Self-Interested Preface: Get ready for words, motherfuckers! The Feral Gnasher is a racial barbarian archetype for goblins which gives them a natural bite attack with an improved grab ability that scales with their level. The idea is that the small-size-category goblin with a racial -2 STR penalty can latch onto larger opponents and attack with broken bottles and other garbage, as a semi-capable-but-mostly-a-joke front-line fighter. The Racial Heritage feat allows any human (or human hybrid, like half-elf or half-orc) to qualify as one chosen humanoid race for the purposes of feats, traits, and classes. You understand where this is going, yeah?
I mean, okay, I get it- I guess it's cute, the idea of a little annoying piece-of-shit goblin latching onto dudes and chomping and slashing and screaming like the worst kind of dog. From the flavor descriptions it looks like the content creators are trying real hard to sell that image. But it is WAY more funny to imagine a full-grown adult doing the same thing to a fucking elephant. At level 3, a feral gnasher has grab, usable on creatures up to one size larger (Large). At level 5, and this is the crazy part, a feral gnasher can automatically prone a creature it maintains a grapple check on. That's a person running up to an ogre, BITING IT and knocking it to the ground. At level 6, just one level later, the feral gnasher does not count as grappled when it uses its bite attack to grapple. That's a person running up to a troll, biting it and turning it completely sideways so that it is lying on the ground, then tearing it apart with their claws (this character gets Lesser Beast Totem at level 4) without sitting down or anything. At level 9, the size it can use its grab attack on is one bigger (Huge). That's a triceratops! That's the equivalent of AN ADULT, RUNNING DOWN THE STREET TO BITE A CAR, THEN CHOMPING A DOOR HANDLE AND TURNING THE WHOLE THING SIDEWAYS. At level 15, the size goes up AGAIN, which is Gargantuan, a size category which includes dire crocodiles, ancient dragons, and two hydras stacked on top of each other in a trenchcoat so they can get in to see an adult movie. That means at level 15, someone could cast Enlarge Person on this character and with no more gimmicks than that it could bite and turn horizontal the TARRASQUE. It defies fucking physics! You know what else is the size of the Tarrasque (Colossal, by the way)? A PIRATE SHIP.
I don't need to get into the barbarian or rage powers too much, since I've recorded their effects on this character in complete detail by level below, but here's a quick breakdown of its non-rage feats and capabilities by level:
Level 1: gains Iron Will, can hit ghosts, can ignore fatigue once per day to rage cycle, gains bite attack, gains Arcane Strike
Level 1: gains Iron Will, can hit ghosts, can ignore fatigue once per day to rage cycle, gains bite attack, gains Arcane Strike
Level 2: can throw garbage and shit as if it was worthwhile (which can still hit ghosts which I think is funny. "get out of my fucking living room!!" *throws AOL trial disc, cutting ghost on ear due to personal convictions*)
Level 3: can use bite to grab up to large creatures, gains Roll With It, a goblin feat that lets this character use Acrobatics to avoid damage completely to move in a straight line in any direction
Level 5: can wield garbage as melee weapon, which does damage like a real weapon, Arcane Strike +2
Level 6: when using bite to grapple, does not count as grappled
Level 9: bite-grab huge creatures
Level 10: stronger bite, Arcane Strike +3
Level 12: permanent +1 damage to garbage and natural attacks
Level 14: permanent +2 damage to garbage and natural attacks
Level 15: bite-grab gargantuan creatures, Arcane Strike +4
Level 16: permanent +3 damage to garbage and natural attacks
Level 18: permanent +4 damage to garbage and natural attacks
Level 20: permanent +5 damage to garbage and natural attacks, Arcane Strike +5
Rage-cycling Strength Surge is where it gets the craziest, but I wanted this to be a powerful, unassailable build before I wanted it to be a physics-breaker. That said, some of the rage powers could be switched around without hurting this build too much. Depending on your intended self-sufficiency, I have different values for if this character wants the huge racial bonus to all saving throws from Superstition or an extra hit point per level. I'd recommend the bonus to Superstition- it's not gonna take long for enemy casters to start targeting the roaring goblin-toothed man who just turned their golem sideways.
Below the build is a chart for damage by level and some item recommendations- this character is a natural attacker with high attack and damage, meant to bite, latch on, and go nuts on creatures who aren't ready for it. I think this direction is way better than its original intention, starting with the inherent +4 STR bonus and ending with knocking Cthulhu prone (all you gotta beat's a 97!).
Aside from that stuff, it actually has some skills, including Perception and Survival, and some reasonable saving throws. It's not the most defensive barbarian, or the highest damage barbarian, but it's well-built and capable and if your characters ever end up in one of those weird campaigns that thinks it's cute to put em in the real world, you could use it to bite and knock over a helicopter.
Build created in April of 2016.
Barbarian (Feral
Gnasher) Level 20
Race: Human, +2
STR (+1 Hit Point/+1 Skill
Point/+½ to Trap
Sense/+⅓ saving throw bonus to Superstition rage power)
Racial Traits
Heart Of The Fields [+1/2 level to one Craft/Profession (as
desired); 1/day can ignore fatigue/exhaustion effect]
Shadowhunter (free Iron Will feat; can always hit
incorporeal creatures for ½ damage as if attacks were magical; +2 to saves
removing negative levels; heal 2 ability score damage per day if source was
Character Traits/Drawbacks
Drawback: Paranoid (allies must make DC 15 check to
successfully aid-another you)
Race: Latent Psion (+2 to saves against mind-affecting
Regional: Equality For All (+2 to CMB and CMD against
opponents two or more sizes larger)
Religion: Light-Bringer [Verbatim: “Once per day, you can
use light as a spell-like ability. Your caster level is equal to your
character level.” (Qualifies for Arcane
Strike damage increase.)]
Known Languages:
1: Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) 1 (d12 HD), +1 Hit Point or +⅓ saving
throw bonus to Superstition rage power
BAB: +1
Base Saves: +5/+2/+3 (+2 against
mind-affecting effects)
New Feats: Simple and Greatclub Weapon Proficiencies, Light Armor
Proficiency, Rage, Savage Bite [1d6 (x2)], Iron Will, [1st Level
Feat] Racial Heritage (Goblin), [Anti-Hero] Arcane Strike (+1)
Skills(4): Climb,
Perception, Survival, Swim
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 7 rounds per day / +4 STR/CON, +2
Will, -2 AC
2: Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) 2, +1 Hit Point or +⅓ saving
throw bonus to Superstition rage power
BAB: +2
Base Saves: +6/+2/+3 (+2 against
mind-affecting effects)
New Feats: Impromptu Armament, [Impromptu Armament] Throw Anything,
Uncanny Dodge
Skills(4): Acrobatics
x2, Perception, Survival
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 9 rounds per day / +4 STR/CON, +2
Will, -2 AC
3: Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) 3, +1 Hit Point or +⅓ saving
throw bonus to Superstition rage power (+1)
BAB: +3
Base Saves: +6/+3/+4 (+2 against
mind-affecting effects)
New Feats: Lockjaw, [3rd Level Feat] Roll With It
Skills(4): Acrobatics, Knowledge
(Nature), Perception, Survival
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 11 rounds per day / +4 STR/CON, +2
Will, -2 AC
4: Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) 4, +1 Hit Point or +⅓ saving
throw bonus to Superstition rage power (+1)
BAB: +4
Ability Score Increase: STR +1
Base Saves: +7/+3/+4 (+2 against
mind-affecting effects)
New Feats: [Rage Power] Lesser Beast Totem
Skills(4): Acrobatics,
Perception, Survival, +1 other
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 13 rounds per day / +4 STR/CON, +2
Will, -2 AC; 2 x 1d6 primary claw attacks
5: Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) 5, +1 Hit Point or +⅓ saving
throw bonus to Superstition rage power (+1)
BAB: +5
Base Saves: +7/+3/+4 (+2 against
mind-affecting effects)
New Feats: (Arcane Strike +2), Improvised Weapon Mastery, [5th
Level Feat] Extra Rage Power: Raging Grappler
Skills(4): Acrobatics,
Perception, Survival, +1 other
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 15 rounds per day / +4 STR/CON, +2
Will, -2 AC; 2 x 1d6 primary claw attacks; when initiating grapple
automatically deal grapple damage, can make grappled/grappler prone as free
action when maintaining grapple
6: Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) 6, +1 Hit Point or +⅓ saving
throw bonus to Superstition rage power (+2)
BAB: +6/+1
Base Saves: +8/+4/+5 (+2 against
mind-affecting effects)
New Feats: Improved Lockjaw, [Rage Power] Superstition
Skills(4): Acrobatics,
Perception, Survival, +1 other
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 17 rounds per day / +4 STR/CON, +2
Will, -2 AC; 2 x 1d6 primary claw attacks; when initiating grapple
automatically deal grapple damage, can make grappled/grappler prone as free
action when maintaining grapple; +3/+5 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
7: Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) 7, +1 Hit Point or +⅓ saving
throw bonus to Superstition rage power (+2)
BAB: +7/+2
Base Saves: +8/+4/+5 (+2 against
mind-affecting effects)
New Feats: Damage Reduction 1/-, [7th Level Feat] Extra
Rage Power: Beast Totem
Skills(4): Acrobatics,
Perception, Survival, +1 other
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 19 rounds per day / +4 STR/CON, +2
Will, -2 AC; 2 x 1d6 primary claw attacks; when initiating grapple
automatically deal grapple damage, can make grappled/grappler prone as free
action when maintaining grapple; +3/+5 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; +3 (natural) AC
8: Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) 8, +1 Hit Point or +⅓ saving
throw bonus to Superstition rage power (+2)
BAB: +8/+3
Ability Score Increase: STR +1
Base Saves: +9/+4/+5 (+2 against
mind-affecting effects)
New Feats: [Rage Power] Fueled By Vengeance
Skills(4): Acrobatics,
Perception, Survival, +1 other
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 21 rounds per day / +4 STR/CON, +2
Will, -2 AC; 2 x 1d6 primary claw attacks; when initiating grapple
automatically deal grapple damage, can make grappled/grappler prone as free
action when maintaining grapple; +4/+6 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; +4 (natural) AC; once per round, when damaging opponent who has dealt
damage to character, gain additional round of rage
9: Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) 9, +1 Hit Point or +⅓ saving
throw bonus to Superstition rage power (+3)
BAB: +9/+4
Base Saves: +9/+5/+6 (+2 against
mind-affecting effects)
New Feats: Greater Lockjaw (9th), [9th Level
Feat] Extra Rage Power: Savage Dirty Trick
Skills(4): Acrobatics,
Perception, Survival, +1 other
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 23 rounds per day / +4 STR/CON, +2
Will, -2 AC; 2 x 1d6 primary claw attacks; when initiating grapple
automatically deal grapple damage, can make grappled/grappler prone as free action
when maintaining grapple; +4/+7 to all saving throws against spells/spell-like
abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all spells; +4 (natural)
AC; once per round, when damaging opponent who has dealt damage to character,
gain additional round of rage; once per round (but also per opponent per rage)
can attempt special dirty trick maneuver in place of a melee attack
10: Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) 10, +1 Hit Point or +⅓ saving
throw bonus to Superstition rage power (+3)
BAB: +10/+5
Base Saves: +10/+5/+6 (+2
against mind-affecting effects)
New Feats: (Arcane Strike +3), Damage Reduction 2/-, Savage Bite
(1d8 x3), [Rage Power] Greater Beast Totem
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 25 rounds per day / +4 STR/CON, +2
Will, -2 AC; 2 x 1d8 (x3) primary claw attacks; when initiating grapple
automatically deal grapple damage, can make grappled/grappler prone as free
action when maintaining grapple; +4/+7 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; +4 (natural) AC; once per round, when damaging opponent who has dealt
damage to character, gain additional round of rage; once per round (but also
per opponent per rage) can attempt special dirty trick maneuver in place of a
melee attack; pounce
11: Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) 11, +1 Hit Point or +⅓ saving
throw bonus to Superstition rage power (+3)
BAB: +11/+6/+1
Base Saves: +10/+5/+6 (+2
against mind-affecting effects)
New Feats: Greater Rage, [11th Level Feat] Extra Rage
Power: Roused Anger
Skills(4): Acrobatics,
Perception, Survival, +1 other
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 27 rounds per day / +6 STR/CON, +3
Will, -2 AC; 2 x 1d8 (x3) primary claw attacks; when initiating grapple
automatically deal grapple damage, can make grappled/grappler prone as free
action when maintaining grapple; +4/+7 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; +4 (natural) AC; once per round, when damaging opponent who has dealt
damage to character, gain additional round of rage; once per round (but also
per opponent per rage) can attempt special dirty trick maneuver in place of a
melee attack; pounce; can rage even while fatigued but then incurs exhaustion
12: Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) 12, +1 Hit Point or +⅓ saving
throw bonus to Superstition rage power (+4)
BAB: +12/+7/+2
Ability Score Increase: STR +1
Base Saves: +11/+6/+7 (+2
against mind-affecting effects)
New Feats: Wicked Improvisation +1, [Rage Power] Deathless Frenzy
Skills(4): Acrobatics,
Perception, Survival, +1 other
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 29 rounds per day / +6 STR/CON, +3
Will, -2 AC; 2 x 1d8 (x3) primary claw attacks; when initiating grapple
automatically deal grapple damage, can make grappled/grappler prone as free
action when maintaining grapple; +5/+9 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; +5 (natural) AC; once per round, when damaging opponent who has dealt
damage to character, gain additional round of rage; once per round (but also per
opponent per rage) can attempt special dirty trick maneuver in place of a melee
attack; pounce; can rage even while fatigued but then incurs exhaustion; can
ignore one round of death or unconsciousness while raging
13: Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) 13, +1 Hit Point or +⅓ saving
throw bonus to Superstition rage power (+4)
BAB: +13/+8/+3
Base Saves: +11/+6/+7 (+2
against mind-affecting effects)
New Feats: Damage Reduction 3/-, [13th Level Feat] Extra
Rage Power: Eater Of Magic
Skills(4): Acrobatics,
Perception, Survival, +1 other
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 31 rounds per day / +6 STR/CON, +3
Will, -2 AC; 2 x 1d8 (x3) primary claw attacks; when initiating grapple
automatically deal grapple damage, can make grappled/grappler prone as free
action when maintaining grapple; +5/+9 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; +5 (natural) AC; once per round, when damaging opponent who has dealt
damage to character, gain additional round of rage; once per round (but also
per opponent per rage) can attempt special dirty trick maneuver in place of a
melee attack; pounce; can rage even while fatigued but then incurs exhaustion;
can ignore one round of death or unconsciousness while raging; can reroll one
failed saving throw against spell/spell-like/supernatural effect per rage to
gain temp. HP equal to caster level on success
14: Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) 14, +1 Hit Point or +⅓ saving
throw bonus to Superstition rage power (+4)
BAB: +14/+9/+4
Base Saves: +12/+6/+7 (+2
against mind-affecting effects)
New Feats: Indomitable Will, Wicked Improvisation +2, [Rage Power]
Witch Hunter
Skills(4): Acrobatics,
Perception, Survival, +1 other
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 33 rounds per day / +6 STR/CON, +3
Will, -2 AC; 2 x 1d8 (x3) primary claw attacks; when initiating grapple
automatically deal grapple damage, can make grappled/grappler prone as free
action when maintaining grapple; +5/+9 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; +5 (natural) AC; once per round, when damaging opponent who has dealt
damage to character, gain additional round of rage; once per round (but also
per opponent per rage) can attempt special dirty trick maneuver in place of a
melee attack; pounce; can rage even while fatigued but then incurs exhaustion;
can ignore one round of death or unconsciousness while raging; can reroll one
failed saving throw against spell/spell-like/supernatural effect per rage to
gain temp. HP equal to caster level on success; +4 to saves against enchantment
effects; +5 damage against creatures with spells or spell-like abilities
15: Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) 15, +1 Hit Point or +⅓ saving
throw bonus to Superstition rage power (+5)
BAB: +15/+10/+5
Base Saves: +12/+7/+8 (+2
against mind-affecting effects)
New Feats: (Arcane Strike +4), Greater Lockjaw (15th),
[15th Level Feat] Raging Vitality
Skills(4): Acrobatics,
Perception, Survival, +1 other
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 35 rounds per day / +6 STR, +8 CON, +3
Will, -2 AC; 2 x 1d8 (x3) primary claw attacks; when initiating grapple
automatically deal grapple damage, can make grappled/grappler prone as free
action when maintaining grapple; +5/+10 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; +5 (natural) AC; once per round, when damaging opponent who has dealt
damage to character, gain additional round of rage; once per round (but also
per opponent per rage) can attempt special dirty trick maneuver in place of a
melee attack; pounce; can rage even while fatigued but then incurs exhaustion;
can ignore one round of death or unconsciousness while raging; can reroll one
failed saving throw against spell/spell-like/supernatural effect per rage to
gain temp. HP equal to caster level on success; +4 to saves against enchantment
effects; +5 damage against creatures with spells or spell-like abilities;
continue raging even while unconscious
16: Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) 16, +1 Hit Point or +⅓ saving
throw bonus to Superstition rage power (+5)
BAB: +16/+11/+6/+1
Ability Score Increase: STR +1
Base Saves: +13/+7/+8 (+2
against mind-affecting effects)
New Feats: Damage Reduction 4/-, Wicked Improvisation +3, [Rage
Power] Spell Sunder
Skills(4): Acrobatics,
Perception, Survival, +1 other
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 37 rounds per day / +6 STR, +8 CON, +3
Will, -2 AC; 2 x 1d8 (x3) primary claw attacks; when initiating grapple
automatically deal grapple damage, can make grappled/grappler prone as free
action when maintaining grapple; +6/+11 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; +6 (natural) AC; once per round, when damaging opponent who has dealt
damage to character, gain additional round of rage; once per round (but also
per opponent per rage) can attempt special dirty trick maneuver in place of a
melee attack; pounce; can rage even while fatigued but then incurs exhaustion;
can ignore one round of death or unconsciousness while raging; can reroll one
failed saving throw against spell/spell-like/supernatural effect per rage to
gain temp. HP equal to caster level on success; +4 to saves against enchantment
effects; +6 damage against creatures with spells or spell-like abilities;
continue raging even while unconscious; once per rage can attempt to sunder any
ongoing spell effect
17: Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) 17, +1 Hit Point or +⅓ saving
throw bonus to Superstition rage power (+5)
BAB: +17/+12/+7/+2
Base Saves: +13/+7/+8 (+2
against mind-affecting effects)
New Feats: Tireless Rage, [17th Level Feat] Extra Rage
Power: Flesh Wound, (can retrain 11th level feat Extra Rage Power:
Roused Anger if desired)
Skills(4): Acrobatics,
Perception, Survival, +1 other
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 39 rounds per day / +6 STR, +8 CON, +3
Will, -2 AC; 2 x 1d8 (x3) primary claw attacks; when initiating grapple
automatically deal grapple damage, can make grappled/grappler prone as free
action when maintaining grapple; +6/+11 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; +6 (natural) AC; once per round, when damaging opponent who has dealt
damage to character, gain additional round of rage; once per round (but also
per opponent per rage) can attempt special dirty trick maneuver in place of a
melee attack; pounce; can rage even while fatigued but then incurs exhaustion;
can ignore one round of death or unconsciousness while raging; can reroll one
failed saving throw against spell/spell-like/supernatural effect per rage to
gain temp. HP equal to caster level on success; +4 to saves against enchantment
effects; +6 damage against creatures with spells or spell-like abilities;
continue raging even while unconscious; once per rage can attempt to sunder any
ongoing spell effect; is not fatigued after rage; once per rage can attempt
Fort save to halve one received attack’s damage and convert it into non-lethal
18: Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) 18, +1 Hit Point or +⅓ saving
throw bonus to Superstition rage power (+6)
BAB: +18/+13/+8/+3
Base Saves: +14/+8/+9 (+2
against mind-affecting effects)
New Feats: Wicked Improvisation +4, [Rage Power] Strength Surge
Skills(4): Acrobatics,
Perception, Survival, +1 other
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 41 rounds per day / +6 STR, +8 CON, +3
Will, -2 AC; 2 x 1d8 (x3) primary claw attacks; when initiating grapple
automatically deal grapple damage, can make grappled/grappler prone as free
action when maintaining grapple; +6/+12 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; +6 (natural) AC; once per round, when damaging opponent who has dealt
damage to character, gain additional round of rage; once per round (but also
per opponent per rage) can attempt special dirty trick maneuver in place of a
melee attack; pounce; can rage even while fatigued but then incurs exhaustion;
can ignore one round of death or unconsciousness while raging; can reroll one
failed saving throw against spell/spell-like/supernatural effect per rage to
gain temp. HP equal to caster level on success; +4 to saves against enchantment
effects; +6 damage against creatures with spells or spell-like abilities;
continue raging even while unconscious; once per rage can attempt to sunder any
ongoing spell effect; is not fatigued after rage; once per rage can attempt
Fort save to halve one received attack’s damage and convert it into non-lethal;
once per rage can immediate-action add barbarian level to single STR check, CMB
or CMD check
19: Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) 19, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +19/+14/+9/+4
Base Saves: +14/+8/+9 (+2
against mind-affecting effects)
New Feats: Damage Reduction 5/-, [19th Level Feat] Extra
Rage Power: Ghost Rager
Skills(4): Acrobatics,
Perception, Survival, +1 other
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 43 rounds per day / +6 STR, +8 CON, +3
Will, -2 AC; 2 x 1d8 (x3) primary claw attacks; when initiating grapple
automatically deal grapple damage, can make grappled/grappler prone as free
action when maintaining grapple; +6/+12 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; +6 (natural) AC; once per round, when damaging opponent who has dealt
damage to character, gain additional round of rage; once per round (but also
per opponent per rage) can attempt special dirty trick maneuver in place of a
melee attack; pounce; can rage even while fatigued but then incurs exhaustion;
can ignore one round of death or unconsciousness while raging; can reroll one
failed saving throw against spell/spell-like/supernatural effect per rage to
gain temp. HP equal to caster level on success; +4 to saves against enchantment
effects; +6 damage against creatures with spells or spell-like abilities;
continue raging even while unconscious; once per rage can attempt to sunder any
ongoing spell effect; is not fatigued after rage; once per rage can attempt
Fort save to halve one received attack’s damage and convert it into non-lethal;
once per rage can immediate-action add barbarian level to single STR check, CMB
or CMD check; can strike incorporeal creature for full damage, +6 to touch AC
(up to a maximum of total current AC)
20: Barbarian (Feral Gnasher) 20, +1 Hit Point
BAB: +20/+15/+10/+5
Ability Score Increase: STR +1
Base Saves: +15/+8/+9 (+2 against mind-affecting effects)
New Feats: (Arcane Strike +5), Mighty Rage, Wicked Improvisation
+5, [Rage Power] Savage Intuition
Skills(4): Acrobatics,
Perception, Survival, +1 other
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 45 rounds per day / +8 STR, +10 CON,
+4 Will, -2 AC; 2 x 1d8 (x3) primary claw attacks; when initiating grapple
automatically deal grapple damage, can make grappled/grappler prone as free
action when maintaining grapple; +7/+13 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; +7 (natural) AC; once per round, when damaging opponent who has dealt
damage to character, gain additional round of rage; once per round (but also
per opponent per rage) can attempt special dirty trick maneuver in place of a
melee attack; pounce; can rage even while fatigued but then incurs exhaustion;
can ignore one round of death or unconsciousness while raging; can reroll one
failed saving throw against spell/spell-like/supernatural effect per rage to
gain temp. HP equal to caster level on success; +4 to saves against enchantment
effects; +7 damage against creatures with spells or spell-like abilities;
continue raging even while unconscious; once per rage can attempt to sunder any
ongoing spell effect; is not fatigued after rage; once per rage can attempt
Fort save to halve one received attack’s damage and convert it into non-lethal;
once per rage can immediate-action add barbarian level to single STR check, CMB
or CMD check; can strike incorporeal creature for full damage, +7 to touch AC
(up to a maximum of total current AC); can auto-rage without awareness that
combat is taking place
Base Inherent Damage Modifiers By Level
Lvl. / BAB
Bite Damage
Claw Damage
Base STR Modifier
Base Rage STR Mod. Bonus
Arcane Strike
Wicked Improv.
Other Modifiers
2x 1d6+STR
2x 1d6+STR
Bite deals damage 2nd time on successful grapple
2x 1d6+STR
2x 1d6+STR
2x 1d6+STR
2x 1d6+STR
2x 1d8+STR
Bite and Claws gain x3 crit
2x 1d8+STR
2x 1d8+STR
2x 1d8+STR
2x 1d8+STR
+5 damage to spellcasters
2x 1d8+STR
2x 1d8+STR
+6 damage to spellcasters
2x 1d8+STR
2x 1d8+STR
2x 1d8+STR
2x 1d8+STR
+7 damage to spellcasters
Helm Of The Mammoth Lord grants an additional primary natural (gore) attack which counts as
a magical weapon and deals 1d6 piercing damage.
It is affected by the Amulet Of Mighty Fists.
Recommended Amulet Of Mighty Fists enhancements are Furious
(+1 bonus; additional +2 to attack and damage when raging), then Corrosive
(+1d6 acid damage), Shock (+1d6 electricity damage), Frost (+1d6 cold damage)
and Flaming (+1d6 fire damage) for an additional 4d6+2 damage on each natural
attack. Keen is also applicable (+1
bonus, increases critical threat range to 19-20).
Enlarge Person would increase damage by one step, bringing bite and claw attacks from 1d6 to 1d8 or 1d8 to 2d6, as well as increasing STR by 2.
Hobgoblin War Draught, 10 GP (Source PRG:ARG)
This drink is a foul-smelling alchemical blend of raw
alcohol, mashed grubs, and medicinal mushrooms. A hobgoblin under the effects
of hobgoblin war draught ignores all penalties resulting from the fatigued and
shaken conditions for 10 minutes, after which he must succeed at a DC 15
Fortitude save or be sickened for 1 hour. Anyone lacking the goblinoid subtype
who drinks hobgoblin war draught must immediately make a DC 15 Fortitude save
or be sickened for 1 hour; success means the drinker ignores all penalties
resulting from the fatigued and shaken conditions for 1 minute, after which he
is sickened for 10 minutes. Hobgoblin war draught has no effect on creatures
that are immune to poison.
Helm of the Mammoth Lord, 8500 GP; Head slot; 3 lbs.; Aura
faint transmutation; CL 5th
This hide helm is set with plates of ivory carved with primitive
runes, with a pair of tusks curving down on either side of the wearer’s face
for cheek guards. The tusks of the helm provide a gore attack dealing 1d6
points of damage for a Medium wearers and is a magic weapon for the purposes
of overcoming damage reduction.
The helm of the mammoth lord also protects the wearer from
cold environments as the endure elements spell. Furthermore, it provides a +5
competence bonus to Handle Animal, Ride, and wild empathy checks with
elephants, mammoths, mastodons, and other similar elephant-like creatures.
On command, the wearer may use detect animals or plants,
but can only detect elephant-like creatures. On command, the wearer may use
speak with animals, but only to communicate with elephant-like creatures.
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