Instead of doing a write-up here in the preface, I'll just copy-paste what I already did for her to help her understand the game and her character's abilities to be able to make informed decisions of action. I taper it off as it progresses with the understanding that she'll need less words over time to comprehend the character's function, but you should still go ahead and get prepped for a ton of fucking words! readysetgo
This build created in January of 2017.
Summoner (Spirit
Summoner) Level 20
Race: Human, +2 CHA
(+1 Hit Point/+1 Skill Point/+1 Hit Point or Skill Point to eidolon)
Racial Traits
Dimdweller (+2 Intimidate, Perception, and Stealth when
concealed by areas of dim or lower light)
Focused Study (bonus Skill Focus feat at 1st, 8th, and 16th
Darkvision 60’
Human’s the race for this build
because of the floating attribute bonus and free Skill Focus feats, one of
which (Stealth) is needed for the variant Hide In Plain Sight feats this
character gets at levels 7 and 11. Dimdweller’s
an extra +2 Stealth in dim or lower light and darkvision, which is
exceptionally useful.
Drawback: (Detriment, Circumstance)
Faith: Loyalty Across Lifetimes (eidolon’s CON counts as 2
higher when determining banishment; +1 to eidolon’s saving throws against
enchantment effects)
Magic: Magical Lineage: Haste (Metamagic applied to Haste
adjusts its final spell level by -1.)
Regional: Highlander [+1 Stealth (+2 in hilly/rocky areas),
Stealth is always class skill]
Magical Lineage lets Haste be
cast Extended at its level forever, meaning double-duration Haste for
free. Highlander’s important to give
this character Stealth as a class skill.
Loyalty Across Lifetimes is a hella-thematic Summoner-only trait which boosts the
eidolon a little.
Stat spread’s pretty good for
min-maxing. CON and DEX can be switched,
but DEX affects AC, ranged attacks, Reflex, and Stealth, where CON only affects
Fortitude saves and Hit Points. INT’s 12
to add a little skill versatility, but could be 10 to boost STR slightly or add
a Will bonus.
Class Skills: Craft (Any), Diplomacy, Fly, Handle Animal, Knowledge (Any), Linguistics, Profession (Any), Ride, Spellcraft, Stealth, Swim,
and Use Magic
Known Languages:
1: Summoner (Spirit Summoner) 1 (d8 Hit Die), +1 Hit Point
BAB: +0
Base Saves: +2/+3/+2
New Feats: Hero Points, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Light Armor
Proficiency, Summoner Spellcasting, (Spirit Summoner) Eidolon, Life Link, Spirit:
Ancestors, Ancestor’s Council, [1st Level Feat] Resilient Eidolon,
[Focused Study] Skill Focus: Stealth
Skills(3): Climb/Swim, Stealth,
Use Magic Device
New Spells: 0th
Level- Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Message
Level- Mage Armor, Protection From Evil, (Spirit) Unseen Servant
Base Spells Per Day: 2 Lvl. 1
First level, as standard for a
summoner, this character has light armor proficiency, simple weapon
proficiency, its eidolon which takes ten minutes to summon, and the Life Link
ability which lets it sacrifice its hit points to protect its eidolon from
death. It also stays out for one
additional round per level if you die or fall unconscious, which is fucking
amazing as long as it’s not rogue from domination or something. It’s missing the summoner’s Summon Monster
class ability which lets it summon creatures as a standard action a certain
amount of times per day- this ability doesn’t function while the eidolon’s out
(which in your case’d be all the time) and was worth trading out for all the
fantastic powers the Spirit Summoner archetype brings in. The first new power is Ancestor’s Council,
the Ancestor spirit ability:
Ancestor’s Council
Action: Standard Action, no AoO
Target: Single ally within 30’ (including self)
Frequency: 3+CHA/day
Function: Add +2 to any ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check made by target before the beginning of your next turn.
(NOTE: This doesn’t say “any one”- it says “any”. If that’s a flat stacking +2 to all of these things for an entire turn, that’s certainly overpowered but it’s arguable RAW that needs to be clarified.)
Function: Add +2 to any ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check made by target before the beginning of your next turn.
(NOTE: This doesn’t say “any one”- it says “any”. If that’s a flat stacking +2 to all of these things for an entire turn, that’s certainly overpowered but it’s arguable RAW that needs to be clarified.)
Another thing worth noting is
that this character’s very capable of scouting- with Stealth as a class skill,
a +3 modifier from DEX, a skill point investment, trait bonus, and Skill Focus,
Stealth for this character’s currently at a flat +11, +2 in dim or lower light,
+1 in hilly or rocky areas. Spells are
pretty standard- the summoner has some neat attack spells but is a better
buffer and utility caster. Unseen
Servant’s a really neat spell if you’re creative, and it’s free.
Eidolon Class Skills:
Acrobatics, Bluff, Craft (Any), Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (Planes),
Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth, and Use Magic Device.
1: Spirit Summoner’s Ancestral Eidolon (1 HD)
HP: 5 (4.5 HD + 1 CON x 1)
Form: Biped [Claws, Limbs (Arms), Limbs
Speed: 30’ land
AC: 13 (10+1 DEX+2 Natural
Attacks (3 Max.): [BAB +1] Claw 10’ +4 (1d6 +3), Claw +4 (1d6 +3)
Evolution Points (3): Reach(1):
Claw, Skilled(1): Intimidate, Skilled(1): Perception
Saves: +3/+1/+2 (+1 against Enchantment
spells and effects)
Feats: Darkvision 60’, Link, Share Spells, [1st Level
Feat] Antagonize
Total Skills (4): Intimidate,
Perception, Sense Motive, +1 point
At its first level, the
eidolon’s pretty weak in combat but works very well as a scout with an effective
+13 Perception and as an intimidator with an effective +13 Intimidate. It can also Sense Motive at +4. At level 1 it gets the eidolon-perfect
Antagonize feat, which it’ll likely be doing pretty often throughout its
Action: Standard Action, no AoO
Target: Single opponent within sight with INT 4+
Function: Intimidate check against 10+ opponent’s HD+WIS. On success, opponent must spend one round
attempting to attack you with melee attack, ranged attack, spell, or area
spell. If opponent cannot attack you,
effect ends. If opponent can approach
but will take two rounds to attack you, you can extend the effect by one round
with an immediate action once. On
failure, no effect.
The idea’s for the eidolon to
spend actions getting enemies to waste their attacks on an
infinitely-resurrectable creature. That
said, initially an eidolon’s pretty weak and could easily die in a single hit. It does have natural reach, though, which
lets it attack enemies which are not adjacent to it to help it stay out of
direct combat.
2: Summoner (Spirit Summoner) 2, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +1
Base Saves: +2/+3/+3
New Feats: Bond Senses
Skills(3): Stealth, Swim/Climb,
Use Magic Device
New Spells: 0th
Level- Mage Hand
Level- Snowball
Base Spells Per Day: 3 Lvl. 1
2: Spirit Summoner’s Ancestral Eidolon (2 HD)
HP: 11 (4.5 HD + 1 CON x 2)
Form: Biped [Claws, Limbs (Arms), Limbs
Speed: 30’ land
AC: 15 (10+1 DEX+4 Natural
Attacks (3 Max.): [BAB +2] Claw 10’ +5 (1d6 +3+1d6 bleed), Claw +5 (1d6 +3+1d6
Evolution Points (4):
Reach(1): Claw, Skilled(1): Intimidate, Skilled(1): Perception, Bleed(1): Claws
Saves: +4/+1/+3 (+1 against Enchantment
spells and effects)
Feats: Darkvision 60’, Link, Share Spells, Antagonize, Evasion
Total Skills (8): Intimidate
2, Perception 2, Sense Motive 2, +2 points
Level 2 gives the summoner
Snowball, a ranged touch attack spell that deals 1d6 cold damage per level up
to 5th and staggers on a failed save (stagger means an affected
creature can only perform a single action on its turn), and Bond Senses, which
the summoner can use it see out of its eidolon’s eyes.
The eidolon gets slightly more
powerful with a bleed effect on its claws, adding 1d6 damage each turn, and
evasion which allows it to completely avoid Reflex-save effects on success
(though its Reflex saves are pretty shitty).
3: Summoner (Spirit Summoner) 3, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +2
Base Saves: +3/+4/+3
New Feats: [3rd Level Feat] Extend Spell
Skills(3): Stealth, Use
Magic Device, +1 other
New Spells: 0th
Level- Mending
Level- Enlarge Person
Base Spells Per Day: 4 Lvl. 1
3: Spirit Summoner’s Ancestral Eidolon (3 HD)
HP: 16 (4.5 HD + 1 CON x 3)
Form: Biped [Claws, Limbs (Arms), Limbs
Speed: 30’ land
AC: 15 (10+1 DEX+4 Natural
Attacks (3 Max.): [BAB +3] Claw 10’ +6 (1d6 +3 +1d6 bleed +push), Claw +6 (1d6 +3+1d6
Evolution Points (5):
Reach(1): Claw, Skilled(1): Intimidate, Skilled(1): Perception, Bleed(1):
Claws, Push(1): Claw
Saves: +4/+2/+3 (+1 against Enchantment
spells and effects)
Feats: Darkvision 60’, Link, Share Spells, Antagonize, Evasion, [3rd
Level Feat] Combat Reflexes
Total Skills (12): Intimidate
3, Perception 3, Sense Motive 3, +3 points
Level 3 has the summoner getting
Extend Spell, a metamagic feat which lets it apply an extra effect to
spells. Extend lets it increase a
spell’s level by 1 to double its duration.
The summoner also gets Enlarge Person, a spell perfect for boosting the
capability of its eidolon and party members.
Large creatures do more damage with their melee and natural attacks, and
get reach which lets them attack enemies that are not adjacent to them (which
the eidolon already has on one claw, increasing to 15’ reach when enlarged).
The eidolon gets its neatest
defensive ability which is the push evolution, a free combat maneuver which
pushes enemies away on a successful roll.
The idea here’s that the eidolon Antagonizes, getting a melee enemy to
charge in to attack it, then as it approaches, the eidolon uses its reach to
hit the creature with an attack of opportunity, potentially pushing it backward
and ending its action to no effect. The
eidolon also gets Combat Reflexes, granting it an extra attack of opportunity
per round to assist that tactic (normally creatures can only make one attack of
opportunity per round).
4: Summoner (Spirit Summoner) 4, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +3
Ability Score Increase: CHA +1 (20)
Base Saves: +3/+4/+4
New Feats: Shield Ally
Skills(3): Stealth, Use
Magic Device, +1 other
New Spells: 2nd
Level- Haste, Glitterdust, (Spirit) Spiritual Weapon
Base Spells Per Day: 5 Lvl. 1, 2 Lvl. 2
4: Spirit Summoner’s Ancestral Eidolon (3 HD)
HP: 16 (4.5 HD + 1 CON x 3)
Form: Biped [Claws, Limbs (Arms), Limbs
Speed: 30’ land
AC: 15 (10+1 DEX+4 Natural
Attacks (4 Max.): [BAB +3]
Claw 10’ +7 (1d6 +4 +push), Claw +7 (1d6 +4), Hoof +2 (1d4+2), Hoof +2 (1d4+2)
Evolution Points (7):
Reach(1): Claw, Skilled(1): Intimidate, Skilled(1): Perception, Push(1): Claw,
Hooves(1): Legs, Ability Increase(2): STR
Saves: +4/+2/+3 (+1 against Enchantment
spells and effects)
Feats: Darkvision 60’, Link, Share Spells, Antagonize, Evasion,
Combat Reflexes
Total Skills (12): Intimidate
3, Perception 3, Sense Motive 3, +3 points
Level 3’s Haste, which you’ll
always use forever and, with the Extend Spell feat and the trait that reduces
Haste’s effective spell level slot it’ll always be doubled in duration meaning
it lasts eight rounds here and scales up.
Glitterdust’s an amazing area-effect spell that blinds on a failed save
and reveals invisible creatures. Shield
Ally’s a bonus to AC and saving throws when your brother’s next to you, which
makes sense.
The eidolon’s getting stronger
and more resilient, though I still wouldn’t send it out to fight more robust
enemies than mooks or maybe a wizard.
5: Summoner (Spirit Summoner) 5, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +3
Base Saves: +3/+4/+4
New Feats: [5th Level Feat] Toughness
Skills(3): Stealth, Use
Magic Device, +1 other
New Spells: 2nd
Level- Invisibility
Base Spells Per Day: 6 Lvl. 1, 3 Lvl. 2
5: Spirit Summoner’s Ancestral Eidolon (4 HD)
HP: 26 (4.5 HD + 2 CON x 4)
Form: Biped [Claws, Limbs (Arms), Limbs
Speed: 30’ land
AC: 18 (10+2 DEX+6 Natural
Attacks (4 Max.): [BAB +4]
Claw 10’ +8 (1d8 +4 +push +1d6 acid), Claw +8 (1d6 +4 +1d6 acid), Hoof +3
(1d4+2 +1d6 acid), Hoof +3 (1d4+2 +1d6 acid)
Evolution Points (8):
Reach(1): Claw, Skilled(1): Intimidate, Skilled(1): Perception, Push(1): Claw,
Hooves(1): Legs, Improved Natural Attack(1): Claw, Energy Attacks(2): Acid
Saves: +6/+3/+6 (+1 against Enchantment
spells and effects)
Feats: Darkvision 60’, Link, Share Spells, Antagonize, Evasion,
Combat Reflexes
Total Skills (16): Intimidate
4, Perception 4, Sense Motive 4, +4 points
Toughness and Invisibility bump
up the survivability of this character even further- your hitpoint range at
this point is (5-40 base +5 favored class bonus + 10 from 14 CON + 5 Toughness) 25-65, which is enough to live through some violence. Invisibility’s nice on your eidolon to
make it stealthy too.
The eidolon finally gets one of
my favorite evolutions, Energy Attacks, which add 1d6 acid damage to all its natural
attacks (so, all of its attacks).
6: Summoner (Spirit Summoner) 6, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +4
Base Saves: +4/+5/+5
New Feats: [Hex (6th)] Fortune
Skills(3): Stealth, Use
Magic Device, +1 other
New Spells: 2nd
Level- Summon Eidolon
Base Spells Per Day: 6 Lvl. 1, 4 Lvl. 2
6: Spirit Summoner’s Ancestral Eidolon (5 HD)
HP: 32 (4.5 HD + 2 CON x 5)
Form: Biped [Claws, Limbs (Arms), Limbs
Speed: 30’ land
AC: 18 (10+2 DEX+6 Natural
Attacks (4 Max.): [BAB +5]
Claw 10’ +9 (1d8 +4 +1 M.F. +push +1d6 acid), Claw +9 (1d8 +4 +1 M.F. +1d6
acid), [Rend (1d8 +6 +1 M.F. +1d6 acid)], Hoof +4 (1d4+2 +1 M.F. +1d6 acid),
Hoof +4 (1d4+2 +1 M.F. +1d6 acid)
Evolution Points (9):
Reach(1): Claw, Skilled(1): Intimidate, Push(1): Claw, Hooves(1): Legs, Improved
Natural Attack(1): Claw, Energy Attacks(2): Acid, Rend(2)
Saves: +6/+3/+6 (+5 against Enchantment
spells and effects)
Feats: Darkvision 60’, Link, Share Spells, Antagonize, Evasion,
Combat Reflexes, Devotion, [5th Level Feat] Martial Focus: Natural (Weapons)
Total Skills (20): Intimidate
5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 5, +5 points
Hexes! Hexes are a special class feature you’re
borrowing from the witch which lets you do kind of a magic trick as often as
you want, though normally only once
per day per person. Fortune’s one of the
best ones- it lets a creature roll twice and take the higher result on an
upcoming roll, which initially takes some timing but has incredible utility and
is relatively rare. The spell Summon
Eidolon lets you bring your eidolon out in a round even if it’s been killed for
one round per level.
Action: Standard Action, no AoO
Target: Single creature within 30 ft.
Function: Grant a creature good luck for 1 round. The target can call upon this good luck once
per round, allowing him to reroll any ability check, attack roll, saving throw,
or skill check, taking the better result. They must decide to use this ability before
the first roll is made. At 8th level and
16th level, the duration of this hex is extended by 1 round. Once a creature has benefited from the fortune
hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours.
The Eidolon’s still improving
and gets Martial Focus to add a point of damage to all its attacks and qualify
for some pretty neat tricks a little later.
7: Summoner (Spirit Summoner) 7, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +5
Base Saves: +4/+5/+5
New Feats: [7th Level Feat] Hellcat Stealth
Skills(3): Stealth, Use
Magic Device, +1 other
New Spells: 1st
Level- Unfetter
Level- Black Tentacles, Greater Invisibility, (Spirit) Heroism
Base Spells Per Day: 6 Lvl. 1, 4 Lvl. 2, 2 Lvl. 3
7: Spirit Summoner’s Ancestral Eidolon (6 HD)
HP: 39 (4.5 HD + 2 CON x 6)
Form: Biped [Claws, Limbs (Arms), Limbs
Speed: 30’ land
AC: 20 (10+2 DEX+8 Natural
Attacks (4 Max.): [BAB +6]
Claw 10’ +10 (1d8 +4 +1 M.F. +push +1d6 acid), Claw +10 (1d8 +4 +1 M.F. +1d6
acid), [Rend (1d8 +6 +1 M.F. +1d6 acid)], Hoof +5 (1d4+2 +1 M.F. +1d6 acid),
Hoof +5 (1d4+2 +1 M.F. +1d6 acid)
Evolution Points (10):
Reach(1): Claw, Skilled(1): Intimidate, Push(1): Claw, Hooves(1): Legs,
Improved Natural Attack(1): Claw, Energy Attacks(2): Acid, Rend(2), Skilled(1):
Saves: +7/+4/+7 (+5 against Enchantment
spells and effects)
Feats: Darkvision 60’, Link, Share Spells, Antagonize, Evasion,
Combat Reflexes, Devotion, Martial Focus: Natural (Weapons)
Total Skills (24): Intimidate
6, Perception 6, Sense Motive 6, +6 points
Hellcat Stealth is a
feat-granted Hide In Plain Sight (at -10) as long as it’s normal or brighter light. Stealth is entered through movement, and in
this case it’s like a move-action or five-foot step Invisibility in certain
circumstances. This character, at level
7, has (7 points + 3 class + 3 DEX + 1 trait + 3 feat) a reasonable +17 base modifier
on Stealth rolls before items or other enhancements, with an extra +2 in dim areas and +1 in hilly or rocky areas which gives it a pretty
good chance to stay stealthy. Black
Tentacles is a good area-disabler spell, and Greater Invisibility’s one of the
best spells in the game- it’s invisibility that doesn’t go anywhere, even if
you do something! Heroism’s a good free
spell, but probably isn’t worth a 3rd-level Summoner slot.
The eidolon gets Skilled:
Perception, which bumps its perception up by +8, making it a pretty potent
lookout in addition to its Antagonizing disposable fighter role.
8: Summoner (Spirit Summoner) 8, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +6/+1
Ability Score Increase: CHA +1 (21)
Base Saves: +4/+5/+6
New Feats: [Focused Study] Skill Focus: Use Magic Device, [Hex (8th)]
(Witch) Soothsayer
Skills(3): Fly, Stealth,
Use Magic Device
New Spells: 3rd
Level- Fly
Base Spells Per Day: 6 Lvl. 1, 5 Lvl. 2, 3 Lvl. 3
8: Spirit Summoner’s Ancestral Eidolon (6 HD)
HP: 51 (4.5 HD + 4 CON x 6)
Form: Large Biped [Claws, Limbs (Arms),
Limbs (Legs)]
Speed: 30’ land
AC: 20 (10+1 DEX+10 Natural
Armor -1 Size)
Attacks (4 Max.): [BAB +6]
(-1 size) Claw 10’ +13 (1d8 +8 +1 M.F. +push +1d6 acid), Claw 10’ +13 (1d8 +8 +1
M.F. +1d6 acid), [Rend (1d8 +12 +1 M.F. +1d6 acid)], Hoof 10’ +8 (1d6+4 +1 M.F.
+1d6 acid), Hoof 10’ +8 (1d6+4 +1 M.F. +1d6 acid)
Evolution Points (11):
Skilled(1): Intimidate, Push(1): Claw, Hooves(1): Legs, Energy Attacks(2):
Acid, Rend(2), Large(4)
Saves: +9/+3/+7 (+5 against Enchantment
spells and effects)
Feats: Darkvision 60’, Link, Share Spells, Antagonize, Evasion,
Combat Reflexes, Devotion, Martial Focus: Natural (Weapons)
Total Skills (24): Intimidate
6, Perception 6, Sense Motive 6, +6 points
Suddenly Fortune becomes fucking
amazing, as the hex Soothsayer lets you time Fortune to exactly when a
character needs it. You use Fortune on
every character in the party, including yourself and your eidolon at the beginning
of the day and then when it feels appropriate they can roll twice on whatever
they fuck they want! You also get Fly as
a spell and can just about certainly Use Magic Device with 100% success using
your (8 points + 3 class + 5 CHA + 3 feat) +19 base unbuffed modifier, making
you as utility-capable as the amount of wands you’ve collected. It's also important, at this level, to have a wand of Hex Vulnerability, which you can use as a loophole to the once-per-target-per-day limiter of Fortune (creatures can voluntarily fail Will saves). Your allies ought to be willing to pitch in for this.
Action: (none)
Target: Evil Eye/Fortune/Misfortune/Retribution Hexes
Function: Can choose to delay the effect of specific hexes. The hex then takes effect the next time the
target makes a roll that could be affected by the hex or is affected by an
action that could be modified by the hex, whichever comes first (ignoring
actions that are not in combat and actions that have no penalty for failure).
The duration of the hex begins on the same round as the action that causes it
to take effect.
The hex is wasted if it is not triggered within 24 hours.
The hex is wasted if it is not triggered within 24 hours.
Eidolon bumps up to Large now! This is where it starts getting mighty- all its attacks increase in size and gain reach and it gets more hitpoints. Thematically, in the cases of both reach and its new size, you could say something like your brother’s the same size but developed a fighting style and philosophy of moving around constantly. Or magic! I dunno, whatever you wanna do. He takes up four times as much space now, though.
9: Summoner (Spirit Summoner) 9, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +6/+1
Base Saves: +5/+6/+6
New Feats: Ancestral Weapon (+1), [9th Level Feat] Eldritch
Heritage (Umbral): Cloak Of Shadows
Skills(3): Stealth, Use
Magic Device, +1 other
New Spells: 3rd
Level- Evolution Surge
Base Spells Per Day: 7 Lvl. 1, 5 Lvl. 2, 4 Lvl. 3
9: Spirit Summoner’s Ancestral Eidolon (7 HD)
HP: 59 (4.5 HD + 4 CON x 7)
Form: Large Biped [Claws, Limbs (Arms),
Limbs (Legs)]
Speed: 30’ land
AC: 20 (10+1 DEX+10 Natural
Armor -1 Size)
Spell Resistance: 20 (11 + Summoner level)
Spell Resistance: 20 (11 + Summoner level)
Attacks (5 Max.): [BAB +7]
(-1 size) Claw 10’ +14 (1d8 +8 +1 M.F. +push +1d6 acid), Claw 10’ +14 (1d8 +8 +1
M.F. +1d6 acid), Hoof 10’ +12 (1d6+4 +1 M.F. +1d6 acid), Hoof 10’ +12 (1d6+4 +1
M.F. +1d6 acid); [(Current Power Attack) -2 attack, +4 damage primary / +2
damage secondary]
Evolution Points (13):
Skilled(1): Intimidate, Push(1): Claw, Hooves(1): Legs, Energy Attacks(2):
Acid, Large(4), Spell Resistance(4)
Saves: +9/+3/+7 (+5 against Enchantment
spells and effects)
Feats: Darkvision 60’, Link, Share Spells, Antagonize, Evasion,
Combat Reflexes, Devotion, Martial Focus: Natural (Weapons), Multiattack, [7th
Level Feat] Power Attack
Total Skills (28): Intimidate
7, Perception 7, Sense Motive 7, +7 points
With the Eldritch Heritage:
Cloak Of Shadows, you now have the ability to add a short-term Stealth bonus to
yourself or others. It’s a prerequisite
for something good. Ancestral Weapon’s a
cute ability that adds the power to summon a weapon- since we’re in a campaign
where guns are common, they count as martial weapons and so you could summon a
gun that you instinctually know how to use.
The eidolon gets Spell
Resistance, greatly improving its resilience in general. There’re a lot of abilities and effects even
aside from spells that have to penetrate spell resistance to affect something-
make sure to start asking. Multiattack,
Power Attack, and the new five-natural-attacks-per-round cap make it more of a
violence powerhouse.
10: Summoner (Spirit Summoner) 10, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +7/+2
Base Saves: +5/+6/+7
New Feats: (Skill Focus bonuses increase to +6), [Hex (10th)]
Skills(3): Stealth, Use
Magic Device, +1 other
New Spells: 2nd
Level- Barkskin
Level- Instant Restoration, Overland Flight, (Spirit)
Spiritual Ally
Base Spells Per Day: 7 Lvl. 1, 5 Lvl. 2, 4 Lvl. 3, 2 Lvl. 4
10: Spirit Summoner’s Ancestral Eidolon (8 HD)
HP: 68 (4.5 HD + 4 CON x 8)
Form: Large Biped [Claws, Limbs (Arms),
Limbs (Legs)]
Speed: 30’ land
AC: 23 (10+2 DEX+12 Natural
Armor -1 Size)
Spell Resistance: 21 (11 + Summoner level)
Spell Resistance: 21 (11 + Summoner level)
Attacks (5 Max.): [BAB +8]
(-1 size) Claw 10’ +16 (1d8 +9 +1 M.F. +push +1d6 acid), Claw 10’ +16 (1d8 +9
+1 M.F. +1d6 acid), Bite 10’ +16 (1d8 +9 +1 M.F. +1d6 acid), Hoof 10’ +14
(1d6+4 +1 M.F. +1d6 acid), Hoof 10’ +14 (1d6+4 +1 M.F. +1d6 acid); [(Current
Power Attack) -3 attack, +6 damage primary / +3 damage secondary]
Evolution Points (14):
Skilled(1): Intimidate, Push(1): Claw, Hooves(1): Legs, Energy Attacks(2):
Acid, Large(4), Spell Resistance(4), Bite(1)
Saves: +10/+3/+8 (+5 against
Enchantment spells and effects)
Feats: Darkvision 60’, Link, Share Spells, Antagonize, Evasion,
Combat Reflexes, Devotion, Martial Focus: Natural (Weapons), Multiattack, Power
Total Skills (32): Intimidate
8, Perception 8, Sense Motive 8, +8 points
All skill foci improve to +6,
boosting Stealth (now +23) and Use Magic Device (now +24), and Chant means hexes
can be extended by one round with a move action. A round, then, would look something like:
Standard-Action Black Tentacles to debilitate, Move-Action Chant to extend
Fortune on all allies within 30’, Five-Foot Step Hellcat Stealth to suddenly go
invisible in normal or brighter light, which is some pretty bad-ass action
economy, especially since you still have an eidolon to fuck around as. Overland Flight’s a great spell and ought to
be cast on yourself and probably your eidolon at the beginning of every day.
Eidolon itself’s still slowly
improving, and now it has a bite attack.
11: Summoner (Spirit Summoner) 11, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +8/+3
Base Saves: +5/+6/+7
New Feats: Ancestral Weapon (Ghost Touch), [11th Level Feat]
Eldritch Heritage (Umbral): Shadow Well
Skills(3): Stealth, Use
Magic Device, +1 other
New Spells: 1st
Level- Icicle Dagger
Level- [swap Fly] Dimensional Anchor
Level- Teleport
Base Spells Per Day: 7 Lvl. 1, 5 Lvl. 2, 5 Lvl. 3, 3 Lvl. 4
11: Spirit Summoner’s Ancestral Eidolon (9 HD)
HP: 76 (4.5 HD + 4 CON x 9)
Form: Large Biped [Claws, Limbs (Arms),
Limbs (Legs)]
Speed: 30’ land
AC: 23 (10+2 DEX+12 Natural
Armor -1 Size)
Spell Resistance: 22 (11 + Summoner level)
Spell Resistance: 22 (11 + Summoner level)
Attacks (5 Max.): [BAB +9]
(-1 size) Claw 10’ +17 (2d6 +9 +1 M.F. +push +1d6 acid), Claw 10’ +17 (2d6 +9
+1 M.F. +1d6 acid), Bite 10’ +17 (1d8+9 +1 M.F. +1d6 acid), Hoof 10’ +15 (1d6+4
+1 M.F. +1d6 acid), Hoof 10’ +15 (1d6+4 +1 M.F. +1d6 acid); [(Current Power
Attack) -3 attack, +6 damage primary / +3 damage secondary]
Evolution Points (15):
Skilled(1): Intimidate, Push(1): Claw, Hooves(1): Legs, Energy Attacks(2):
Acid, Large(4), Spell Resistance(4), Bite(1), Improved Damage: Claw(1)
Saves: +10/+4/+8 (+5 against
Enchantment spells and effects)
Feats: Darkvision 60’, Link, Share Spells, Antagonize, Evasion,
Combat Reflexes, Devotion, Martial Focus: Natural (Weapons), Multiattack, Power
Attack, [9th Level Feat] Cut From The Air
Total Skills (36): Intimidate
9, Perception 9, Sense Motive 9, +9 points
Shadow Well is actual Hide In
Plain Sight, plus a kind of shadow teleport!
This is why you got Cloak Of Shadows- now you can go invisible during
movement ANYWHERE.
Shadow Well
Action: Stealth / Standard
Target: (none) / Willing Ally or Allies within 60’
Function: You can use the Stealth skill even while being
observed and without cover or concealment, as long as you are within 10 feet of
a shadow other than your own. In
addition, when within an area of darkness or dim light, once per day as a standard
action you may choose to switch places with a willing ally within 60 feet, who
must also be in darkness or dim light. At 13th level, you can instead switch
the positions of two willing allies, each of whom must be within 60 feet of
you. Unless otherwise noted, this travel is identical to dimension door. You may use the
ability one additional time per day at 17th level and 20th level.
Icicle Dagger’s a cute
first-level spell now- at eleventh level it’s an eleven-minute frost dagger with
the returning property. Dimensional
Anchor’s a good spell to keep around in case the boss guy you’re fighting can
teleport to escape (at later levels a lot of things can). You can also Teleport to escape!
Eidolon gets Cut From The Air, a
way to use an attack of opportunity to completely deflect a ranged attack from
itself or from you, if you’re adjacent.
He’s still pretty robust besides.
12: Summoner (Spirit Summoner) 12, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +9/+4
Ability Score Increase: CHA +1 (22)
Base Saves: +6/+7/+8
New Feats: Greater Shield Ally
Skills(3): Stealth, Use
Magic Device, +1 other
New Spells: 4th
Level- Purified Calling
Base Spells Per Day: 7 Lvl. 1, 7 Lvl. 2, 5 Lvl. 3, 4 Lvl. 4
12: Spirit Summoner’s Ancestral Eidolon (9 HD)
HP: 76 (4.5 HD + 4 CON x 9)
Form: Large Biped [Claws, Limbs (Arms),
Limbs (Legs)]
Speed: 30’ land
AC: 24 (10+3 DEX+12 Natural
Armor -1 Size)
Spell Resistance: 23 (11 + Summoner level)
Spell Resistance: 23 (11 + Summoner level)
Attacks (5 Max.): [BAB +9]
(-1 size) Claw 10’ +17 (1d8 +9 +1 M.F. +push +1d6 acid +1d6 fire), Claw 10’ +17
(1d8 +9 +1 M.F. +1d6 acid +1d6 fire), Bite 10’ +17 (1d8+9 +1 M.F. +1d6 acid
+1d6 fire), Hoof 10’ +15 (1d6+4 +1 M.F. +1d6 acid +1d6 fire), Hoof 10’ +15
(1d6+4 +1 M.F. +1d6 acid +1d6 fire); [(Current Power Attack) -3 attack, +6
damage primary / +3 damage secondary]
Evolution Points (16):
Skilled(1): Intimidate, Push(1): Claw, Hooves(1): Legs, Energy Attacks(2):
Acid, Large(4), Spell Resistance(4), Bite(1), Energy Attacks(2): Fire
Saves: +10/+4/+8 (+5 against
Enchantment spells and effects)
Feats: Darkvision 60’, Link, Share Spells, Antagonize, Evasion,
Combat Reflexes, Devotion, Martial Focus: Natural (Weapons), Multiattack, Power
Attack, Cut From The Air
Total Skills (36): Intimidate
9, Perception 9, Sense Motive 9, +9 points
Just steadily improving here, no
real big gamechangers.
Eidolon does 1d6 acid AND 1d6
fire now, though.
13: Summoner (Spirit Summoner) 13, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +9/+4
Base Saves: +6/+7/+8
New Feats: [13th Level Feat] Possessed Hand or Extra Evolution
Skills(3): Stealth, Use
Magic Device, +1 other
New Spells: 3rd
Level- Phantom Chariot
Level- Greater Dispel Magic, Tar Pool, (Spirit) Telekinesis
Base Spells Per Day: 7 Lvl. 1, 7 Lvl. 2, 5 Lvl. 3, 4 Lvl. 4, 2 Lvl.
13: Spirit Summoner’s Ancestral Eidolon (10 HD)
HP: 105 (4.5 HD + 6 CON x 10)
Form: Huge Biped [Claws, Limbs (Arms),
Limbs (Legs)]
Speed: 30’ land
AC: 25 (10+2 DEX+15 Natural
Armor -2 Size)
Spell Resistance: 24 (11 + Summoner level)
Spell Resistance: 24 (11 + Summoner level)
Attacks (5 Max.): [BAB +10]
(-2 size) Claw 15’ +21 (2d6 +13 +1 M.F. +push), Claw 15’ +21 (2d6 +13 +1 M.F.),
Bite 15’ +21 (1d8+13 +1 M.F.), Hoof 15’ +19 (1d8+6 +1 M.F.), Hoof 15’ +19
(1d8+6 +1 M.F.); [(Current Power Attack) -3 attack, +6 damage primary / +3
damage secondary]
Evolution Points (17):
Push(1): Claw, Hooves(1): Legs, Large(4), Spell Resistance(4), Bite(1), Huge(6)
Saves: +11/+4/+9 (+5 against
Enchantment spells and effects)
Feats: Darkvision 60’, Link, Share Spells, Antagonize, Evasion,
Combat Reflexes, Devotion, Martial Focus: Natural (Weapons), Multiattack, Power
Attack, Cut From The Air
Total Skills (40): Intimidate
10, Perception 10, Sense Motive 10, +10 points
Possessed Hand is kind of
cute! I thought it’d be especially
thematic- by this point I imagined you’d know your eidolon bro’s a ghost and
you’d be relatively familiar with your other dead family. It can and probably should be swapped out for
Extra Evolution Point, though I didn’t denote the extra point on the eidolon’s
stats. Its actual function is a feat tax
for Hand’s Autonomy at level 15.
Also the eidolon’s Huge now, for
reasons of war.
14: Summoner (Spirit Summoner) 14, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +10/+5
Base Saves: +6/+7/+8
New Feats: Life Bond
Skills(3): Stealth, Use
Magic Device, +1 other
New Spells: 2nd
Level- Summon Swarm
Level- True Seeing
Base Spells Per Day: 7 Lvl. 1, 7 Lvl. 2, 5 Lvl. 3, 5 Lvl. 4, 3 Lvl.
14: Spirit Summoner’s Ancestral Eidolon (11 HD)
HP: 115 (4.5 HD + 6 CON x 11)
Form: Huge Biped [Claws, Limbs (Arms),
Limbs (Legs)]
Speed: 30’ land
AC: 25 (10+2 DEX+15 Natural
Armor -2 Size)
Spell Resistance: 25 (11 + Summoner level)
Spell Resistance: 25 (11 + Summoner level)
Attacks (6 Max.): [BAB +11]
(-2 size) Claw 15’ +21 (2d6 +13 +1 M.F. +push), Claw 15’ +21 (2d6 +13 +1 M.F.),
Bite 15’ +21 (1d8+13 +1 M.F.), Hoof 15’ +19 (1d8+6 +1 M.F.), Hoof 15’ +19
(1d8+6 +1 M.F.), Tentacle 15’ +19 (1d8+6 +1 M.F.); [(Current Power Attack) -3
attack, +6 damage primary / +3 damage secondary]
Evolution Points (19):
Push(1): Claw, Hooves(1): Legs, Large(4), Spell Resistance(4), Bite(1),
Huge(6), Skilled(1): Intimidate, Tentacle(1)
Saves: +11/+4/+9 (+5 against
Enchantment spells and effects)
Feats: Darkvision 60’, Link, Share Spells, Antagonize, Evasion,
Combat Reflexes, Devotion, Martial Focus: Natural (Weapons), Multiattack, Power
Attack, Cut From The Air, Improved Evasion, [11th Level Feat] Spellcut
Total Skills (44): Intimidate
11, Perception 11, Sense Motive 11, Spellcraft 1, +10 points
Spellcut!! Spellcut’s great for an eidolon- it lets it
use its BAB as its saving throw against some Reflex-targeting spells or rays
once per round.
15: Summoner (Spirit Summoner) 15, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +11/+6/+1
Base Saves: +7/+8/+8
New Feats: Ancestral Weapon (+2), [15th Level Feat] Hand’s
Skills(3): Stealth, Use
Magic Device, +1 other
New Spells: 5th
Level- Grand Destiny
Base Spells Per Day: 7 Lvl. 1, 7 Lvl. 2, 6 Lvl. 3, 5 Lvl. 4, 4 Lvl.
15: Spirit Summoner’s Ancestral Eidolon (12 HD)
HP: 126 (4.5 HD + 6 CON x 12)
Form: Huge Biped [Claws, Limbs (Arms),
Limbs (Legs)]
Speed: 30’ land
AC: 28 (10+3 DEX+17 Natural Armor
-2 Size)
Spell Resistance: 26 (11 + Summoner level)
Spell Resistance: 26 (11 + Summoner level)
Attacks (6 Max.): [BAB +12]
(-2 size) Claw 20’ +23 (2d6 +14 +1 M.F. +push), Claw 15’ +23 (2d6 +14 +1 M.F.),
Bite 15’ +23 (1d8+14 +1 M.F.), Hoof 15’ +21 (1d8+7 +1 M.F.), Hoof 15’ +21
(1d8+7 +1 M.F.), Tentacle 15’ +21 (1d8+7 +1 M.F.); [(Current Power Attack) -4
attack, +8 damage primary / +4 damage secondary]
Evolution Points (20):
Push(1): Claw, Hooves(1): Legs, Large(4), Spell Resistance(4), Bite(1),
Huge(6), Skilled(1): Intimidate, Tentacle(1), Reach(1): Claw
Saves: +12/+6/+10 (+5 against
Enchantment spells and effects)
Feats: Darkvision 60’, Link, Share Spells, Antagonize, Evasion,
Combat Reflexes, Devotion, Martial Focus: Natural (Weapons), Multiattack, Power
Attack, Cut From The Air, Improved Evasion, Spellcut
Total Skills (48): Intimidate
12, Perception 12, Sense Motive 12, Spellcraft 1, +11 points
Hand’s Autonomy’s why you woulda
taken Possessed Hand. It’s capable of a
Hand’s Autonomy
Action: Varies
Target: You, sort of
Function: When you are unconscious, paralyzed, asleep, or stunned,
your possessed hand can still act on your behalf in a limited fashion. The hand
uses your statistics when performing any action in this manner. The hand can’t
take attacks of opportunity, but can draw attacks of opportunity from actions
it takes. The hand can perform the following actions each turn on your initiative
- The hand can retrieve or pick up an item or weapon as a standard action.
- The hand can attempt any of the following skill checks at a –4 penalty: Disable Device, Escape Artist, Heal, Sleight of Hand, or Use Magic Device.
- The hand can knock you prone as a free action, and drag you while you’re prone at a speed of 5 feet as a full-round action.
- The hand can perform any other action appropriate for a hand and an arm, such as pouring a held potion into your mouth or awakening you from a sleep spell.
- The hand can make a single melee or ranged attack with a light or one-handed weapon as a full-round action.
The hand’s for emergency situations- of particular note
is its ability to Use Magic Device as you with a -4 penalty, as in using a wand
to heal you or even a wand to make you invisible. Diehard’s better but Diehard doesn’t let you
do shit paralyzed or stunned. In fact, I
can’t think of anything else that does!
Another thing worth mentioning is that it can act while you’re asleep,
though since it doesn’t look like it can perceive much other than you I can’t
think of how to utilize that in a powergaming fashion. Anyway, it’s great but get another Extra
Evolution Point otherwise.
16: Summoner (Spirit Summoner) 16, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +12/+7/+2
Ability Score Increase: CHA +1 (23)
Base Saves: +7/+8/+9
New Feats: [Focused Study] Skill Focus: (as desired depending on
campaign), [Hex (16th)] Ward
Skills(3): Stealth, Use
Magic Device, +1 other
New Spells: 4th
Level- Greater Evolution Surge
Level- Antipathy, Maze, (Spirit) Greater Heroism
Base Spells Per Day: 7 Lvl. 1, 7 Lvl. 2, 6 Lvl. 3, 5 Lvl. 4, 4 Lvl.
5, 2 Lvl. 6
16: Spirit Summoner’s Ancestral Eidolon (12 HD)
HP: 126 (4.5 HD + 6 CON x 12)
Form: Huge Biped [Claws, Limbs (Arms),
Limbs (Legs)]
Speed: 30’ land
AC: 28 (10+3 DEX+17 Natural
Armor -2 Size)
Spell Resistance: 27 (11 + Summoner level)
Spell Resistance: 27 (11 + Summoner level)
Attacks (6 Max.): [BAB +12]
(-2 size) Claw 20’ +23 (2d6 +14 +1 M.F. +push), Claw 15’ +23 (2d6 +14 +1 M.F.),
[Rend (2d6 +21 +1 M.F.)], Bite 15’ +23 (1d8+14 +1 M.F.), Hoof 15’ +21 (1d8+7 +1
M.F.), Hoof 15’ +21 (1d8+7 +1 M.F.), Tentacle 15’ +21 (1d8+7 +1 M.F.); [(Current
Power Attack) -4 attack, +8 damage primary / +4 damage secondary]
Evolution Points (21):
Push(1): Claw, Hooves(1): Legs, Large(4), Spell Resistance(4), Bite(1),
Huge(6), Skilled(1): Intimidate, Tentacle(1), Rend(2)
Saves: +12/+6/+10 (+5 against
Enchantment spells and effects)
Feats: Darkvision 60’, Link, Share Spells, Antagonize, Evasion,
Combat Reflexes, Devotion, Martial Focus: Natural (Weapons), Multiattack, Power
Attack, Cut From The Air, Improved Evasion, Spellcut
Total Skills (48): Intimidate
12, Perception 12, Sense Motive 12, Spellcraft 1, +11 points
Honestly kinda just coasting
here. The character’s built solidly
enough, with enough tricks and spells and action economy, and you’ll know how
to play it by now, assuming the game’s going any further. This is about the normal level at which a
campaign ends. Hand’s Autonomy was your
17: Summoner (Spirit Summoner) 17, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +12/+7/+2
Base Saves: +7/+8/+9
New Feats: Ancestral Guardian, [17th Level Feat] Combat
Skills(3): Stealth, Use
Magic Device, +1 other
New Spells: 3rd
Level- Greater Magic Fang
Level- Dimensional Bounce
Base Spells Per Day: 7 Lvl. 1, 7 Lvl. 2, 6 Lvl. 3, 5 Lvl. 4, 5 Lvl.
5, 3 Lvl. 6
17: Spirit Summoner’s Ancestral Eidolon (13 HD)
HP: 136 (4.5 HD + 6 CON x 13)
Form: Huge Biped [Claws, Limbs (Arms),
Limbs (Legs)]
Speed: 30’ land
AC: 30 (10+3 DEX+19 Natural
Armor -2 Size)
Spell Resistance: 28 (11 + Summoner level)
Spell Resistance: 28 (11 + Summoner level)
Attacks (6 Max.): [BAB +13]
(-2 size) Claw 20’ +24 (2d6 +14 +1 M.F. +push), Claw 15’ +24 (2d6 +14 +1 M.F.),
[Rend (2d6 +21 +1 M.F.)], Bite 15’ +24 (1d8+14 +1 M.F.), Hoof 15’ +22 (1d8+7 +1
M.F.), Hoof 15’ +22 (1d8+7 +1 M.F.), Tentacle 15’ +22 (1d8+7 +1 M.F.); [(Current
Power Attack) -4 attack, +8 damage primary / +4 damage secondary]
Evolution Points (22):
Push(1): Claw, Hooves(1): Legs, Large(4), Spell Resistance(4), Bite(1),
Huge(6), Skilled(1): Intimidate, Tentacle(1), Rend(2), Skilled(1): Perception
Saves: +12/+6/+10 (+5 against
Enchantment spells and effects)
Feats: Darkvision 60’, Link, Share Spells, Antagonize, Evasion,
Combat Reflexes, Devotion, Martial Focus: Natural (Weapons), Multiattack, Power
Attack, Cut From The Air, Improved Evasion, Spellcut, [13th Level
Feat] Smash From The Air
Total Skills (52): Intimidate
13, Perception 13, Sense Motive 13, Spellcraft 1, +12 points
18: Summoner (Spirit Summoner) 18, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +13/+8/+3
Base Saves: +8/+9/+10
New Feats: Greater Aspect
Skills(3): Stealth, Use
Magic Device, +1 other
New Spells: 6th
Level- Greater Planar Binding
Base Spells Per Day: 8 Lvl. 1, 8 Lvl. 2, 7 Lvl. 3, 7 Lvl. 4, 6 Lvl.
5, 5 Lvl. 6
Greater Aspect(8): Ability Increase(8) x4: CHA (CHA currently 31)
Greater Aspect(8): Ability Increase(8) x4: CHA (CHA currently 31)
18: Spirit Summoner’s Ancestral Eidolon (14 HD)
HP: 147 (4.5 HD + 6 CON x 14)
Form: Huge Biped [Claws, Limbs (Arms),
Limbs (Legs)]
Speed: 30’ land
AC: 30 (10+3 DEX+19 Natural
Armor -2 Size)
Spell Resistance: 29 (11 + Summoner level)
Spell Resistance: 29 (11 + Summoner level)
Attacks (6 Max.): [BAB +14]
(-2 size) Claw 20’ +25 (2d6 +14 +1 M.F. +push), Claw 15’ +25 (2d6 +14 +1 M.F.),
Bite 15’ +25 (1d8+14 +1 M.F.), Hoof 15’ +23 (1d8+7 +1 M.F.), Hoof 15’ +23
(1d8+7 +1 M.F.), Tentacle 15’ +23 (1d8+7 +1 M.F.); [(Current Power Attack) -4
attack, +8 damage primary / +4 damage secondary]
Evolution Points (23):
Push(1): Claw, Hooves(1): Legs, Large(4), Spell Resistance(4), Bite(1),
Huge(6), Skilled(1): Intimidate, Tentacle(1), Greater Aspect(4)
Saves: +13/+6/+11 (+5 against
Enchantment spells and effects)
Feats: Darkvision 60’, Link, Share Spells, Antagonize, Evasion,
Combat Reflexes, Devotion, Martial Focus: Natural (Weapons), Multiattack, Power
Attack, Cut From The Air, Improved Evasion, Spellcut, Smash From The Air
Total Skills (56): Intimidate
14, Perception 14, Sense Motive 14, Spellcraft 1, +13 points
19: Summoner (Spirit Summoner) 19, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +14/+9/+4
Base Saves: +8/+9/+10
New Feats: Ancestral Weapon (+3), [19th Level Feat] Extra Evolution
Skills(3): Stealth, Use
Magic Device, +1 other
New Spells: 5th
Level- Ethereal Jaunt
Base Spells Per Day: 8 Lvl. 1, 8 Lvl. 2, 7 Lvl. 3, 7 Lvl. 4, 7 Lvl.
5, 6 Lvl. 6
Greater Aspect(12):
Ability Increase(8) x4: CHA, Spell Resistance(4): 30
19: Spirit Summoner’s Ancestral Eidolon (15 HD)
HP: 157 (4.5 HD + 6 CON x 15)
Form: Huge Biped [Claws, Limbs (Arms),
Limbs (Legs)]
Speed: 30’ land
AC: 30 (10+3 DEX+19 Natural
Armor -2 Size)
Spell Resistance: 30 (11 + Summoner level)
Spell Resistance: 30 (11 + Summoner level)
Attacks (7 Max.): [BAB +15]
(-2 size) Claw 20’ +26 (2d6 +14 +1 M.F. +push), Claw 15’ +26 (2d6 +14 +1 M.F.),
Bite 15’ +26 (1d8+14 +1 M.F.), Hoof 15’ +24 (1d8+7 +1 M.F.), Hoof 15’ +24
(1d8+7 +1 M.F.), Tentacle 15’ +24 (1d8+7 +1 M.F.), Tentacle 15’ +24 (1d8+7 +1
M.F.); [(Current Power Attack) -4 attack, +8 damage primary / +4 damage
Evolution Points (26):
Push(1): Claw, Hooves(1): Legs, Large(4), Spell Resistance(4), Bite(1),
Huge(6), Skilled(1): Intimidate, Tentacle(1), Greater Aspect(6), Tentacle(1)
Saves: +13/+7/+11 (+5 against
Enchantment spells and effects)
Feats: Darkvision 60’, Link, Share Spells, Antagonize, Evasion,
Combat Reflexes, Devotion, Martial Focus: Natural (Weapons), Multiattack, Power
Attack, Cut From The Air, Improved Evasion, Spellcut, Smash From The Air, [15th
Level Feat] Difficult Swings
Total Skills (60): Intimidate
15, Perception 15, Sense Motive 15, Spellcraft 1, +14 points
20: Summoner (Spirit Summoner) 20, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +15/+10/+5
Ability Score Increase: CHA +1 (24
base, 32 with Greater Aspect)
Base Saves: +8/+9/+11
New Feats: Twin Eidolon
Skills(3): Stealth, Use
Magic Device, +1 other
New Spells: 4th
Level- Transmogrify
Level- Teleportation Circle
Base Spells Per Day: 8 Lvl. 1, 8 Lvl. 2, 8 Lvl. 3, 7 Lvl. 4, 7 Lvl.
5, 7 Lvl. 6
Greater Aspect(12):
Ability Increase(8) x4: CHA, Spell Resistance(4): 31
20: Spirit Summoner’s Ancestral Eidolon (15 HD)
HP: 157 (4.5 HD + 6 CON x 15)
Form: Huge Biped [Claws, Limbs (Arms),
Limbs (Legs)]
Speed: 30’ land
AC: 33 (10+4 DEX+21 Natural
Armor -2 Size)
Spell Resistance: 31 (11 + Summoner level)
Spell Resistance: 31 (11 + Summoner level)
Attacks (7 Max.): [BAB +15]
(-2 size) Claw 20’ +27 (2d6 +15 +1 M.F. +push), Claw 15’ +27 (2d6 +15 +1 M.F.),
Bite 15’ +27 (1d8+15 +1 M.F.), Hoof 15’ +25 (1d8+7 +1 M.F.), Hoof 15’ +25
(1d8+7 +1 M.F.), Tentacle 15’ +25 (1d8+7 +1 M.F.), Tentacle 15’ +25 (1d8+7 +1
M.F.); [(Current Power Attack) -4 attack, +8 damage primary / +4 damage
Evolution Points (27):
Push(1): Claw, Hooves(1): Legs, Large(4), Spell Resistance(4), Bite(1),
Huge(6), Skilled(1): Intimidate, Tentacle(1), Greater Aspect(6), Tentacle(1),
Skilled(1): Perception
Saves: +13/+8/+11 (+5 against
Enchantment spells and effects)
Feats: Darkvision 60’, Link, Share Spells, Antagonize, Evasion,
Combat Reflexes, Devotion, Martial Focus: Natural (Weapons), Multiattack, Power
Attack, Cut From The Air, Improved Evasion, Spellcut, Smash From The Air,
Difficult Swings
Total Skills (60): Intimidate
15, Perception 15, Sense Motive 15, Spellcraft 1, +14 points
Eidolon should have an
Eidolon-Anchoring Harness (6000 GP) as soon as possible.
Eidolon should have a Sharding Amulet Of Mighty Fists (+2 equivalent, 16000 GP) after that.
Eidolon should have a Sharding Amulet Of Mighty Fists (+2 equivalent, 16000 GP) after that.
Summoner should have a Lesser Rod
Of Quicken Spell (35000 GP) after that.
Other equipment, like resistance and stat-boost stuff, is of course of use, but not as specifically-useful.
Other equipment, like resistance and stat-boost stuff, is of course of use, but not as specifically-useful.
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