A samsaran has a racial ability called Mystic Past Life that allows it to pick spells from classes that use the same source (arcane or divine) to add to the character's spell list. I've fucked with it an amount and felt like that ability, along with its +2 wisdom, makes it perfect for a build like this. The spells it gets are Sanctuary, Desecrate, Animate Dead, Breath Of Life, Boneshatter, and Blade Barrier- this character's meant to be impressively supportive and tough to kill as well as a flying long-range bomber. Animate Dead felt like the easiest, most consistent way to affect ground combat every round, with Desecrate boosting it immensely (I recommend owning a wand of it over keeping it memorized, though). Sanctuary's a cheap, powerful low-level spell for switching to a support role, and Breath Of Life's a great emergency life-saver, especially considering the character's higher mobility in bird form.
Menhir Savant's a really good archetype- it trades Nature Sense (yawn), Wild Empathy (CHA's a druid dump stat), Woodland Stride (yeah okay imagine there's enough treeshit to impede the party- do you really want your druid to take off alone because it can?), Trackless Step (this character flies and even if it didn't, why would something tracking the party give a fuck that there's one less person), and A Thousand Faces (yawn, again) for Spirit Sense, which is like a constant free detect spell on fey, outsiders (!), and astral/ethereal/incorporeal creatures (!!!), Place Magic which is a free-action +1 to caster level equal to WIS + 3, Walk The Lines which is a fantastically exploitable version of Teleport to a clever person with seeds, and Empty Body, which is Ethereal Jaunt for one-non-consecutive-round-per-level. Lemme get into a little more detail as to why these are amazing.
Spirit Sense gives you an idea of the location of some insidious fucking creatures, for free, FOREVER. It's the equivalent of a ton of different spells- I'm not gonna look just for the sake of saying this so correct me if I'm wrong, but there is no Detect Outsider spell, is there? There's a Detect Undead, for ghosts, but it wouldn't work on ethereal creatures, like Ethereal Jaunting wizards or planewalking rape goblins. It's an incredible and thematic class feature, and I wish Paizo would add useful shit like it more often, instead of spending all their time sacrificing function for lame-ass Lord-Of-The-Rings-LARP-style decorum. Place Magic, at its level 2 inception, adds a distributable +8 to caster level. At that level, why not just cast a spell as if you're a level 10 druid? It's amazing for extending the duration of spells, adding function to spells that scale their effects with level, and overcoming spell resistance, and it never gets worse- another fascinating fucking success on the part of this archetype designer which tells me they have people working on this stuff with GOOD ideas they should tap more often. Walk The Lines / Transport Via Plants comes into play at level 9, when a wizard would learn Teleport, but it's BETTER and let me tell you why (this gets its own paragraph):
Teleport is a fifth-level wizard/sorcerer conjuration spell that lets the caster move 100 miles per caster level, bringing one additional medium-sized creature per three caster levels, with a percentage chance of failure.
Transport Via Plants is a sixth-level druid conjuration spell that lets the caster move through one plant to another of the same plant at any distance, bringing one additional medium-sized creature per three caster levels, with no chance of failure.
I'm pretty sure "any distance" implies planar travel, which is fucking amazing, but let's ignore that for now in favor of a hypothetical scenario.
At character creation, using some of your druidic 2d6 x 10 GP starting wealth, you buy some seeds (or just tell the DM you found some on the ground, you're a fuckin druid). Whereever you'd like to go, whereever you think you might want to return, plant a fuckin seed. It's gonna be a tree! If it'd somehow be conspicuous there, put it in a pot or plant it a little further away. Then, cast Plant Growth on it or wait until it's big enough- from level 9 forward, you can go back and forth between any of those trees at will, barring an enemy's use of Dimensional Anchor on a tree. Other than that ridiculous scenario, there's no limiter aside from "only" being able to do it your WIS modifier per day! It's an amazing spell, and a fucking amazing class ability, especially since you're not supposed to be able to cast it until 11th level. Just so much potential.
Lastly, Ethereal Jaunt's neat, and being able to parcel out the rounds is neater (for moving through walls and dodging telegraphed attacks and stuff).
Went with the Eagle Domain for Nature Bond for the incredible Evasion-while-flying at 6th level and Improved-Evasion-while-flying at 12th level since this character's supposed to stay a bird, always, forever (using a Ring Of Eloquence to communicate), and for the hawk familiar, which'll have the Valet archetype and Shake It Off at first level, which,
Apparently the errata for Wasp Familiar (now?) includes the line, "You can have only one familiar." I don't think that was always the case? This doesn't break the build, but warrants further research as to whether that's a blanket statement for all of Pathfinder or just relevant to that feat. I'm gonna leave Wasp Familiar in, 'cause I'm not sure of the alternative, or if I'd recommend still getting Shake It Off if it was only a +1 to all saves.
So far as feats, this character goes familiars early for the above reasons, and ends up with some slots to play with. Improved Initiative at level 3 isn't absolutely necessary, but considering all the different debuffs available to a druid it's pretty useful to go first. Natural Spell at level 5 IS necessary, allowing casting while shifted, as is Planar Wild Shape, adding some especially good shifted defenses that add darkvision, SR, resistances, and DR which can be selected when shifting based on the situation. There's a little synergy with the trait Scorned By Magic, which is like +1 to your SR when you have it. Other than Divine Interference, the build's pretty much complete at level 7- Spell Penetration, Quicken Spell, and Spell Focus are all useful but kind of standard. It's lame to say, but as I stated I've never played a druid in Pathfinder and in my research I didn't find much more that'd make this build a ton better.
This character's a flying bird druid with familiars that boost its already-impressive saving throws, tons of resistances and defenses including evasion and the natural protection that comes with flight, a good amount of spells, reasonable hitpoints, the improved action economy that comes with permanently-summoned creatures including an undead minion, and an improved spell-and-ability list for support that outperforms other druids, being able to teleport without error, boost its caster level, and Breath Of Life. If I wanted to play a caster druid, this'd be it. I told a GM about it, intending to play it in a game, and he kind of forbade it (you meet the antagonist at the beginning and I told him I was gonna put potted plants on his ship so we could go back whenever we wanted to murder him in the night) which is one of the best compliments I can receive for one of these builds.
This build created in October of 2016.
Druid (Menhir Savant),
Level 20
(must be Chaotic Neutral and worship Calistria)
(must be Chaotic Neutral and worship Calistria)
Race: Samsaran, +2
INT, +2 WIS,
-2 CON (+1 Hit Point/+1 Skill Point)
Racial Traits
Lifebound (+2 to saves against death effects, negative energy effects, negative
levels, and to stabilization checks)
Mystic Past Life (add a number of spells of the same source
as your spellcasting type equal to your primary spellcasting ability modifier
plus one to your list of spells at first level)
Spells Added (6): (1st)
Sanctuary, (2nd) Desecrate, (3rd) Animate Dead, (5th)
Breath Of Life, (5th) Boneshatter, (6th) Blade Barrier
Low-Light Vision
Character Traits/Drawbacks
Drawback: (Detriment, Circumstance)
Combat: Reactionary (+2 to initiative)
Faith: Beacon Of Faith (1/day can cast a domain spell or use
a domain ability at +2 caster level)
Magic: Scorned By Magic (spells count as one level lower for overcoming your
spell resistance or dispelling you)
Known Languages:
Common, Samsaran, Druidic
1: Druid (Menhir Savant) 1, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +0
Base Saves: +3/+2/+7 (+2/+2/+2
when adjacent to familiars)
New Feats: Druid Weapon Proficiencies, Druid Light and Medium Armor
Proficiencies, Druid Shield Proficiency, Druid Spontaneous Casting, Nature
Bond: Eagle Domain, (Eagle Domain) Familiar, (Eagle Domain) Hawkeye, Spirit
Sense, [1st Level Feat] Shake It Off, [Anti-Hero] Wasp Familiar
Skills(4): Climb, Knowledge
(Geography), Knowledge (Nature), Perception
Base Spells Per Day*: 3 Lvl. 0, 3 Lvl. 1
one specific domain spell per spell level above 0.
Familiars: Hawk and Wasp (flying
Greensting Scorpion), (both) Valet archetype
2: Druid (Menhir Savant) 2, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +1
Base Saves: +4/+2/+8 (+2/+2/+2
when adjacent to familiars)
New Feats: Place Magic
Skills(4): Knowledge (Nature),
Perception, Survival, Swim
Base Spells Per Day*: 4 Lvl. 0, 4 Lvl. 1
one specific domain spell per spell level above 0.
3: Druid (Menhir Savant) 3, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +2
Base Saves: +4/+3/+8 (+2/+2/+2
when adjacent to familiars)
New Feats: [3rd Level Feat] Improved Initiative
Skills(4): Knowledge
(Nature), Spellcraft, Spellcraft, Perception
Base Spells Per Day*: 4 Lvl. 0, 4 Lvl. 1, 2 Lvl. 2
one specific domain spell per spell level above 0.
4: Druid (Menhir Savant) 4, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +3
Ability Score Increase: CON +1
Base Saves: +6/+3/+9 (+2/+2/+2
when adjacent to familiars)
New Feats: Resist Nature’s Lure, Wild Shape (4th)
Skills(4): Knowledge
(Nature), Spellcraft, Spellcraft, Perception
Base Spells Per Day*: 4 Lvl. 0, 5 Lvl. 1, 3 Lvl. 2
one specific domain spell per spell level above 0.
5: Druid (Menhir Savant) 5, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +3
Base Saves: +6/+3/+9 (+2/+2/+2
when adjacent to familiars)
New Feats: [5th Level Feat] Natural Spell
Skills(4): Knowledge
(Nature), Knowledge (Planes), Spellcraft, Perception
Base Spells Per Day*: 4 Lvl. 0, 5 Lvl. 1, 3 Lvl. 2, 2 Lvl. 3
one specific domain spell per spell level above 0.
6: Druid (Menhir Savant) 6, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +4
Base Saves: +7/+4/+10 (+2/+2/+2
when adjacent to familiars)
New Feats: Aerial Evasion (6th), Wild Shape (6th)
Skills(4): Knowledge
(Planes), Knowledge (Planes), Spellcraft, Perception
Base Spells Per Day*: 4 Lvl. 0, 5 Lvl. 1, 4 Lvl. 2, 3 Lvl. 3
one specific domain spell per spell level above 0.
7: Druid (Menhir Savant) 7, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +5
Base Saves: +7/+4/+10 (+2/+2/+2
when adjacent to familiars)
New Feats: [7th Level Feat] Planar Wild Shape
Skills(4): Knowledge
(Planes), Knowledge (Planes), Spellcraft, Perception
Base Spells Per Day*: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 4 Lvl. 2, 3 Lvl. 3, 2
Lvl. 4
one specific domain spell per spell level above 0.
8: Druid (Menhir Savant) 8, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +6/+1
Ability Score Increase: WIS
+1 (21)
Base Saves: +8/+4/+11 (+2/+2/+2
when adjacent to familiars)
New Feats: Wild Shape (8th) (3/day)
Skills(4): Knowledge
(Nature), Knowledge (Nature), Spellcraft, Perception
Base Spells Per Day*: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 4 Lvl. 2, 4 Lvl. 3, 3
Lvl. 4
one specific domain spell per spell level above 0.
9: Druid (Menhir Savant) 9, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +6/+1
Base Saves: +8/+5/+11 (+2/+2/+2
when adjacent to familiars)
New Feats: Venom Immunity, Walk The Lines, [9th Level
Feat] Spell Penetration
Skills(4): Knowledge
(Nature), Knowledge (Nature), Spellcraft, Perception
Base Spells Per Day*: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 4 Lvl. 2, 4 Lvl. 3, 3
Lvl. 4, 2 Lvl. 5
one specific domain spell per spell level above 0.
10: Druid (Menhir Savant) 10, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +7/+2
Base Saves: +9/+5/+12 (+2/+2/+2
when adjacent to familiars)
New Feats: Wild Shape (10th) (4/day)
Skills(4): Knowledge
(Nature), Spellcraft, Perception, +1 other
Base Spells Per Day*: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 5 Lvl. 2, 4 Lvl. 3, 4
Lvl. 4, 3 Lvl. 5
one specific domain spell per spell level above 0.
11: Druid (Menhir Savant) 11, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +8/+3
Base Saves: +9/+5/+12 (+2/+2/+2
when adjacent to familiars)
New Feats: [11th Level Feat] Divine Interference
Skills(4): Knowledge
(Nature), Spellcraft, Perception, +1 other
Base Spells Per Day*: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 5 Lvl. 2, 5 Lvl. 3, 4
Lvl. 4, 3 Lvl. 5, 1 Lvl. 6
one specific domain spell per spell level above 0.
12: Druid (Menhir Savant) 12, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +9/+4
Ability Score Increase: WIS
+1 (22)
Base Saves: +10/+6/+14 (+2/+2/+2 when adjacent to familiars)
New Feats: Aerial (Improved) Evasion (12th), Wild Shape
(12th) (5/day)
Skills(4): Knowledge
(Nature), Spellcraft, Perception, +1 other
Base Spells Per Day*: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 6 Lvl. 2, 5 Lvl. 3, 4
Lvl. 4, 4 Lvl. 5, 3 Lvl. 6
one specific domain spell per spell level above 0.
13: Druid (Menhir Savant) 13, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +9/+4
Base Saves: +10/+6/+14 (+2/+2/+2 when adjacent to familiars)
New Feats: Empty Body, [13th Level Feat] Quicken Spell
Skills(4): Knowledge
(Nature), Spellcraft, Perception, +1 other
Base Spells Per Day*: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 6 Lvl. 2, 5 Lvl. 3, 5
Lvl. 4, 4 Lvl. 5, 3 Lvl. 6, 1 Lvl. 7
one specific domain spell per spell level above 0.
14: Druid (Menhir Savant) 14, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +10/+5
Base Saves: +11/+6/+15 (+2/+2/+2 when adjacent to familiars)
New Feats: Wild Shape (6/day)
Skills(4): Knowledge
(Nature), Spellcraft, Perception, +1 other
Base Spells Per Day*: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 6 Lvl. 2, 5 Lvl. 3, 5
Lvl. 4, 4 Lvl. 5, 4 Lvl. 6, 2 Lvl. 7
one specific domain spell per spell level above 0.
15: Druid (Menhir Savant) 15, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +11/+6/+1
Base Saves: +11/+7/+15 (+2/+2/+2 when adjacent to familiars)
New Feats: Timeless Body, [15th Level Feat] Greater
Spell Penetration
Skills(4): Knowledge
(Nature), Spellcraft, Perception, +1 other
Base Spells Per Day*: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 6 Lvl. 2, 5 Lvl. 3, 5
Lvl. 4, 5 Lvl. 5, 4 Lvl. 6, 2 Lvl. 7, 1 Lvl. 8
one specific domain spell per spell level above 0.
16: Druid (Menhir Savant) 16, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +12/+7/+2
Ability Score Increase: WIS
+1 (23)
Base Saves: +12/+7/+16 (+2/+2/+2 when adjacent to familiars)
New Feats: Wild Shape (7/day)
Skills(4): Knowledge
(Nature), Spellcraft, Perception, +1 other
Base Spells Per Day*: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 6 Lvl. 2, 5 Lvl. 3, 5
Lvl. 4, 5 Lvl. 5, 4 Lvl. 6, 3 Lvl. 7, 2 Lvl. 8
one specific domain spell per spell level above 0.
17: Druid (Menhir Savant) 17, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +12/+7/+2
Base Saves: +12/+7/+16 (+2/+2/+2 when adjacent to familiars)
New Feats: [17th Level Feat] Spell Focus (as desired)
Skills(4): Knowledge
(Nature), Spellcraft, Perception, +1 other
Base Spells Per Day*: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 6 Lvl. 2, 5 Lvl. 3, 5 Lvl. 4, 5
Lvl. 5, 5 Lvl. 6, 3 Lvl. 7, 2 Lvl. 8, 1 Lvl. 9
one specific domain spell per spell level above 0.
18: Druid (Menhir Savant) 18, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +13/+8/+3
Base Saves: +13/+8/+17 (+2/+2/+2 when adjacent to familiars)
New Feats: Wild Shape (8/day)
Skills(4): Knowledge
(Nature), Spellcraft, Perception, +1 other
Base Spells Per Day*: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 6 Lvl. 2, 5 Lvl. 3, 5 Lvl. 4, 5
Lvl. 5, 5 Lvl. 6, 3 Lvl. 7, 3 Lvl. 8, 2 Lvl. 9
one specific domain spell per spell level above 0.
19: Druid (Menhir Savant) 19, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +14/+9/+4
Base Saves: +13/+8/+17 (+2/+2/+2 when adjacent to familiars)
New Feats: [19th Level Feat] Greater-/Spell Focus (as
Skills(4): Knowledge
(Nature), Spellcraft, Perception, +1 other
Base Spells Per Day*: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 6 Lvl. 2, 5 Lvl. 3, 5 Lvl. 4, 5
Lvl. 5, 5 Lvl. 6, 4 Lvl. 7, 3 Lvl. 8, 3 Lvl. 9
one specific domain spell per spell level above 0.
20: Druid (Menhir Savant) 20, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +15/+10/+5
Ability Score Increase: WIS
+1 (24)
Base Saves: +14/+8/+19 (+2/+2/+2 when adjacent to familiars)
New Feats: Wild Shape (infinite)
Skills(4): Knowledge
(Nature), Spellcraft, Perception, +1 other
Base Spells Per Day*: 4 Lvl. 0, 6 Lvl. 1, 6 Lvl. 2, 6 Lvl. 3, 5 Lvl. 4, 5
Lvl. 5, 5 Lvl. 6, 5 Lvl. 7, 4 Lvl. 8, 4 Lvl. 9
one specific domain spell per spell level above 0.
Domain Spells
1st—aspect of the falcon
2nd—eagle’s splendor
4th—river of wind
5th—overland flight
6th—eagle aerie
7th—animal shapes (birds only)
9th—winds of vengeance
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