Bloodragers are a little MAD (multiple-ability dependent), being barbarians who trade their rage powers for special bloodline powers and CHA-based spellcasting, requiring a minimum of 14 CHA to cast their four levels of spells. In addition to that, you've got CON for hitpoints, STR (typically, as bloodrage still boosts STR/CON) for damage, DEX for AC and Reflex, and the attempt to keep their weak-progression Will saves up with WIS, leaving INT as their only real dump stat. Utilizing Weapon Finesse at level 1, Dervish Dance at level 3, and the Urban Bloodrager archetype, STR becomes a dump stat too, and Reflex and AC jump up impressively.
Human's the choice for this build for Shadowhunter (since it ought to have Iron Will anyway), Fey Thoughts to give it Fly and Use Magic Device (so you're a wand user too), and the +2 DEX with no -ability. Traits are Threatening Defender (since Combat Expertise should always be on), Fate's Favored (the Destined bloodline adds luck bonuses) and the religious trait Blade Of Mercy, which is fucking amazing and a feat-equivalent trait which'll be especially important from level 11 forward.
Offensively, at level 1 as stated above Weapon Finesse means you're using a light weapon for higher attack, though with Urban Bloodrager's Controlled Bloodrage you can choose which physical stat you want to boost (and can still use wands!) so you can switch to extra damage if you're not having trouble hitting or dodging something. Destined Strike is a Destined-bloodline free-action +3 insight bonus on a chosen melee attack, three times per day, which is one of those abilities that's only unimportant if you forget you have it. Level 3 buys Dervish Dance, bringing the 18-20 crit. range scimitar into play and completely negating STR's effect on anything this character's built to do. At level 4, spellcasting shows up, which I'll get into more after defenses, though I'd like to mention the Long Arm spell which adds 10' reach to get that use out of your attacks of opportunity which come from Combat Reflexes at level 5. Level 8 brings in Savage Intuition, which, after level 10's Greater Bloodrage, brings in some amazing action economy as you auto-rage at the beginning of all combats, applying one spell of 2nd level or lower even without acting in the surprise round! Level 9 bumps your scimitar crit. range to 15-20, freeing up the enhancement bonus you mighta spent on Keen. At level 10, you can fly on your own power, using spells (instead of the bloodline rage powers of your barbarian compatriots) to improve your mobility. Then, at level 11, fucking everything changes- the Advanced Divine Fighting Technique: Way Of The Merciful, which notably doesn't include the non-Advanced version as a prerequisite, heals the character by 2d6 once every round it attacks non-lethally with a scimitar. That's fucking crazy. I've brought it up in one or two of my other builds, but seeing as this character's MEANT to tank, that's like having fast healing 2d6 for the cost of two feats and ten ranks of Heal! Level 12 has the incredible Come And Get Me, which was tailor-made for this build's crazy amount of attacks of opportunity, great AC, and easily-attainable reach. Arcane Strike shows up at level 13- it's not bad but this character has an amount of swift-action and immediate-action spells in addition to doing reasonable damage without it. Surge Of Success at 15's excellent for a scimitar-wielding human to get a floating +2 on whatever, especially with level 16's Destined-bloodline power Unstoppable, which automatically confirms all critical threats (man, seriously, that's some capstone shit). Riving Strike comes in at level 17, with Blooded Arcane Strike at 19, just 'cause. This character's capstones're amazing, but no one ever fucks with level 20 characters so I won't even detail 'em.
Defensively, this character gets nuts quick. At level 1, a saving throw spread of +5/+3/+4's pretty great for a martial character, an AC of 10 + 3 DEX + 4 chain shirt + 1 Combat Expertise / + 1 DEX rage (+4's the DEX cap for a chain shirt) = 18/19, which isn't bad with its d10 + 3 CON + 1 favored class bonus hitpoints. Like a normal barbarian, it gets Uncanny Dodge at level 2, which is welcome considering DEX is its attack ability score. At level 4, though, it starts its impressive saving-throw ascent with the Destined-bloodline's Fated Bloodrager luck bonus to all saving throws reacting nicely with Fate's Favored to bring saving throws up to +9/+6/+6 as well as introducing spellcasting which, though I'm still not getting deep into it yet, adds another layer of protective versatility. Level 7 has a feat tax for the Advanced Divine Fighting Technique of Great Fortitude, which isn't completely useless but is clearly the worst feat buy in this build. Level 8, however, introduces Superstition, the barbarian rage power that boosts saving throws against spells and spell-like effects to ridiculous levels in exchange for forcing the user to also save against harmless spells, with saving throws going up to +14/+9/+8 unbuffed and rageless, and +18/+13/+12 (before applying the DEX or CON boost) in a rage, which I'd like to state again is at LEVEL EIGHT WITHOUT ITEMS. Level 10 is the earliest this character can fly on its own power, which is as much a defensive ability as it is an offensive one. Level 11, as stated before, changes everything by giving this character what amounts to 2d6 fast healing every round it attacks non-lethally. Level 12 brings both the ever-useful Diehard and the rage power Good For What Ails You, which lets the character re-attempt saving throws against most conditions when drinking alcohol. The character's not supposed to be spending the action drinking- a cohort or NPC or someone else is supposed to be administering the alcohol as a potion, saving money on non-alcohol potions and saving actions. The idea's that this character kind of doesn't fail saves, really, so my general guess is it was probably a natural-1-style fluke that got it there. Indomitable Will at 14 adds another +4 against enchantment effects in a rage. Level 15's Surge Of Success can be used on a saving throw, which is nice. Level 16, just to say so, has a base unbuffed no-item saving throw spread of +20/+14/+13 which, in a rage, goes up to +26/+20/+19 against spells and spell-like effects before applying the floating ability score boost or magic items. Just trying to keep everything in perspective. Also, critical threats against the character're only confirmed on a natural 20. At 18, out of any other useful bloodline feats, Lightning Reflexes shows up. Just to show off one last time, as a naked level 20 DEX-raging barbarian, this character has an AC of 10 + 9 DEX + 6 Combat Expertise = 25 (touch!) AC, saving throws of +23/+23/+15 or +30/+30/+22 against spells and spell-like abilities with an additional +4 against enchantment effects, and a hitpoint range of 20d10 + 60 + 20 which averages to 190, plus Diehard if things get too nuts, along with the Destined-bloodline capstone of immunity to daze, paralysis, petrification, stagger, and stun and when it raged, it automatically applied some spell, probly Haste or something, I dunno.
So far as skills, since this character needed 13 INT to get Combat Expertise, it has five per level which I recommend using on Perception and Use Magic Device. At level 10 it can fly on its own power, so that'd be an alright time to start maximizing Fly, though it's not at all necessary. It does, however, need ten ranks in Heal by level 11 so it can get the Advanced Divine Fighting Technique. Other than that, this character has an amount of versatility, since unlike an actual barbarian it has a positive CHA modifier. Could make this an alright party face, or a secondary Spellcraft identifier- talk to the other players to see what additional roles're worth filling! It's not unreasonable to also mention your character's nearly un-fuckin-killable.
Alright, spells time. This preface is already pretty fuckin long, so I'll try to do it brief. Here's the bloodrager spell list if you wanna look at it. I'll mention now the last Destined-bloodline power in effect, which is Adopted Magic, a power that lets the character steal spells from other classes. I demand you bear with me, 'cause even though I write this fuckin blog and spend an amount of time meticulously researching power builds, I've never played a bloodrager so different spells're for different playstyles. By level, with a short explanation for each one, here're the spells my build of this character ends up with:
Lvl. 4
1st- Long Arm (10' reach is great, and even better with Combat Reflexes)
Windy Escape (an invaluable early-game spell- immediate-action 10/magic DR against an attack for emergencies. keep in mind that most creatures using natural attacks, even late game, don't have magic ones)
Lvl. 5
1st- Feather Fall (pretty cute emergency utility spell for the barbarian to have)
Lvl. 6
1st- Cheetah's Sprint (swift-action change your base land speed to 400' in a straight line, for emergency chases or getaways)
Lvl. 7
1st- [Bloodline] Shield (a nice-enough bloodline spell, since you can't use a shield due to archetype and Dervish Dance limitations)
2nd- Animal Aspect (a neat spell that gives you a climb or swim speed equal to 1/2 your land speed)
See Invisibility (extremely important when it's important)
[Adopted, Bard] Heroism (with Adopted Magic you can get this a spell level early with the same effects! 70 minutes of +2 to all the important stuff)
Lvl. 8
2nd- Glitterdust (an invaluable spell, meant to negate invisibility in a wide area, good combo with See Invisibility after you can cast spells for free when raging to reveal an invisible enemy in one round and still move)
Lvl. 9
1st- Stone Shield (this isn't meant to be used as it's described- you're not really trying to protect yourself from an enemy's attack. the cover applies to whoever, so this is for the wizard behind you to cast without being counterspelled, or the rogue behind you to scramble away- opportunities they didn't have that you can give them as an immediate action)
2nd- Mindshock (has fantastic synergy with level 11's Advanced Divine Fighting Technique, letting you swing for lethal damage while still dealing non-lethal to heal yourself, with the added bonus of 1 round confusion on a critical hit)
Lvl. 10
2nd- [Bloodline] Blur (neat but hopefully unneccessary due to crazy AC)
3rd- Fly (you can fly on your own power! a wizard's had Overland Flight for a level, but it's good to be able to do it yourself and at the same level as a regular barbarian with Greater Elemental Blood)
Haste (wizards have been able to cast this for five levels by now, but it's good to have redundant options when the outcome is as good as Haste)
[Adopted, Bard] Arcane Concordance (this is more for you than your allies, adding metamagic to spells cast in a 10' radius. errata's weird- it mentions it boosts your allies but in the next sentence it says "any creature that casts a spell" so you'd wanna clear that up before charging into melee with this effect on)
Lvl. 11
3rd- Wind Wall (it's not your role, deflecting arrows and stuff, but it's not a bad thing to save your spellcaster an action, especially since it automatically deflects ALL arrows and bolts)
Lvl. 12
1st- True Strike (you're about to get Dimensional Blade, but this has its uses for when you absolutely have to hit something. at this level you auto-cast a spell when you enter rage, which is a free action, so a +20 attack in addition to your physical stat boost is comparable if not better to/than the barbarian rage power Strength Surge. that's, like, what True Strike was made for.)
2nd- Iron Skin (scaling 1 minute/level natural AC boost, up to +7 at 15th level)
3rd- Greater Magic Weapon (currently +3! to add special abilities, of course)
Lvl. 13
3rd- [Bloodline] Protection From Energy (another alright redundancy bloodline spell)
4th- Caustic Blood (pretty serious action economy IF you're getting hit since it sprays acid every single time you're hit)
Dimensional Blade (it's the Brilliant special ability as a spell! especially neat because it's EVERY attack in the round you use it)
[Adopted, Magus] Greater Invisibility (hell the fuck yeah, invisible barbarian)
Lvl. 14
4th- Flash Forward (Flash Forward's a conditionally-useful spell meant to be used as a surprise action, since it lets you standard-action perform a full charge rather than the truncated version and zap back if you want to, which you almost certainly do because otherwise you're trading one attack for opening an enemy up for performing a full attack)
Lvl. 15
2nd- Stone Discus (at this level, it's a ranged attack with a range of 60' dealing 4d6x3 bludgeoning or slashing damage that counts as adamantine, just for an additional alternative attack method)
3rd- Locate Weakness (especially useful next level, when every critical threat's a critical hit)
4th- Touch Of Slime (this is mostly here because it's PERMANENT- if you ever have a leftover 4th-level slot before going to sleep, cast Touch Of Slime on your non-sword hand and it stays ready forever until you use it)
Lvl. 16
4th- [Bloodline] Freedom Of Movement (and ANOTHER alright redundancy bloodline spell)
[Adopted, Magus] Forceful Strike (this is the kinda thing you combo with True Strike to be certain you bull rush a demon back into a summoning circle, or something)
Lvl. 18
3rd- Gloomblind Bolts (these're here because they're like a Stone Discus but their description doesn't give their damage a type for some reason? so, 4d6x3 untyped damage with a ranged touch attack with a range of 280 ft., which is really really good even though it's not what this character's built to do. there's a Reflex save, but it's only to negate a blindness effect and does not affect the damage)
4th- Horrific Doubles (I just think this spell's cute, though probly not worth casting unless you've got high DCs somehow. at level 20, you can apply any spell as part of your rage, so it's sorta neat to imagine getting mad and suddenly there's eight of you and they're all spooky)
Lvl. 19
4th- [Adopted, Bard] Mass Heroic Fortune (this is here because it's 1000GP total to give one Hero Point to an infinite amount of creatures as long as they're each 30ft. or less apart and I was sort of imagining, as a 19th-level character, you're pretty down with ridiculous shenanigans)
Lvl. 20
1st- [Swap out Windy Escape] Wave Shield (does the same thing at this level but better, not that it matters at all by now)
Geez; that's a ton of fucking words and damn, I'm good at this. And hey, thanks for reading it!
This build created in January of 2017, and kinda fucked with May of 2017.
Bloodrager, Destined
(Primalist, Urban Bloodrager), Level 20
[Must be Chaotic Good
and worship Sarenrae]
Race: Human, +2 DEX
(+1 Hit Point/+1 Skill Point/+1 to rounds of bloodrage per day)
Racial Traits
Fey Magic: Urban (Fly and Use Magic Device become class
skills; can cast Detect Poison, Mending, Light, and Longstrider at character
level once each per day within urban environment)
Shadowhunter (free Iron Will feat; can always hit
incorporeal creatures for ½ damage as if attacks were magical; +2 to saves
removing negative levels; heal 2 ability score damage per day if source was
Low-Light Vision
Character Traits/Drawbacks
Combat: Threatening Defender (Combat Expertise penalty to attack
reduced by one)
Faith: Fate’s Favored (+1 to any luck bonuses)
Religion(Sarenrae): Blade Of Mercy (Do not take -4 for
attacking with slashing weapons as non-lethal, +1 non-lethal damage when
attacking with slashing weapons as non-lethal)
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Craft (Any),
Diplomacy, Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Local), Linguistics,
Perception, Profession (Any), Ride, Spellcraft, Swim, and Use Magic Device.
Known Languages:
1: Bloodrager, Destined (Primalist, Urban Bloodrager) 1
(d10 Hit Die), +1 Hit Point
Saves: +5/+3/+3
New Feats: Simple and Martial Weapon
Proficiencies, Light and Medium Armor Proficiencies, Bloodrager Arcane Spell
Failure, Destined Bloodline, Controlled Bloodrage, Fast Movement, Destined
Strike 3/day, [Shadowhunter] Iron Will, [1st Level Feat] Weapon
Finesse, [Anti-Hero] Combat Expertise Skills(5): Acrobatics, Climb, Perception,
Swim, Use Magic Device
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 7 rounds per day / +4 between STR,
DEX, and CON.
2: Bloodrager, Destined (Primalist, Urban Bloodrager) 2,
+1 Hit Point
Saves: +6/+3/+3
New Feats: Uncanny Dodge
Skills(5): Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge
(Local), Perception, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 9 rounds per day / +4 between STR,
DEX, and CON.
3: Bloodrager, Destined (Primalist, Urban Bloodrager) 3,
+1 Hit Point
Saves: +6/+4/+4
New Feats: Restrained Magic, [3rd
Level Feat] Dervish Dance
Perception, Perform (Dance), Perform (Dance), Use Magic Device
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 11 rounds per day / +4 between STR,
DEX, and CON.
4: Bloodrager, Destined (Primalist, Urban Bloodrager) 4,
+1 Hit Point
Increased Ability Score: DEX +1
Saves: +9/+6/+6
New Feats: Blood Casting, Bloodrager
Spellcasting, Eschew Materials, Fated Bloodrager +1 (+2 with Fate’s Favored
Perception, Use Magic Device, +3 others
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 13 rounds per day / +4 between STR,
DEX, and CON; can still cast Bloodrager spells.
5: Bloodrager, Destined (Primalist, Urban Bloodrager) 5,
+1 Hit Point
Saves: +9/+6/+6
New Feats: Improved Uncanny Dodge, [5th
Level Feat] Combat Reflexes
Perception, Use Magic Device, +3 others
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 15 rounds per day / +4 between STR,
DEX, and CON; can still cast Bloodrager spells.
6: Bloodrager, Destined (Primalist, Urban Bloodrager) 6,
+1 Hit Point
Saves: +10/+7/+7
New Feats: [Bloodline Feat] Weapon Focus:
Perception, Use Magic Device, +3 others
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 17 rounds per day / +4 between STR,
DEX, and CON; can still cast Bloodrager spells.
7: Bloodrager, Destined (Primalist, Urban Bloodrager) 7,
+1 Hit Point
Saves: +12/+7/+7
New Feats: Adopted Magic (7th), [7th
Level Feat] Great Fortitude
Perception, Use Magic Device, +3 others
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 19 rounds per day / +4 between STR,
DEX, and CON; can still cast Bloodrager spells.
8: Bloodrager, Destined (Primalist, Urban Bloodrager) 8,
+1 Hit Point
Increased Ability Score: DEX +1
Saves: +14/+9/+8
New Feats: Fated Bloodrager +2 (+3 with Fate’s
Favored bonus), [Primalist Rage Powers] Savage Intuition and Superstition
Heal, Heal, Heal, Perception, Use Magic Device
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 21 rounds per day / +4 between STR,
DEX, and CON; can still cast Bloodrager spells; +4 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all spells;
can always rage at beginning of first round of combat.
9: Bloodrager, Destined (Primalist, Urban Bloodrager) 9,
+1 Hit Point
Saves: +14/+10/+9
New Feats: [Bloodline Feat] Endurance, [9th
Level Feat] Improved Critical: Scimitar
Heal, Heal, Heal, Perception, Use Magic Device
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 23 rounds per day / +4 between STR,
DEX, and CON; can still cast Bloodrager spells; +4 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; can always rage at beginning of first round of combat.
10: Bloodrager, Destined (Primalist, Urban Bloodrager) 10,
+1 Hit Point
Saves: +15/+10/+9
New Feats: Adopted Magic (10th)
Fly, Heal, Heal, Perception, Use Magic Device
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 25 rounds per day / +4 between STR,
DEX, and CON; can still cast Bloodrager spells; +4 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; can always rage at beginning of first round of combat.
11: Bloodrager, Destined (Primalist, Urban Bloodrager) 11,
+1 Hit Point
Saves: +15/+10/+9
New Feats: Greater (Urban) Bloodrage, [11th
Level Feat] Advanced Divine Fighting Technique: Way Of The Merciful
Fly, Heal, Heal, Perception, Use Magic Device
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 27 rounds per day / +6 between STR,
DEX, and CON; can still cast Bloodrager spells; +4 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; can always rage at beginning of first round of combat; can cast one
spell of 2nd level or lower automatically which lasts for the
duration of rage unless its duration is one round.
12: Bloodrager, Destined (Primalist, Urban Bloodrager) 12,
+1 Hit Point
Increased Ability Score: CHA +1
Saves: +17/+12/+11
New Feats: Destined Strike 5/day, Fated
Bloodrager +3 (+4 with Fate’s Favored bonus), [Bloodline Feat] Diehard,
[Primalist Rage Powers] Come And Get Me and Good For What Ails You
Fly, Fly, Fly, Perception, Use Magic Device
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 29 rounds per day / +6 between STR,
DEX, and CON; can still cast Bloodrager spells; +5 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; can always rage at beginning of first round of combat; can cast one
spell of 2nd level or lower automatically which lasts for the
duration of rage unless its duration is one round; can open up to attacks to
incur one higher-priority attack of opportunity per attack made; can drink
alcohol to reroll saving throw against most conditions.
13: Bloodrager, Destined (Primalist, Urban Bloodrager) 13,
+1 Hit Point
Saves: +17/+12/+11
New Feats: Adopted Magic (13th), [13th
Level Feat] Arcane Strike (currently +3)
Fly, Fly, Fly, Perception, Use Magic Device
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 31 rounds per day / +6 between STR,
DEX, and CON; can still cast Bloodrager spells; +5 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; can always rage at beginning of first round of combat; can open up to
attacks to incur one higher-priority attack of opportunity per attack made; can
drink alcohol to reroll saving throw against most conditions.
14: Bloodrager, Destined (Primalist, Urban Bloodrager) 14,
+1 Hit Point
Saves: +18/+12/+11
New Feats: Indomitable Will
Fly, Fly, Fly, Perception, Use Magic Device
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 33 rounds per day / +6 between STR,
DEX, and CON; can still cast Bloodrager spells; +5 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; can always rage at beginning of first round of combat; can open up to
attacks to incur one higher-priority attack of opportunity per attack made; can
drink alcohol to reroll saving throw against most conditions.
15: Bloodrager, Destined (Primalist, Urban Bloodrager) 15,
+1 Hit Point
Saves: +18/+13/+12
New Feats: (Arcane Strike damage increases to
+4), [Bloodline 15th] Improved Initiative, [15th Level
Feat] Surge Of Success
Fly, Fly, Fly, Perception, Use Magic Device
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 35 rounds per day / +6 between STR,
DEX, and CON; can still cast Bloodrager spells; +5 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; can always rage at beginning of first round of combat; can open up to
attacks to incur one higher-priority attack of opportunity per attack made; can
drink alcohol to reroll saving throw against most conditions.
16: Bloodrager, Destined (Primalist, Urban Bloodrager) 16,
+1 Hit Point
Ability Score: DEX +1 (21)
Saves: +20/+14/+13
New Feats: Adopted Magic (16th),
Fated Bloodrager +4 (+5 with Fate’s Favored bonus), Unstoppable
Fly, Fly, Perception, Use Magic Device, +1 other
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 37 rounds per day / +6 between STR,
DEX, and CON; can still cast Bloodrager spells; +6 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; can always rage at beginning of first round of combat; can open up to
attacks to incur one higher-priority attack of opportunity per attack made; can
drink alcohol to reroll saving throw against most conditions.
17: Bloodrager, Destined (Primalist, Urban Bloodrager) 17,
+1 Hit Point
Saves: +20/+14/+13
New Feats: Tireless Bloodrage, [17th
Level Feat] Riving Strike
Fly, Perception, Use Magic Device, +2 others
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 39 rounds per day / +6 between STR,
DEX, and CON; can still cast Bloodrager spells; +6 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; can always rage at beginning of first round of combat; can open up to
attacks to incur one higher-priority attack of opportunity per attack made; can
drink alcohol to reroll saving throw against most conditions; no fatigue
penalty afterward.
18: Bloodrager, Destined (Primalist, Urban Bloodrager) 18,
+1 Hit Point
Saves: +21/+17/+14
New Feats: [Bloodline Feat] Lightning Reflexes
Fly, Perception, Use Magic Device, +2 others
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 41 rounds per day / +6 between STR,
DEX, and CON; can still cast Bloodrager spells; +6 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; can always rage at beginning of first round of combat; can open up to
attacks to incur one higher-priority attack of opportunity per attack made; can
drink alcohol to reroll saving throw against most conditions; no fatigue
penalty afterward.
19: Bloodrager, Destined (Primalist, Urban Bloodrager) 19,
+1 Hit Point
Saves: +21/+17/+14
New Feats: Adopted Magic (19th), [19th
Level Feat] Blooded Arcane Strike
Fly, Perception, Use Magic Device, +2 others
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 43 rounds per day / +6 between STR,
DEX, and CON; can still cast Bloodrager spells; +6 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; can always rage at beginning of first round of combat; can open up to
attacks to incur one higher-priority attack of opportunity per attack made; can
drink alcohol to reroll saving throw against most conditions; no fatigue
penalty afterward; Riving/Arcane Strike is automatically applied to all attacks.
20: Bloodrager, Destined (Primalist, Urban Bloodrager) 20,
+1 Hit Point
Ability Score: DEX +1 (22)
Saves: +23/+19/+15
New Feats: (Arcane Strike damage increases to
+5), Fated Bloodrager +5 (+6 with Fate’s Favored bonus), Victory Or Death, Mighty
(Urban) Bloodrage
Fly, Perception, Use Magic Device, +2 others
Base Rage Frequency/Effects: 45 rounds per day / +8 between STR,
DEX, and CON; can still cast Bloodrager spells; +7 to all saving throws against
spells/spell-like abilities/supernatural effects, must attempt to resist all
spells; can always rage at beginning of first round of combat; can open up to
attacks to incur one higher-priority attack of opportunity per attack made; can
drink alcohol to reroll saving throw against most conditions; no fatigue
penalty afterward; Riving/Arcane Strike is automatically applied to all
How does this build take Combat Expertise? Don't you need 13 I think for that? What am I missing? Love the site and builds by the way.
ReplyDeleteaw, you're right. that was a dumb mistake. thanks!
Deletealso I'm seein' Piranha Strike's inapplicable 'cause it's light weapons only and Dervish Dance doesn't make it light. I'm looking back over and fixing it now!
13 intelligence is what I mean.
ReplyDeletefixed! did a lot of stuff- the build's actually better now except for havin 7 STR, which can be mitigated with rage the first couple levels and ignored from level 3 forward.