (such as by
being thrown as a splash weapon), the snowflake within expands rapidly, forming
a layer of ice and snow with a 60-foot radius along any nearby surface. Any
living creature that touches an area of perfect ice or starts its turn in a
space of perfect ice takes 4d6 points of damage from desiccation as some of the
water in its body crystallizes (Fortitude DC 18 half). Creatures with the water
subtype take half again as much damage (150%) and receive no saving throw. The
ice crystals that form along flat surfaces are large and strong, and are
treated as caltrops. The ice persists for 10 minutes, after which it vaporizes
or reverts to a normal state for its temperature. To avoid the hazards of its
large area of effect, many users propel the vial from a launching crossbow
(Pathfinder Player Companion: Adventurer’s Armory 4) or use similar means to
extend their throwing range.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 25
Source PRG:APG
This coarse gray powder ignites and burns almost instantly
if exposed to flame, significant friction, or even a simple force such as
throwing it against a floor (a standard
action). Creatures within the 10-foot-radius burst are blinded
for 1 round (Fortitude
DC 13 negates).
Create: Craft
(alchemy) DC 20
Powder, Itching
Source PC:AA
This fine gray powder causes targets to suffer from
uncontrollable itching until they spend at least 1 round washing it off.
Throwing a packet of itching powder is a splash attack with a range increment
of 10 feet. Anyone standing on the square of impact must succeed on a DC 12 Fortitude
save to resist the powder, while those in adjacent squares must make a DC 8 Fortitude
save. Creatures that fail the save take a –2 penalty on attack
rolls, saving
throws, skill checks, and ability checks.
Create: Craft
(alchemy) DC 25
Powder, Sneezing
Source PRG:APG
This coarse yellowish-red powder is a splash
weapon that causes uncontrollable sneezing for 1d4+1 rounds. Anyone
standing in the square of impact must succeed on a DC 12 Fortitude
save to resist the powder, while those in adjacent squares must make DC 8 Fortitude
saves. Creatures affected by sneezing powder must make a DC 10 Fortitude
save every round for the duration or be staggered
until their next turn.
Create: Craft
(alchemy) DC 25
Shriek Bomb
This yellow ball of volatile resin has a hemp wick. Lighting
the fuse is a move action; 1d3–1 rounds later (a result of 0 rounds takes place
at the end of your turn), the shriek bomb explodes, dealing 2d6 points of sonic
damage to creatures in a 10-footradius burst (Fortitude DC 15 half). A shriek
bomb can be thrown as a splash weapon with a range of 10 feet.
Alchemical Recipe
Recipe (20 magnesium + 30 myrrh + 5 saltpeter)/congelation;
Craft 20
Time 10 minutes; Tools alchemist's lab; Type alchemical weapon
Time 10 minutes; Tools alchemist's lab; Type alchemical weapon
Price 20 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
This alchemically treated wooden stick instantly creates
thick, opaque smoke when burned. The smoke fills a 10-foot cube (treat the
effect as a fog
cloud spell, except that a moderate or stronger wind dissipates the smoke
in 1 round). The stick is consumed after 1 round, and the smoke dissipates
naturally after 1 minute.
Spirit Of Glass
This fiber is composed of tiny strands of razor-sharp glass
laced with alchemical elements. Anyone who touches it finds her skin irritated
by countless tiny abrasions. Though it causes only minor discomfort, it opens
the skin enough for poison to seep through, allowing injury poisons to be
delivered to the affected creature as if they were contact poisons. The
abrasions last for 1 hour or until cleaned and treated with a successful DC 10
Heal check (a full-round action). Poisoners sometimes place spirit of glass in
a target’s wardrobe or amid her personal effects along with a rag soaked in
poison. Spirit of glass is often mistaken for lint or loose cloth, though it
and the abrasions it causes can be identified with a successful DC 15 Craft
(alchemy) check or DC 17 Heal check. Spirit of glass can be used only once
before it is expended.
Alchemical Recipe
Recipe (2 cold iron + 7 darkwood + 5 gold)/calcination;
Craft 25
Time 1 hour; Tools crucible; Type alchemical tool
Time 1 hour; Tools crucible; Type alchemical tool
Stagnant Fog Sack
Gathered within this tightly woven, alchemically treated
canvas sack is a sample of the pervasive fetid fog that looms near the border
of the Plane of Air and the Plane of Water. When opened, the fog billows out in
a 30-foot-radius area. Sight is extremely limited in an area of stagnant fog. A
creature within 15 feet has concealment (20% miss chance), while creatures
farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can’t
use sight to locate the target). In addition, creatures that end their turn
within the cloud must succeed at a DC 14 Fortitude save or become sickened for
1 round. Stagnant fog dissipates naturally after 1 minute. A moderate wind (11+
mph) disperses the stagnant fog in 1 round. This item can be crafted with a
successful DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 20
This sack contains tanglefoot bag materials and alchemical
powders that burn at a high temperature. It functions like a tanglefoot bag,
plus a direct hit on a creature deals 1d6 points of fire damage, and the
creature must make a DC 20 Reflex save or catch on fire. If it catches on fire,
for the next 2 rounds extinguishing the flames is a DC 25 Reflex save instead
of a DC 15 save, and using water to extinguish the flames creates a burst of
burning material equivalent to alchemist’s fire making a direct hit on the
target (including splash damage). After the initial 2 rounds, the flames may be
extinguished as normal. Crafting this item is a DC 30 Craft (alchemy) check.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 30
Tanglefoot Bag
Source Alchemy Manual pg. 31 (Amazon), Ultimate Equipment pg. 107 (Amazon), PRPG Core
Rulebook pg. 158 (Amazon)
Price 50 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
Category Alchemical Weapons
Price 50 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
Category Alchemical Weapons
A tanglefoot bag is a small sack filled with tar, resin, and
other sticky substances. When you throw a tanglefoot bag at a creature (as a
ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet), the bag comes apart and
goo bursts out, entangling the target and then becoming tough and resilient
upon exposure to air. An entangled creature takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls
and a –4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to
the floor, unable to move. Even on a successful save, it can move only at half
speed. Huge or larger creatures are unaffected by a tanglefoot bag. A flying
creature is not stuck to the floor, but it must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be
unable to fly (assuming it uses its wings to fly) and fall to the ground. A
tanglefoot bag does not function underwater.
A creature that is glued to the floor (or unable to fly) can break free by making a DC 17 Strength check or by dealing 15 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon. A creature trying to scrape goo off itself, or another creature assisting, does not need to make an attack roll; hitting the goo is automatic, after which the creature that hit makes a damage roll to see how much of the goo was scraped off. Once free, the creature can move (including flying) at half speed. If the entangled creature attempts to cast a spell, it must make a concentration check with a DC of 15 + the spell’s level or be unable to cast the spell. The goo becomes brittle and fragile after 2d4 rounds, cracking apart and losing its effectiveness. An application of universal solvent to a stuck creature dissolves the alchemical goo immediately. Crafting this item is a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.
A creature that is glued to the floor (or unable to fly) can break free by making a DC 17 Strength check or by dealing 15 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon. A creature trying to scrape goo off itself, or another creature assisting, does not need to make an attack roll; hitting the goo is automatic, after which the creature that hit makes a damage roll to see how much of the goo was scraped off. Once free, the creature can move (including flying) at half speed. If the entangled creature attempts to cast a spell, it must make a concentration check with a DC of 15 + the spell’s level or be unable to cast the spell. The goo becomes brittle and fragile after 2d4 rounds, cracking apart and losing its effectiveness. An application of universal solvent to a stuck creature dissolves the alchemical goo immediately. Crafting this item is a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.
Alchemical Recipe
Recipe (55 myrrh + 55 urea)/congelation; Craft 25
Time 10 minutes; Tools alchemist's lab; Type alchemical weapon
Time 10 minutes; Tools alchemist's lab; Type alchemical weapon
Source PRG:ARG
Price 50 GP Weight ½ lb.
A volatile mix of incendiary reagents, unstable accelerant can be thrown just like alchemist's fire. In the hands of an alchemist, a flask of unstable accelerant can be used as part of creating a bomb, increasing its fire damage by +1d6 points. It has no effect on bombs that do not deal fire damage. If the bomb lasts for more than an instant, the extra damage only applies to the first round's damage.
A volatile mix of incendiary reagents, unstable accelerant can be thrown just like alchemist's fire. In the hands of an alchemist, a flask of unstable accelerant can be used as part of creating a bomb, increasing its fire damage by +1d6 points. It has no effect on bombs that do not deal fire damage. If the bomb lasts for more than an instant, the extra damage only applies to the first round's damage.
Create: Craft
(alchemy) DC 25
Wyrm's Breath Bitter
This green-tinged brew has a pungent, bitter bite. It’s
flavored with a variety of foulsmelling herbs and is intensely carbonated
through a unique fermentation process. Sometimes given to visitors as a prank,
wyrm’s breath bitter causes the drinker to become sickened for 1d6 minutes
(Fortitude DC 12 negates); dwarves gain a +5 racial bonus on this saving throw.
After drinking a dose of wyrm’s breath bitter, the drinker can, as a move
action, unleash a thunderous and noxious belch in either a 5-foot-radius spread
or a 10-foot cone. Creatures in the area are deafened and sickened for 1 round
(Fortitude DC 12 negates). The drinker must wait 1d4 rounds before belching
again, but can belch as often as desired for up to 10 minutes after drinking a
wyrm’s breath bitter.
Alchemical Recipe
Recipe (2 black powder + 10 brimstone + 20 spirit of
wine)/digestion; Craft 21Time 1 week; Tools brewer's kit; Type alcohol
Source PRG:APG
This clear resin protects a weapon from harmful attacks from
monsters, and similar effects that corrode or melt weapons, rendering the
weapon immune for 24 hours. One pot can coat one two-handed weapon, two
one-handed or light weapons, or 50 ammunition items. Applying it takes 1 full
round. Immersing the weapon in water or similar liquid washes it off.
Create: Craft
(alchemy) DC 15
Dreamer's Star
Source Heroes of the Wild
Price 5 gp; Check Profession (herbalist) DC
13; Weight —; Terrain forests or plains
When the orange petals of this plant are cured and left to
steep in hot water, the leaves make a mild, aromatic tea that facilitates
restful sleep. When taken before sleeping, this tea grants the drinker the
benefits of a full 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep in only 6 hours. One dose of
Dreamer's star makes enough tea to serve six.
Gravelly Tonic
This tonic is sludgy, and its scent resembles the tang of
iron shavings. Drinking gravelly tonic causes your voice to deepen and become
more grating for 1 hour, granting you a +5 alchemical bonus on Intimidate
Craft (Alchemy) DC 25
Grease, Alchemical
Source PRG:APG
Each pot of this slick black goo has sufficient contents to cover one Medium or two Small creatures. If you coat yourself in alchemical grease, you gain a +5 alchemical bonus on Escape Artist checks, on combat maneuver checks made to escape a grapple, and to your CMD to avoid being grappled; this lasts 4 hours or until you wash it off.
Create: Craft (alchemy) DC 15
Source PRG:APG
Each pot of this slick black goo has sufficient contents to cover one Medium or two Small creatures. If you coat yourself in alchemical grease, you gain a +5 alchemical bonus on Escape Artist checks, on combat maneuver checks made to escape a grapple, and to your CMD to avoid being grappled; this lasts 4 hours or until you wash it off.
Create: Craft (alchemy) DC 15
Source PRG:ARG
Sneaky goblin
chieftains give this orange paste to the tribe's warriors before proposing a
particularly bold raid. Consuming mellowroot causes a euphoric feeling that
makes you feel invulnerable. For 1 hour after consuming mellowroot, you gain a
+5 alchemical
bonus versus fear effects. However, while under the effects of mellowroot,
you must make a DC 15 Will saving
throw when you try to leave the threatened
area of an opponent. If you fail the saving throw, you cannot leave the threatened
area with that action but do not lose the action.
Mimic Fibers
These alchemically prepared fungal spores are suspended in a
thick green ichor. They grow in patterns that match any plant or fungal
material they touch, even dead wood, causing any cuts or breaks in the matter
to mend as if it had never been damaged. When applied as a full-round action,
mimic fibers heal 1d10+10 points of damage to one object made of wood, paper,
earth, or other living or onceliving material. Even a destroyed item can be
repaired (treat as if at 0 hit points) as long as the item is in no more than
two pieces and is held together at the break as the spores are applied.
Alchemical Recipe
Recipe (6 magnesium + 6 cytillesh spores)/filtration; Craft
Time 10 minutes; Tools filter; Type alchemical tool
Time 10 minutes; Tools filter; Type alchemical tool
Oil, Quick Freeze
Source PPC:DunHb
Price 50 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This bottle of viscous blue oil sublimates slightly when
exposed to air. When poured over water, the oil pools on the surface and takes
1 round to spread out from the point of origin in a 20-foot radius. At the end
of this round, the oil flash-freezes the surface of the water, creating an ice
sheet over the affected area. Any 5-foot square of this ice can support up to
200 pounds of weight. Weight in excess of this amount causes the entire sheet
to crack and quickly break up. This ice sheet becomes unstable and breaks up on
its own after 1 hour, or 20 minutes in a hot climate. Any creature whose bare
skin comes in contact with this oil takes 1d6 points of nonlethal
damage each round because of the chemical's volatile nature, but the oil is
ineffective as a splash
Ointment, Armor
Price 30 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This thick lubricant makes the joints of armor move more
freely. Applying the ointment takes 1 minute and reduces your armor's armor
check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of –1) for 8 hours.
Repellent, Vermin
Source PC:AA
This vile-smelling white paste keeps vermin
at bay if spread on the skin. Normal-sized (Fine) vermin
avoid you. Swarms of vermin
must make a DC 15 Fortitude
throw in order to enter your square. Once applied, vermin
repellent remains effective for 4 hours or until you spend 1 round washing it
Create: Craft
(alchemy) DC 20
Rusting Powder
This flaky brown powder derived from rust monster fluids
causes iron and similar metals to corrode and fall apart. If you apply a dose
of rusting powder to a metal lock or trap as part of using the Disable Device
skill, you gain a +5 alchemical bonus to open the lock or disable the trap, but
there is a 75% chance that the mechanism is destroyed and cannot be used
afterward. If the check fails, the mechanism is destroyed. A destroyed lock
cannot be unlocked (but still counts as locked for the purpose opening the
locked object). A destroyed trap mechanism immediately triggers the trap. If
you fail the DC by 5 or more, the powder also lands on an object in your square
(including possibly your armor or weapon), dealing 5 hit points of damage to
the object.
Rusting powder is sold in a paper tube; you apply it by tearing the ends off the tube and blowing the flakes into the target device. Rusting powder does not affect gold, silver, copper, bronze, brass, or mithral, but easily affects iron, steel, and adamantine.
Rusting powder is sold in a paper tube; you apply it by tearing the ends off the tube and blowing the flakes into the target device. Rusting powder does not affect gold, silver, copper, bronze, brass, or mithral, but easily affects iron, steel, and adamantine.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 30
Salve Exemplar Weapon
Source PPC:MTT
Price 350 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This alchemical salve strengthens the material of a weapon,
improves its balance, gives it greater flexibility without sacrificing
resilience, and enhances its ability to hold an edge or point and survive an impact.
An application turns a typical non-magical melee weapon into a masterwork
weapon. A double weapon requires 2 doses of exemplar weapon salve, and 50
arrows, bolts, or similar ammunition can be enhanced by a single application.
Shaman's Paint
The ground carcasses of goldbelly stinkbugs—insects native
to the Mindspin Mountains—give this paint its characteristic yellow hue. When
applied as a full-round action, this fine paste makes your head glow as though
with an unearthly halo. You gain a +2 alchemical bonus to your caster level for
any spells you cast that target one or more of your allies. The quicksilver in
shaman’s paint is harmful to living creatures. If you wear shaman’s paint for
more than 1 minute per day, you take 1 point of Wisdom damage, plus 1 point of
Wisdom damage for every minute you wear the paint that day after the first.
Alchemical Recipe
Recipe (30 quicksilver + 25 saltpeter)/earth; Craft 20
Time 10 minutes; Tools —; Type alchemical tool
Time 10 minutes; Tools —; Type alchemical tool
Tracking Powder
When you scatter this very fine pale blue powder on the
ground, it reveals the tracks of any creatures or individuals that have passed
through the area within the last 48 hours. The powder also grants you a +10
alchemical bonus on Survival checks to follow tracks or, if you aren’t trained
in Survival, instead allows you to track creatures whose prints are revealed by
the powder for up to 1 mile using Perception instead of Survival. A single
application can cover an area of up to 60 square feet. Tracking powder is sold
in small leather pouches that hold 10 applications each.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 25
Vomit Capsule
These small capsules consist of a concentrated mix of
nauseainducing herbs. To use a capsule, you bite down and ingest its contents,
which almost immediately cause you to projectile vomit. The vomiting lasts 1
full round, during which you can take no other actions. The following round you
recover fully, and suffer no other ill effects. These capsules are most often
used by rogues working in teams to create distractions and spectacles in order
to draw people’s attention away from their activities, as well as by those
interested in faking illness, such as pugilists trying to throw fights or
criminals seeking to create chaos during an arrest.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 15
Weapon Blanch
Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 103 (Amazon), Advanced
Player's Guide pg. 1 (Amazon), Pathfinder Society Field Guide pg. 48 (Amazon)
Price 200 gp (ghost salt), 100 gp (adamantine), 20 gp (cold iron), 5 gp (silver); Weight 1/2 lb. (adamantine), 1/2 lb. (cold iron), 1/2 lb. (silver)
Price 200 gp (ghost salt), 100 gp (adamantine), 20 gp (cold iron), 5 gp (silver); Weight 1/2 lb. (adamantine), 1/2 lb. (cold iron), 1/2 lb. (silver)
These silver, alchemical powders have a gritty consistency,
appearing at first glance to be simple metal shavings. When poured on a weapon
and placed over a hot flame for a full round, however, they melt and form a
temporary coating on the weapon. The blanching gives the weapon the ability to
bypass one kind of material-based damage reduction, such as adamantine, cold
iron, or silver. The blanching remains effective until you make a successful
attack with the weapon. Each dose of blanching can coat one weapon or up to 10
pieces of ammunition. Only one kind of weapon blanch can be on a weapon at one
time, though a weapon made of one special material (such as adamantine) can
have a different material blanch (such as silver), and counts as both materials
for the first successful hit.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 25
Woad Painting
Source Advanced Class Guide pg. 208 (Amazon)
Price 300 gp (kit), 60 gp (paint, 1 block); Weight 1 lb. (kit), — (paint, 1 block)
Price 300 gp (kit), 60 gp (paint, 1 block); Weight 1 lb. (kit), — (paint, 1 block)
Though associated with the woad plant, the alchemical
ingredients of this blue paste can vary considerably. When preparing a spell,
you can grind the spell’s material components and mix them into this paste to
paint the components directly onto your flesh, allowing you to cast that spell
as if you had applied Eschew Materials. Additionally, by painting complex woad
designs that symbolize gestures for 10 minutes and succeeding at a Spellcraft
check with a DC equal to 15 + the spell level, you can also cast the spell as
if you had applied Still Spell. You can have only one spell painted on you in
this way at a time, and if you cast the prepared spell or the paint is removed
for any reason, the effects of the woad paint are spent.
Woad paint is sold in small, concentrated blocks (costing 60 gp each) that must be ground into paste on a wooden or stone pallet with a small amount of water and material spell components. A typical kit contains a pallet and 5 small blocks of paint. One block produces enough paint for 10 component designs or one stilled spell design. Woad paint has no benefit for a non-spellcaster.
Woad paint is sold in small, concentrated blocks (costing 60 gp each) that must be ground into paste on a wooden or stone pallet with a small amount of water and material spell components. A typical kit contains a pallet and 5 small blocks of paint. One block produces enough paint for 10 component designs or one stilled spell design. Woad paint has no benefit for a non-spellcaster.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 30
Source PRG:APG
If you drink a vial of this foul-tasting, milky tonic, you
gain a +5 alchemical
bonus on Fortitude
throws against disease
for the next hour. If already infected, you may also make two saving
throws (without the +5 bonus) that day and use the better result.
Create: Craft
(alchemy) DC 25
Essence Of Independence
When ingested, this thin serum awakens your potential for
independent action. If you are under the influence of a mindaffecting effect,
you receive a new saving throw with a +4 alchemical bonus to break the effect
(you can gain this benefit only once per day). If the serum is ingested by a
bonded creature such as a familiar, animal companion, bonded mount, or
homunculus, the creature ceases to be bound to its master’s will for 10
minutes. It gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, skill
checks, and ability checks, and becomes interested in finding its own way of
doing things. Its attitude toward its master might change drastically during
this time, depending on how the master has treated it in the past. As soon as
the duration of this effect ends, the creature becomes bound to its master’s
will again.
Alchemical Recipe
Recipe (8 dew of lunary + 10 gold + 22 spirit of
wine)/sublimation; Craft 25
Time 1 day; Tools retort; Type alchemical remedy
Time 1 day; Tools retort; Type alchemical remedy
Poison Ward Salve
This herbal salve can be applied directly to the skin to
prevent the effects of contact poisons. If a creature touches a contact poison,
but you apply the salve within 1 round of contact, the victim rolls the save
twice and uses the higher result.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 15
Smelling Salts
Source PRG:APG
These sharply scented gray crystals cause people inhaling
them to regain consciousness. Smelling salts grant you a new saving
throw to resist any spell or effect that has already rendered you unconscious
or staggered.
If exposed to smelling salts while dying,
you immediately become conscious and staggered,
but must still make stabilization checks each round; if you perform any standard
action (or any other strenuous action) you take 1 point of damage after
completing the act and fall unconscious
again. A container of smelling salts has dozens of uses if stoppered after each
use, but depletes in a matter of hours if left opened.
Create: Craft
(alchemy) DC 20
Source PRG:ARG
Drinking a vial of this bland, bluish liquid grants you a +5
bonus on Fortitude
saves to avoid nausea or sickness for 1 hour. If you are already nauseated,
you can drink stillgut as a move
action. Drinking it in this fashion grants you a second saving throw
(without the +5 bonus). Goblins often use stillgut so they can choke down meat
or other foods in stages of rot or decay.
Twitch Tonic
This thick syrup is extracted from bitter herbs and enhanced
by alchemy to ward against sleep, paralysis, and the staggered condition. If
you drink twitch tonic, you gain a +2 alchemical bonus on saving throws made
against these effects for the next hour. If you drink twitch tonic while
suffering from any of these effects, you may immediately roll another saving
throw against the effect (with the +2 bonus); you may gain this particular
benefit only once per day. You can administer twitch tonic to an unconscious or
paralyzed creature as a full-round action, similar to administering a potion.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 25
Vapors Of Easy Breath
This waxy ball of resin and herbs is stored in a large glass
jar or other airtight container. When the jar is opened, it instantly
evaporates into a soothing vapor that renders the lungs of any adjacent creatures
resistant to inhaled poisons, diseases, and irritants such as choking smoke.
Each creature within 5 feet of the jar when it is opened gains a +5 alchemical
bonus on saving throws against such effects for the next 10 minutes. If already
affected by an airborne affliction, an affected creature can immediately
attempt another saving throw against the effect (with the +5 bonus); a creature
can attempt only one such additional saving throw in a 24-hour period.
Alchemical Recipe
Recipe (60 myrrh + 50 salt + 60 ginger
extract)/congelation; Craft 25Time 10 minutes; Tools alchemist's lab; Type alchemical remedy
Hey, I love your builds but I don't know if you take requests? I've been looking for a good magic gunslinger - I know there is the Spellslinger archetype but it's not very good. Do you have any suggestions for one?
ReplyDeletehey! thanks!
DeleteI don't- gunslinger, in my experience is an all-or-nothing sorta build; doesn't let you multi-class without sacrificing the stuff that makes it worth being. could maybe multi-class to something else with full BAB, but so far as spellcasting I don't know any way to build it that wouldn't make the character suffer.
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